Doug Mills was The New York Times reporter who captured the bullet whizzing past Trump’s head. He was using the kind of camera and settings that you would use to capture live-fire action – such as an exploding head.

Mills was using a Sony A1 and 24mm f/1.4 GM. He took these photos with a shutter speed of 1/8,000th of a second, which is the the realm of photosonics or super high-speed photography, as seen in those many videos of watermelons being shot by high caliber wewapons and drops of milk forming “crowns” of droplets, at tens of thousands of frames per second.

In other words, the shutter speed he was using was nowhere in the realm of regular photojournalism and it may be that Mills was going for another Pulitzer with the ultimate “exploding head shot” of a Presidential Candidate, to permanently out-do and re-rank the JFK Assassination.

This would indicate Mills’ foreknowledge of the hit, similar to the put options that were filed.

To investigate this question, MJTruth suggested that one might:

• Examine any and all Video footage of the Photographer, Doug Mills, at least 1-2 minutes before the shot. 

– check body language.

– how many images did he capture leading up to THAT moment?

– was he ultra focused in the moments leading up to the shots?

• How many times has Doug Mills photographed at a Trump rally?

– apply that same question to other cameramen & photographers.

• Who made the decision to send Doug Mills there? 

– climb the ladder.

• How common is it for these kinds of cameras and these settings used to capture rally speeches, where the “object” being photographed is standing still?

– Trump campaign photographers can weigh in easily on this, or maybe even Gene Ho.

• Why were all legacy media outlets showing THIS rally Live? 

– they rarely do that…

– CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and others decided to show THIS rally?

– Find out who gave those outlets the green light to show this rally live. Climb the ladder.

These questions can lead the Trump campaign to answers.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Quotes about Mills in the “The Trump Shooting was of course Staged” paper:

    “Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.
    They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let’s say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.
    The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. [ ]
    So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of — Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc. — Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.”.

    • 8,000 fps is not fast enough to capture that image. More like 32,000 fps or more. I know because I have rented and used cameras that can do this – underwater, no less, back in the day, when I was a music video director.

  • zapruder wannabe mills missed his big chance to cash in on the red mist splat of the century . did he know it was going down and was he sent in for the headshot we would all be terrorized with when they looped it in nonstop until we cried ourselves silly with grief and then anger . so sad the playbook backfired and the losing streak against trumpenstein reaches into double digits . DJT 2.0 is either the luckiest man on the planet or they are fighting against an illusion and losing bigly.


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