What if the frontline soldiers of your immune system increased in numbers and your immune system could fight better to protect every cell, tissue and organ in your body?

Glutathione plays a key role in the proper function of T-cell lymphocytes and it stimulates the production of, and
activates, your natural killer (NK) cells.* Sufficient glutathione levels is scientifically studied to help with oxidative
stress, free radicals, toxins and natural inflammation, thereby keeping cells in a healthy state. Raising glutathione levels utilizing Immune Formulation 200® helps fight toxins caused from processed foods, pesticides, air pollution,
chemicals used to dye fabrics and plastics that leach into our foods and bottled drinks. Those flying and in large,
crowded airports and taking cruises would especially benefit by supplementing with Immune Formulation 200® as
an extra safe, precautionary method of supporting their immune system.*

Our bodies absorb toxins continuously in modern times, which causes toxicity and inflammation. Our environment in
these modern times is basically unhealthy. Electromagnetic frequencies from 5G and WiFi all around us, plus air
pollution, along with all the toxins in the highly processed foods we consume and chemicals from dyes in the
clothing we wear are causing stresses on our immune systems. No other time in history has been more toxic than it
is today. Chronic illness is becoming epidemic. Hence, the importance of maintaining our personal health and well-
being by being proactive about our health in order to help combat all of these toxins, pollutants and irritants. 

Sufficient glutathione levels are key to helping the cells and body to resist potential toxicity. Supplementing with Immune Formulation 200® may help with daily stressors and focus. Many athletes utilize glutathione to support
recovery after workouts and build muscle mass.* Google Pub Med and enter glutathione and the name of your
condition to discover more about how glutathione may help support wellbeing.* So strongly tied is glutathione to
health and wellness that scientists can use glutathione levels to predict longevity – quite a testament to its influence
in the body! 

Immune Formulation 200® permits every cell in the body to manufacture its own glutathione which is a
superior way for the cell to receive as much glutathione as is needed without causing over-toxicity.* This innovative
scientific breakthrough is being well-received by scientists and is now available globally to the public as a dietary

The Main Role of Immune Formulation200®
While its main role is as the principle intracellular defense against oxidative damage, adequate glutathione levels are also necessary for optimal function of the following healthy biochemical pathways:  

Detoxification of most toxins in the liver, including alcohol and heavy metals 
• Regulation of cell growth and division*

• Repair and synthesis of DNA   

Immune function, as it is crucial for T-cell proliferation and humoral immune response (the immune response against bacterial invasion) 
• Recycling of Vitamin E and Vitamin C   

Natural defense of eye and skin against solar radiation 
What Causes Glutathione Deficiency?
Glutathione levels decrease as we age because our bodies become less efficient in replenishing glutathione
However, research has shown that healthy elderly individuals over 90 years old may have similar glutathione levels
to much younger adults, and considerably higher than other aged subjects 70-99 years old without replenishment. 
These limited results have led researchers to postulate healthy glutathione levels to longevity.*
In addition to aging, glutathione deficiency has been seen in over 90 health conditions and common stresses to the
body, including: Obesity – Menopause – Smoking – Alcohol – Daily Stress – Emotional Stress – Pollution & Toxins – notably, the graphene oxide and other nefarious ingredients found in the COVID Jab.

To order Immune Formulation200®, click HERE or on the image below:

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is  not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I know you need to feed your starving babies, dear, but… I did a little poking around and the usual serving size of glutamine seemed to be the like 5 grams.

    • This is not glutamine – or glutathione – this is a patented precursor, that is not NAC.

      • Dear AB,
        In 2012, Dr Crum apparently patented combining 3 precursors (glycine, glutamine, & cystine) of glutathione. Those 3 (along with a bit of selenium) are the only ingredients shown on the “Supplement Facts” list. There is no “patented precursor” (of those 3 glutathione precursors) in the product. And the amount of glutamine doesn’t appear adequate to be much help, as is anecdotally confirmed by the 1-star reviews of the product on Amazon.(I always read the 1-star reviews on any product I’m investigating, cuz nobody is going to have a bot crank out bad reviews.)

  • I wish I could buy it here but I don’t do PayPal especially since they let some thief steal thousands from my bank account. I hope you can add credit cards because I bought some and tried it yesterday and I can see and feel a difference from just one dose. Like switching to liposomal C from regular C.

    • Hi Pam, I forwarded your feedback to the company’s owner and he thanks your for writing in and this is what he responded:

      “Alexandra, Thank you! FYI – I accept credit cards not only Pay Pal. They simply enter the credit card info in the Pay Pal section and their payment is processed on their credit card.

      “Re: feeling a difference, please respond to the buyer the reason the feel the difference is because ProImmune is NOT glutathione! Glutathione products including Liposomal NEVER penetrates the cell membrane effectively or efficiently!

      “Only the all natural ingredients the PRECURSORS of ProImmune can penetrate the cell membrane and the persons cells themself “replenish” glutathione directly inside the cells! Hence, why ProImmune was researched by $88M and proven to be superior to NAC and any glutathione! Your customer will begin reducing toxins and oxidative stress directly inside cells and that is actually how all chronic illnesses mitigate! Reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and the cells optimize their own health! Please share this and thank her for her feedback🙏🏻”

  • Some years ago when the first wave of Glutathione supplements hit the market, I did my own homework and discovered that ingesting it is a waste of time and money.

    The human body is not capable of absorbing it through the gut, it must manufacture it! All one can do is supplement the internal production of Glutathione and that I found to be of little help.

    One Glutathione product was then gaining rave reviews because it contained carbohydrates! Like energy drinks!

    Has anything changed? I don’t know, I’m a one man band and haven’t the ability to manage the world, especially the world of things people put into their bodies. Whew!

    SGT mentioned vitamin C and EDTA as a purgative for heavy metals and there is something to that. Except there aint no free lunch. EDTA and Zeolite flush more than heavy metals, they flush needed calcium and maganesium so take care of how they’re used.

  • Do you have references for all the benefits you are claiming for this chemical?

    And by the way, melatonin is a far more powerful anti-oxidant contrary to the claim made on this drug package.

    And the fleecing continues with the ignorant and the CODs.

  • It’s just like people do well with different diet for no apparent reasons.
    Keto is a trend these days, but Italians did well with pasta so as Asians with rice.
    Some people could be sensitive to these frequencies while others aren’t.
    You can’t really tell others what they should do for healthier life as each person has different background & status.
    Therefore, rather than over-complicating stuff with these “studies (with many of them being controversial)” plus synthetic supplements / drugs, just do self observation and keep trying what’s proven safe (natural food).
    I can speak for myself as the healthiest person here at my work, I’ve almost never taken any of these synthetic craps (except maybe once when I fell for ivermectin psyop a few yrs ago) regardless of being a heavy tobacco (not cigarettes) smoker since when I was young.

    • John,

      FYI :

      Re : Our Poor Health Keeps Medical Mafia ( my term ) Wealthy

      Even now, the
      Food Industry
      r e m o v i n g
      C H E A P E R-to-U S E /
      ILL-Health-Inducing /
      – it RIPS up Your Arteries—your heart ! – /
      Known-to-be-Deadly :
      T R A N S
      ( hydrogenated Vegetable oils ) !

      See all of those trans-fat soaked
      pizzas on TV ?—see that greasy
      fat glistening off of those pizzas in
      in TV ads, E V E R Y evening ?

      They’re killing you if you eat them.

      And have that rat-poison glass of
      FLUORIDATED water with that
      greasey pizza – or any soda or
      beer made using fluoridated
      water – to keep your brain foggy
      and your I.Q. plunging, not to
      mention keeping your dentist and
      physician wealthy—the former
      attends to your damaged teeth
      ( from fluoride ); and the latter,
      t your bones made brittle ( from
      fluoride ).

      The American Heart Association
      Was Paid-Off By Procter & Gamble
      —To Say :;”Heart Disease is Caused
      By Saturated Fat,” Not its actual
      C A U S E : Sugar.

      Heart-Disease Research
      Results :


      • You’re right about poisons & sugar.
        Aside from these studies, I’ve experimented myself with / without sugar long enough (at least 6 months each), the latter definitely wins hands down.
        With sugar, I often got skin rashes, red eye & mucus issues, for example.
        That being said, I understand it may be difficult for many people to stay on sugar free diet; therefore, say take natural form (fruits) then, but don’t overdo (speaking in general here though there are also many other factors such as mental state, environment, amount of exercise and so on).
        And like I mentioned earlier, it’s important to do self-observation / experimentation as some people are more / less tolerant to it.
        Speaking of Olive Oil, it’s a good stuff though not that essential as you could supposedly substitute with carnivore diet + animal fats, & beware of fake olive oils + it’s preferable to take it unheated.


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