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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Aloha Alexandra:
    I used to live on Maui, until 2016, when I moved to the Big Island to go farming. When Kilauea and the Lower East Rift Zone erupted, the air became so polluted, we couldn’t see the ocean 1/2 mile away.
    It burned my nose, eyes and throat, so I flew back to my family in OK and couched-surfed until I got my own place. I have to tell you: I traveled all over Maui, from sea level to the Haleakala summit; from Kahului to Hana; from Wailuku to Lahaina – hundreds of times. I knew Lahaina very well. Lahaina was destroyed by DEW – governmental DEW. The Gov. already has plans to turn Maui into “15 Minutes Neighborhoods”, etc. The Gov. is crazy in Hawaii . I want to go back, only I do not trust the Government of Hawaii.
    Lahaina was destroyed – planned destruction. I know – I used to live there for years.
    D. Blur (Please change name for protection.)

    • Yep, I’ve had a lot of people tell me the same – that the Hawaiian government is super corrupt. So sad, such a beautiful place.

  • 16 minutes
    Phase Conjugation of Counter Propagating Waves
    You don’t need an army tank to take down MW transmitters (cell towers).
    For 35 years, our military has used Counter Propagating Phase Conjugate waves
    of the same ‘carrier frequency’ for just a few seconds, directing double or more power
    to fry & destroy the offending transmitters.

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