Carmine Sabia of Explain America says that all of Brandon’s crimes may be catching up with him and that impeachment may not be far away.

Between the IRS Whistleblower, who claims that the DOJ is blocking the prosecution of Hunter Biden on numerous crimes and former Acting CIA Director Michael Morrell’s recent testimony that current Secretary of State Tony Blinken induced him to orchestrate the open letter from 51 intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian Disinformation” in order to sway the 2020 Presidential Campaign and now, the House Oversight Committee’s recent discovery of an additional 6 Biden Crime Family members fattening themselves at the treasonous trough, the walls might finally be closing in.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Sorry, but I’ll believe it when I see it and after I celebrate it. I realize that Joe Biden is a Puppet, but that does nor absolve him of all of the harm that he has done to my country.
    What, “Treason by Proxy”?

  • finally GREAT news!!! Why Biden even entered the WH for 1 hour ever since his ‘presidency’ is hard to grasp, given all his past…


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