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“This is the greatest cover-up I’ve ever seen in my life.” Disability claims are on the rise, and people are wondering why. “If it’s not the vaccine, what is it?” asks Ed Dowd in this episode of ‘Friday Roundtable.’ He also states, “Some people are going to be, unfortunately, producing spike protein their whole lives.” Hear from Ed on CHD.TV!


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In Surprise Reversal, NIH to Hand Over Communications Between Agency and People Injured by COVID Shots

Yuri Nunes, Ph.D.

Standard Deviation Explained and Visualized

How to Calculate Standard Deviation

Catastrophic Contagion Stimulation Scenario


Mark Skidmore Study Retraction

COVID Data Tracker — Booster Percentages

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  • Of course, vax is harmful as this dude states (as statistic also supports), though a funny thing is sheep crowds are still going with “Spike protein” as to fit the official narratives created by those human like parasites that they hate.
    If anyone wants to truly get rid of the devil, stop going along with the devil’s narrative, and start detoxing.
    Spike Protein is just the result of cellular break down caused by poisonous substance.

    • To find what this is really about watch Alexandra’s video that follows this one:
      Horrifying Discovery in Unvaxxed Blood – Dr Ana Mihalcea

  • Ed,

    persistent production of Spike proteins in human body, MEANS a GENETIC REPROGRAMMING of it, via genetic ENGINEERING!! Please get that finally. I can’t grasp, why CHD employer PhD Hooker is NOT USING THE RIGHT NAME for covid genetically modifying injections!!???? Why Mr. Hooker are you sealing the TRUTH??? To all that revealed apparent truth, without that one, all is very close to a quite a large deception.
    I do appreciate all the participants, just not getting their verbal actions, mildly speaking.

  • You’re on your own with the mental medical mystery menagerie of untreatable diseases. Detox and then get revenge you don’t turn the other cheek over this shit . Punishment is due for everyone who had a hand in the plan . I haven’t heard any public apologies from the lying ,thieving, murdering assholes who cancelled the future right out from under our feet.

    • Speaking for myself, Revenge is always the best medicine. I lost my beloved wife to a Fauci Disease/Vaccine in 1998, over 30 years before I knew that he existed. “COVID-19” in 2020 was a blessing to me because my simple research revealed Dr. Anthony Fauci and his past decades of Evil medical deeds. Till 2020, I had blamed myself for her death, and believe me, that was one Hell of a cross to bear. I don’t want Fauci’s life; I want him to suffer, as my wife did before she died.

      • I am truly sorry for your loss. My much-loved mother died in 2021 after her second injection of poison which I begged her to stay away from. The political nonsense kept me from attending her funeral and being with my family.
        I would hate to have the karma of mr. science.

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