This video was shared on the Instagram account of @the_typical-liberal and posted by Machiavelli/X, who wants to know its author is, so he can credit her.

Note, that the claim is that was only one shooter and it was Thomas Crooks.



This is the area we’re going to focus in on. Here you can see the three victims that were injured by gunfire and where they were standing in the bleachers. We’re going to turn around and demonstrate exactly where these bullets came from.

This model represents Thomas Crooks. His position can be seen here in this image which illustrates exactly where he was. Turning around we can see the path of all the bullets that were fired from this location.

I placed a 10-foot red disc downrange to represent what an average shooter could hit easily. Now let’s take a look at this first shot fired. Coming from our key location, bullet one grazes President Trump’s ear.

This is the same bullet that hit the spectator in the stands. We know this through video evidence. As President Trump is talking, the first shot rings out just after he says, take a look at what happened.

We can see the vapor trail of a bullet strike which is the bullet that struck President Trump’s ear a split second earlier and this video is this location here.

Back at the podium, President Trump is shot and grabs his ear, falling to the ground as more shots rang out. In total, there were seven or eight shots.

So let’s rewind and watch this at regular speed. Take a look what happened. With all that gunfire, it’s easy to understand how these spectators were injured, even though they were not the target, including the sole spectator who lost his life that day.

As we circle around, we can see how all the paths of the bullets were hitting in the location of this forklift machine, causing one of the hydraulic hoses to burst.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • John Cullen’s video showed a guy on the left side of the bleachers getting hit FIRST and which is nowhere near ANY of her trajectories. Did she help on the Vegas coverup also? (Apparently what I just said made your comment editor go crazy cuz it just stopped letting me edit for a minute; prolly genius AEYE sending a report on me to lower my social credit score 200 points.) anyway, I’m calling bullsh!t on her analysis, bullets or no bullets.

    P.s. the NYTimes photo was also bullsh!t.

  • Alexandra,

    The plane of trajectory
    appears ( mistakenly )
    level, rather than
    upward—as that
    NYT’s photo of the
    round, hitting Trump,
    shows an upward

    Also, ever try crawling
    on a HOT metal roof,
    which explains video of
    Cook not crawling, but
    getting up off the roof
    two times, lifting his
    entire body (( might ex-
    plain why his body was
    not up at the ridge of
    that building, but several
    feet below it )) ?

    Can anyone say :




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