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Amidst a firmament consumed by the oppressive grip of government overreach and tyrannical control, a man by the name of Jimmy Levy emerged, poised to make a difference. Fuelled by the holy spirit, he set out to bring together a group of gifted individuals. United by a common thread, they poured their souls into recording the timeless and evocative hymn of FREEDOM.

Executive Produced by Leila Centner, Cara and Curtis Leopardo

Produced by Eastern Films

Music by The Pushers

Inspired by Michelle Lubin Terris

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • When words are used nit knowing the words meaning or real history if the word , it brings Troubles.

    The word Freedom in Latin means Liber ,
    The Wird Liberty cones from Liber in Latin.
    Liberty / Freedom are also words the Refer to The Roman God Columbia,

    Here’s a Link:


  • As music this is appallingly bad. But the message and presentation are so strong, so needed right now, that I shed tears.

  • “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Patrick Henry

    What this generation does not seem to know is that the Declaration, the Constitution was founded upon – LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY! After second thoughts the crafters of the American Covenant, decided to express the third leg of the founding principles as the “pursuit of happiness” which is the byproduct of property ownership, because without property ownership one is slave to the property owners whomever they may be and all of its unhappy miseries.

    Without this protection all the other guaranteed bars fall to the ground, like the bar against unwarranted search and seizure for instance. I could name more that have already fallen to the ground by decree of the SCOTUS and foolish legislators!

    We now have before us the spectacle of our President Donald Trump facing the loss of everything he owns at the hand of a rogue Federal Judge who has decided in advance of his trial that he is guilty of a monstrous crime? No, according to what I read, this magistrate, thinks he’s guilty of inflating the value of his property which is not a crime, without a trial before a court of his peers, to which he is entitled! Think about this for a very long minute.

    Should this show trial case stand, how secure are any of the rest of us, hmmmm?

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