Last month, many in the Alternatve Media and in the Health Freedom Movement celebrated when the World Health Organization’s dread Pandemic Treaty was tabled after the member states were unable to come to an agreement. People rejoiced that a treaty that would have nullified the national sovereignty of our countries had been shut down.

However, as James Roguski warned us last week, “The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat.”

James joins Noor Bin Ladin’s podcast to discuss the key amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which were adopted a few days ago in Geneva at the World Health Assembly.

Those key amendments can be found in Articles 1, 12, 13, 44 and 44bis in the document, which James urges us to read.

James says the main focus of the new amendments was to create a financial mechanism to fund and facilitate the increased manufacturing/distribution of poisonous products – and furthermore, to transform the legal status of these products into that that of a “Global Public Good” (a term coined by the Bank for International Settlements).

As James says:

“This is designed to turn poison into a “Global Public Good”. They want diagnostic tests and drugs and jabs to flow like water from a faucet, in geographically-distributed manufacturing. They’ve set up a coordinated financial mechanism…

“And it feeds into what I think is really the deal, here. They want to be able to scare people to say there’s somethinghorrible going on and have already in place, with the distribution and logistics, all of the jabs and drugs and tests flowing like water, these “Global Public Goods” ready to go, so that when your local officials who didn’t need any agreement or treaty to abuse you over the last four and a half years, they’ve already practiced the drill. They know how to overstep their authority and coerce people and trick people into being afraid and lining up to get their jabs or their tests or whatever.”

He continues, “This is trickery. And so, if you look at what they’re really, really doing, they want to feed the beast that made them an awful lot of money over the last four and a half years, transferred wealth, as you said, ‘Degrade your health to increase their wealth.’ We have to wise up to the game.”

In other words, they want a new money-laundering mechanism – which, he says should make you mad – but there’s a Silver Lining, in that we now know their plan and can get to work on stopping it.

Or as James says:

“They’ve laid their cards on the table. We now get to see exactly what they plan. They plan to, at some point in the future, have a meeting of the Implementation Committee to decide how they’re going to build their coordinating financial mechanism. We need to focus like a laser beam on the fact that we now have their blueprint. You should not be afraid. You should be [nonviolently] enraged.”

James says that the original driver of these new IHR amendements was “equity”. The non-woke significance of “equity” is money and these new amendments would provide financing to Third World leaders, so they can get in on the grift that made billionaires out people in the China, the US and the EU.

The new amendments would provide a financial mechanism for leaders in poor countries to receive money directly, so they can manufacture PPE, invasive swabs, invalid PCR tests and – of course – more bioweapons. It would allow these leaders to get more hands-on in the democide of their own people, by always having an ample supply of bioweapons at their disposition – to say nothing of extra cash to buy villas and megayachts.

James notes that last year, the WHO told Bangladesh and Africa, that they didn’t want to be in charge of this, because it would bring a lot of liability down upon them, so they told them to come up with a better idea. Quoting from James:

So their better idea, in Article 13, and 44 and 44a is, “Well, let’s just have an office that goes looking for money, and helps you build out all of that infrastructure, so that you can make your own poison, you can make your own biological weapons, and you can profit from that. We’ll help you do that. They got they got more than they asked for...”

Still, James remains confident about the future, saying, “This should not make you afraid. Anybody out there fear-mongering about, “Oh! the WHO is going to come knocking on your door with their goons and force!” – No. They’re the World Hypnosis Organization. They’ve tricked the vast majority of the Alternative Media and the Health Freedom Movement to be barking up the wrong tree!



James Roguski: I’m going to do my best to keep this as concise as possible because everybody has limited time in the world. It’s an age-old rule, follow the money. This is about money…

What’s gone on with this document is really interesting, because some of the most important pieces, their nomenclature is such that the amendments to the document were supposed to be put in bold print, but there’s a paragraph and there’s a whole article that are new, but they magically forgot to put them in bold print, so if people are looking at these documents, looking for, well, what’s new? What did they change? What’s bold? 

And it’s got to do with the money. So let me just cut right straight to the chase. From the beginning of all of this, you’ve probably heard the word “equity”.

All of the delegates from the smaller nations, relatively poor nations, were saying that they did not feel that they were treated fairly. They did not get equitable access to pandemic-related products. They wanted the amendments to the international health regulations to ensure that the IHR was predicated on “equity”.

They changed basic articles about the core fundamental reason for doing this, and they inserted “equity”. Well, equity is money. 

And so, if you go to articles 44 and article 44bis … number one, it says, “A coordinating financial mechanism is hereby established.” 

That is the point. If people are out there in the Alternative Media or the Health Freedom Movement saying, “Yay! we won!” you know, “The WHO has been defeated!” it’s because everybody’s been barking up the wrong tree.

It was not about an attack on national sovereignty. It was not about Tedros, you know, doing a coup to take over your healthcare system and tell you to be, you know, locked down and jabbed and wear masks or any of that sort of thing. I hope you didn’t fall for the decoy.

Follow the money. Now, what they want to do in here, you actually have to look at another paragraph that they conveniently did not put in bold. It’s the committee for the implementation of these new amendments.

And it says, “The committee shall adopt at its first meeting by consensus, terms of reference, which means, you know, this is how they’re going to operate, for the coordinating financial mechanism that was established in article 44bis” 

…In December of 2022, our Congress passed and Joe Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA. And they pledged $5 billion to the pandemic fund.

In 2023, they dished out a couple of hundred million dollars to 37 different nations to start building out the infrastructure. Now, what is that infrastructure? Well, if you go to Article 13 on page 12, paragraph 8C, it says that the director general shall support states parties, which means nations, in scaling up and geographically diversifying the production of relevant health products. Well, that begs the question, what are relevant health products? Well, in Article 1, it defines them primarily as drugs and diagnostics, the things that they stick up your nose to trick you into thinking that you have a problem and the only problem you’re going to get from that is they might have damaged very tender tissue right next to your brain – or all of the jabs, that they claim are what is needed to prevent, prepare for and respond to some outbreak of disease.

Well, the reality of it is, prior to all of these negotiations happening, Tedros talked about how they want to make, at the time they referred to them as “pandemic-related products” and they changed that in this last draft to be “relevant health products”. He said that they wanted those to be a “Global public Good”.

…I had to look up the phrase, I admit, I was like, what exactly is that? Well, a “Global Public Good” is something that is infinitely available to everyone. Think sunshine, the air that you breathe. You can bask in the Sun or hyperventilate all you want and I still have access to the Sun and I can breathe…If you go down to the ocean and you get a bucket of water, that doesn’t mean that I won’t be able to get a bucket of water. There’s plenty for everybody. There’s enough for everyone…

The whole purpose of these [IHR] negotiations has NOT been an attack on national sovereignty. It has not been an attempt to set up Tedros to, you know, determine whether or not you should be locked down or jabbed or mask-wearing or anything.

This is designed to turn poison into a “Global Public Good”. They want diagnostic tests and drugs and jabs to flow like water from a faucet, in geographically-distributed manufacturing. They’ve set up a coordinated financial mechanism.

Now that’s not necessarily a fund. They haven’t defined how it’s going to work. But my vision of what it is they’re trying to do here, is that there will be an office in the WHO, that if you’re an oligarch somewhere and you want to get hooked up and build a manufacturing plant or a laboratory or, you know, do testing or whatever it might be, or – and this is one that really caught my eye – you have to go to page 31, 2C, I’m sorry, 2E, where they will “leverage voluntary monetary contributions for organizations and other entities that are supporting states parties.”

What does that really mean? Well, my awareness of that was fostered by why do they have 400 relevant stakeholders listed, and they allow them to participate in these meetings? You know, but the representatives of these non-government agencies, non-state actors, foundations, you know, civil society organizations, why were they so interested in, you know, the success of these negotiations?

Well, that thing I just read; they want to “leverage voluntary monetary contributions for these organizations”. So, you know, think Planned Parenthood, or Doctors Without Borders, or the Rotary International that, you know, donates tens of millions of dollars every year to the WHO.

These organizations make up the third leg of what I refer to as, you know, a 21st century upgrade to fascism. Whether or not Benito Mussolini truly did say that fascism is a combination of government and corporations, you know, working to take advantage of the people. There’s been a third leg added to that to make it unbelievably stable, and I think deceptive. And it falls under the idea of “public-private partnerships”. When your government is partnering with corporations, or these non-government organizations, the Gates Foundation, good things don’t happen.

Money gets laundered. And what the top officials want, but they can’t do, because they’re constrained by constitutional rules, or rights, or whatever it might be, they just hire somebody to do it for them. And this is what we’re dealing with in this document.

So my take on what happened on June 1st, you know, not quite in the middle of the night, but very late in the evening, after so many people were done celebrating our victory, we got our butts whooped. And they got more than they wanted, because originally, Bangladesh and the African nations submitted amendments to Article 13. And they said, you know, we didn’t get access to the products that we felt we deserve, you know, even though they harm people, let’s just ignore that.

We would like to set it up where the Director General could tell country A, well, you manufacture this and give it to country B, because they need it. They wanted an allocation mechanism. They wanted a Marxist philosophy of, let’s put a totalitarian dictator in charge of the means of production, distribution and logistics.

Well, unless you read the 97-page International Health Regulations Review Committee report that came out more than a year ago, on February 6th, 2023, where the expert panel from the WHO said to, you know, Bangladesh and Africa, no, we don’t want to be in charge of that. That’s going to bring a bunch of liability down upon us, you got to come up with a better idea.

So their better idea, in Article 13, and 44 and 44a is, “Well, let’s just have an office that goes looking for money, and helps you build out all of that infrastructure, so that you can make your own poison, you can make your own biological weapons, and you can profit from that. We’ll help you do that. That’s they got they got more than they asked for.

Noor Bin Ladin: I think, if I may just interject, you know, everybody’s been focusing on the word “sovereignty” and the word that we’re looking for here is “coordination”. The WHO is a body that is that is tasked with coordinating this distribution, and as they refer to it themselves, this mechanism, whereby Big Pharma can extend its reach across the globe and continue poisoning people on an unprecedented scale. And I would like to quote you back to you.

But if we had to summarize it in one sentence, which you know, you’ve you’ve come up with, which I think is so spot-on, James: “All of this is about our decreased health, and their increased wealth.”

James Roguski: I’ll give a shout out to Catherine Austin Fitts, who, over and above Big Pharma, she talks about “Mr Global”, you know, all of the financial control to govern Big Pharma, to wag the tail of the WHO, to set up an office in the WHO, to coordinate oligarchs who want to profit from your pain. That is what they accomplished in these negotiations.

And I want everyone to not believe a word I say. I’m just a carpenter, right? You know, the furniture. Before I started doing this, I was rescuing abandoned furniture from people who were moving out of Los Angeles, fixing it up and selling it. And I fell down into the WHO rabbit hole.

So what do I know? Okay, but I can read. And you know, somebody told me at one point, “Jim, you know, how did you get involved in this? And what do you do? And when were you born? And, and under what sign of the zodiac were you born?”

Well, I was born in April. So I’m a Taurus and I know bullshit when I step in it!

Noor Bin Ladin: (Laughs) I’m Taurus, too and I also know bullshit when I step in it!

James Roguski: So, This is bullshit, Okay? See it for what it is. Don’t listen to what people tell you they think it is. Make up your own mind. If you agree with me, that’s wonderful. If you don’t, tell me where I’m wrong. And you know, tell me what I need to know. I’m open to correction and other ideas.

This should not make you afraid. Anybody out there fear-mongering about, “Oh! the WHO is going to come knocking on your door with their goons and force!” – No. They’re the World Hypnosis Organization. They’ve tricked the vast majority of the Alternative Media and the Health Freedom Movement to be barking up the wrong tree!

A couple of months ago, I published an article, ‘Red Herrings’. And I said, what if it’s not about this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this? I published an article, ‘Don’t Fall for the Decoy’. And, and, you know, the late, one of the latest ones was, why is everybody barking up the wrong tree? Right?

This is actually a blessing – and while this is a dark cloud, you know, really, with this document, there is a Silver Lining. They wanted to jam through both documents at the same time, they just didn’t have enough time. And so what they were forced to settle for is just the amendments to the regulations.

They’ve laid their cards on the table. We now get to see exactly what they plan. They plan to, at some point in the future, have a meeting of the Implementation Committee to decide how they’re going to build their coordinating financial mechanism. We need to focus like a laser beam on the fact that we now have their blueprint. You should not be afraid. You should be enraged.

Now, I’m a peaceful person, no violence whatsoever. We’re not talking about that, at all. Don’t even come at me with that.

Noor Bin Ladin: No pitchforks?

James Roguski: But rage, okay, if you can contain it, will get you up at four in the morning and get you going and get you working. And so for everyone who’s sitting back on their couch going, “Oh, we won this one, take it easy,” no, now is the time to really get to work and topple this house of cards, before they get a chance to actually build it.

Noor Bin Ladin: James, just one more thing, before we wrap up, because we want to keep it as concise as possible. As you said, can you just also mention Article 12 in relation to Article 13 and the very vague new term, which is “Pandemic Emergency”, as defined in Article 1, and how these three are related with each other – and then how it fits into Article 44bis, just a small circular explanation.

James Roguski: Sure, since 2005, the Director General has been able to declare, pretty much without any data or facts, he gets a notification something’s going on somewhere. And if they deem it an opportunity, he gets to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), “fake”.

The new term is “Pandemic Emergency” and I just call it a “Super Fake”. Okay?

“Oh, be afraid. Be very afraid!” There’s no criteria that said anybody would have ever have had to have died. It’s just propaganda. It’s hypnosis. It’s trickery.

And it feeds into what I think is really the deal, here. They want to be able to scare people to say there’s something horrible going on and have already in place, with the distribution and logistics, all of the jabs and drugs and tests flowing like water, these “Global Public Goods” ready to go, so that when your local officials who didn’t need any agreement or treaty to abuse you over the last four and a half years, they’ve already practiced the drill. They know how to overstep their authority and coerce people and trick people into being afraid and lining up to get their jabs or their tests or whatever.

Those issues are local. This is not an order coming down from the WHO, stepping on your nation’s sovereignty, mandating that you have to do something. This is an excuse. “Oh, well, Tedros said it’s an emergency. So it’s an emergency. So we get to abuse you.”

This is trickery. And so, if you look at what they’re really, really doing, they want to feed the beast that made them an awful lot of money over the last four and a half years, transferred wealth, as you said, “Degrade your health to increase their wealth.” We have to wise up to the game.

And so, you know, if they had chosen to make sunshine and vitamin D and vitamin A and C and zinc and minerals and herbs, they could have said, if anybody gets, you know, if there’s some sort of outbreak or something, everybody gets, you know, a nice little vitamin pack, right?

Well, they did that in some nations and it worked wonderfully. And there’s a lot of pushback against that, because that’s not profitable. That improves your health, but it takes away their wealth.

So what we’re dealing with here and what I call everyone out to do, read the darn documents, understand that whatever you may have heard people say up until the point that this document was made available, anything that came before June 1st, (throw it out the window. It’s old news. A lot of speculation.

We didn’t know what was going to be in the document, but now we have something while it’s not cast in stone, I printed it out and the ink is dry. This is what their plan is. If people are reporting that we won or, you know, hey, don’t worry about it.

It’s benign. It’s nothing, you know, it’s spectacular. You know, this, this, this, this, and this aren’t in there.

I don’t really care. What’s in there is horrific. They got more than they asked for.

They wanted an allocation mechanism and instead they got a coordinating financial mechanism so that they can make all of the products they could possibly ever want to make to poison and harm people. I think I know somebody who’s got a website entitled, we harm others, you know, a play. We hurt others.

Okay. We hurt others is what the WHO does. And that’s the play on the acronym that you’ve got all this information.

People have to understand that while they put nice flowery language and, you know, make it sound like they’re saving the world, they’re coming after your money. And they want to use that to make these horrible products universally available for everything under the sun, all over the world. And if you are not focused on what they actually accomplished and the fact that we got our butts whooped, but we have an advantage now we have their blueprint.

And I don’t know if you’ve ever watched Star Trek, you know, it all, I mean, Star Wars, it started out with R2D2 finding the schematics of the Death Star and Luke Skywalker trusted his, force and dropped a bomb down into the core of it. When we expose what they are actually doing at the heart of the WHO, which is shilling for big pharma to be, you know, putting nations under the control of Mr. Global, then we will be actually going to the root, to the source of what’s going on at the WHO. They don’t want to improve your health.

They want to transfer wealth to their owners. James, thank you so much for, first of all, explaining and deciphering all the nitty gritty details and translating WHO speak for us, because we do really need to be looking at the details and reading the darn documents. And the second thing I wanted to thank you for mentioning this reference, Mr. Global by Catherine Austen Fitz, because it is a great series, a documentary series and associated articles.

And she’s, excuse me, done a tremendous job at explaining the wider or the broader picture. And these people that are putting all of these mechanisms and all these policies and vehicles in place at the end of the day really do seek to harm us, profit off of that harm at the same time. And, you know, I refer to these people as Malthusian psycho freaks.

And what’s been really interesting in researching the WHO and researching, you know, eugenics as a whole throughout the 20th century and even before is that you can draw a straight line between the three fathers of eugenics, you know, Thomas Malthus, Charles Darwin, and Francis Galton. And you can draw it up to today where you had these three, you know, henchmen of, you know, the WHO and the quote, pandemic treaty, namely, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Boris Johnson, all pushing very strongly and urging the WHO and writing these letters, urging member states and pushing member states to get on the same page and finalize an agreement, you know, whether it’s on the IHR or the pandemic accord. And the bottom line, you know, the goal is very much the same and has been the same, which is, you know, poisoning us.

And they make money off of that as well at the same time. It’s really evil and really sick. And thank you for spending so much time immersed, studying and researching and exposing that, you know, we were very blessed, as I wrote in my last Substack article to have you in this fight to push back against all of this.

So I encourage everyone to take this Global Public Good, this video, and spread it around the world. That’s a very easy task. It all starts with awareness.

Now, there’s a saying that the devil is in the details, okay? But the angels will bring awareness and the answers. So be an angel and share this video far and wide. Get people who may have fallen asleep because they thought we won something to wake back up and get back into the fray.

The battle is far from over. It has barely just begun, but we have their blueprint. We know what they want to do.

It’s in writing. Go read it. And, you know, thanks for the time, Norm, and see you soon.

See you very soon. Thank you so much, James, for everything.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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