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Arizona’s smoking gun? How did the Republican candidate for Arizona state’s mining inspector get 1,688,581 votes? That’s at least 400,000 more votes than Kari Lake or Blake Masters received. See it for yourself on the official Arizona election results page, here.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • you ever think maybe not everyone suffered major brain damage when their mommy beat them as a baby, and are republican, but know an idiot when they see one, so did not vote for masters or lake? Just like trump, people did not vote for biden they voted against idiocy

  • Lets see ALL the votes for the Mining office….and all the candidates….because if there was no Dem running for that office…….then that makes OUR SIDE of this look pretty scummy. Can you check on this Alex? Need to see ALL the cands and ALL the votes cast FOR MINING Whatever…..

    -D. Morrisseau W Pawlet, VT

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