by Greg Reese

According to a CNN report, Thomas Crooks purchased a five-foot ladder on his way to the rally and was able to somehow carry this ladder along with his rifle to a building with a direct line of sight to Trump’s podium. A building that was occupied by heavily armed police.

With rifle in hand, Crooks used this ladder to climb the building and was spotted on the rooftop 30 minutes before he opened fire. He was photographed by police and reported twenty-five minutes before the shooting. He was even confronted while on the roof before the shooting.

Bystanders began pointing out Crooks to police a full two minutes before he opened fire. The defensive sniper detail was looking directly at him a full forty seconds before he opened fire, and allowed him to fire of a few shots before taking him out.

The first shot fired grazed Trump’s right ear as he turned his head towards the shooter. Had he not turned his head, he would have been murdered on live television.

According to a classmate, Crooks was shooting competitively as early as his freshman year and was a member of local gun club. So he’s been training with a rifle for at least five years. And the mathematics submitted by Mike Adams and verified by Michael Yon suggest that the shots were fired by Crooks.

So far, Crooks is an enigma which fits the profile of a mind control assassin. But either way, this was undoubtedly an inside job to assassinate president Trump. And leads directly to Mayorkas.

Viktor Orbán has been privately meeting with Ukraine President Zelenskyy, Russian President Putin, and former president Donald Trump to negotiate a peace deal. And Putin recently announced that he is open to discussing this further.

Astrologers have been predicting events around a rare planetary transit occurring on July 15th involving the star Algol, known as the “Demon Star” which represents Medusa’s beheading and is considered to be one of the most violent and unfortunate stars in astrology. And the assassination attempt occurred on the same day as the Bohemian Club’s occult ritual, the Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove, where an effigy is sacrificed in fire.

Whether you call them the Illuminati, the Deep State, or the Synagogue of Satan, they do not want peace. But America lives to fight another day.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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    • Doesn’t want to incriminate himself.

      Apparently, Cheatle went to the RNC but was heckled out of there by Marsha Blackburn LOL

  • I still wonder if there is a mind control component to this. Once I read Kinser’s book from 2019 about MK Ultra and ll the other CIA back room experiments it started to become clear their dubious intent. They were no good right from the start and little more than an enforcement arm of the Deep State .
    Unfortunately I cant remember the name of the book but it’s worth digging for it.

  • Crooks photos remind me of the shoe bomber, the Columbine school shooters and that mysterious kid who allegedly shot up the vacated Sandy Hook school. There is a clip that was aired by ABC showing Crooks laying flat, crawling near the lower edge of the roof and everyone in that area was aware of him there. Surely more cell phone videos than that one were made.

    There is another clip out there which shows Trump in very slow mo cocking his head at an angle just before the arrival of the projectile. Until then I didn’t see what some were talking about because it was too subtle in the previous clips. They were right, his head cocked away from the projectile path just in time to save his pumpkin from being split wide open.

    Bottom line is the Secret Service ignored a perfect shooting platform leaving it unguarded, and another one behind that one unguarded begging for use by any ole sniper who happened in the neighborhood at the time. Plus Biden didn’t relieve the SS chief in charge which would be customary for such a flagrant breach of security and she refuses to step down, so there you have even more reason to suspect more than just what meets the eye.

    After all, the devils were likely all expecting him to be jailed before he could attend this rally. 2+2=?

    • FTM,
      You’re assuming there actually was a bullet anywhere near Trump’s head. I would really like to see all the trajectories AND all the bullets. Could have been an Animatron on that roof. Snipers were definitely not doing what snipers do, so either the SS PURPOSELY dropped their pants in front of the whole world, or there was a bunch of crisis actors brought in to put on a show (like with the J6 movie). It was pointed out that it was a “different” SS crew. Yeah, different like “not real SS”.

      You think Dems are the only ones who can put on a show? All the Zionista work for the same bosses.


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