by MJTruth

Hunter Biden arrived at the Courthouse in Wilmington for jury selection for his gun case.

• Numerous felonies, including collecting millions in violation of FARA

• Money laundering through 20 shell companies

• Tax evasion 2014-2019

• 459 documented crimes on his laptop

This is all he’s on trial for… a complete waste of tax payer funds


JUST IN — From Wendell Husebø:

“Jurors selected for Hunter Biden’s gun trial so far:

#1: Volunteered for Hillary Clinton

#2: Reads The Guardian & CNN

#3: Met John “Jack” Owens, Joe Biden’s brother-in-law, when she was a bartender.

#4: Worked for the Secret Service

#5: Watches far-left “CBS Evening News” every night

#6: Has a concealed carry permit in Delaware and Florida

#7: Pleaded guilty to DUI verdict 

#8: Said she doesn’t think that people who smoke marijuana shouldn’t be allowed to own guns

#9: Says her family members had substance abuse issues. Main source of news is far-left “NBC Nightly News” 

#10: Heard about the case on YouTube

#11: Middle-aged man with three kids

#12: Placed in jury pool

#13: Has strong views on gun ownership

#14: Both of her parents had problems with substance abuse when she was a child, she said, adding that addiction is “a disease.”

#15: ‘Not interested’ in news

#16: Brother was arrested in NYC for selling illegal drugs & was deported”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • is the laptop gonna be introduced in as evidence with sum porn videos of the kiddie banging first crackhead son . the list of offenses is longer than his ….. or willy throw old joe under the short bus of the executive privileged class of .gov gangsters . drug test the judge and jury and livestream the history making trial . the character witnesses testimony should be enough to turn him out that plus prison crack smuggled in from some hoes asscrack should get daddy to pull the pardon and save him .

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