New Years Day Show – Year of the Beast.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • 2024 will be the year for changes – Those that are committed for their direction will achieve it high while others without their direction may get lost easily by things like this psyops, religious or political hypocrisy and such.

  • Rapture theory is false doctrine! Jesus returns ONCE, AFTER Tribulation, with all of the Spirits of His saints not already living upon the earth, transported inside New Jerusalem, The Holy Mountain of God. It’s 1500 miles wide, tall, deep shining brighter than the sun. All of humanity could fit in it. EVERYONE will see it coming like they see a comet. (That’s what the telescopes are for.. looking for New Jerusalem.). Space force will attack it most likely.

    Many saints will be killed / beheaded for refusing “the Mark” & for their testimony of Jesus during Tribulation.
    You may be taken out of the way with death, hidden, or protected by God. But you won’t be “raptured” to heaven.

    Being taken out of the way doesn’t mean a trip to heaven. It could mean a peaceful death BEFORE or during Tribulation, waiting in heaven for the trip back to earth for the Resurrection. It could mean being hidden or led to safety and protected like Israel leaving Egypt.

    According to scripture, NOBODY INHERITS HEAVEN where YHWH Dwells.. that’s HIS HOME.
    Psalms 115:16
    The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but *the earth hath he given to the children of men.*

    YHWH gives the earth to His offspring for an inheritance – AFTER they are perfected & immortal, they enter New Jerusalem, to rule & reign with Jesus. Worthy Gentiles are adopted into the Elohim FAMILY & their birthplace is listed as New Jerusalem in the Book of Life.

    Gentiles cannot enter heaven where YHWH Dwells. They were not born there, It is not their home, and flesh & blood cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. ONLY YHWH’s OFFSPRING who were born in heaven can RETURN to heaven.

    Chapter & verse upon request.

  • For the record, this nonsense that infected the Evangelical churches in the 20th century is called “futurist” eschatology and to keep it simple, prior to that “preterist” and “historicist” eschatology prevailed. For transparency I’m in the historicist camp.

    This got spread into the American general public by futurist Christian television programming and by a video that was produced by fiction writer Jerry Jenikins and Dispensationalist Baptist preacher Tim Lahaye that was mailed to every household in America, titled “Left Behind”. The sensational nature of it was “the rapture” or the catching away of believers which I am not disputing here, other than these futurist take it out of context like they do with a lot of cherry picked verses to throw Biblically ignorant novices a curve ball. I avoid details here because it has been so tangled so as to render it untagleable without making a case as in a court of law.

    But, here’s a bare bones history of the founders of futurist eschatology – Jesuit Francisco Ribera laid the diabolical 16th century end times egg soon after the formation of the Society of Jesus for the purpose of destroying the Reformation and driving it’s members back under the authority of the papacy. Ribera’s immediate purpose was to deflect acusations that the Pope was the anti-Christ! Ribera’s hypothesis was then further developed by another Jesuit, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine of Rome. In the 18th century yet another Jesuit Manuel De Lacunza incubated Ribera’s egg that was further warmed by the Church of Scotland minister Edward Irving who inspired Protestant rebel John Nelson Darby to hatch in the 19th century Plymouth Bretheren splinter church. Which rogue Baptist preacher Cyrus I Scofield, a disciple of Darby, then evangelized in the 20th century in American fundamentalist Baptist churches. Scofield then infused the hatching with all sorts of literal end times ideas by taking Hebrew picture language literally, and not symbolically as intedned by it’s authors. From there this escatology spread like wildfire through sect after sect until the whole nation was impacted. The results speak for themselves. Look what has happened to our nation! You can almost chart a course parallel with what happened in America’s churches as their teaching drifted away from accountability to the Decalogue’s principles to teaching fanciful schmoozing with Jesus who will rapture them out of the consequences of their failure to protect their children from evil and from evil doers. It’s all idle talk and no walk because the Dispensationalism of the aforementioned men has destroyed the foundations with a DISTRACTION!

    I’ve ommitted a boatload of particulars for the sake of readers, but they are readily available to serious students of church history.

  • I hit “play” and I just get a black screen.

    Are you saying 2024 is going to be dark?

    Dear Alexandra
    I hope you have a

    Thank you for the great work you do.
    If you need anything, let me know.

      • What devices are using and are you both in the US? I know that Apple iOS censors my content. If that is how you’re accessing my site, then try desktop and see what happens.

        • I’m in south central Florida using Safari 15.6.1 and have no trouble with opening any of your other posts, just this one. I don’t see anyone else but us two posted here. I tried desktop with the same result.

          • Ah! I see what happened. Because this was originally a livestream, the code I used was still the code from when it was live. The code changed after it was archived by Rumble. So, I just embedded the new code.

            It should work now.

        • For future reference, I live in exotic Sterling Heights, Michigan, and I wouldn’t use ANY Apple device even if Steve Job rose from the dead and handed it to me personally. AJ

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