Former CIA contractor, Tore Maras describes the Globalist script that is incoming – that’s been a long time coming.

This is it: The New World Order, Blue Helmet, UN Invasion that some of us have been reading about, since Bill Cooper published ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ in 1991. It has always been simply called “The Plan”.

Tore posted this video to her @toresaysPlus Telegram account on September 19th, 2024. It is based on what the supercomputers to which she has access are predicting.

She says “The Plan” for the 2024 Election is the following:

On November 5th, Trump will win – but then, it will take time to count the mail-in ballots – and then, Kabala will be declared the “winner” and the sentencing that Judge Juan Merchan had delayed on September 18th until November 26th, which will result in Trump being thrown in jail.

This will happen, just as everyone is uncovering illegal votes – and that will be the final straw for Trump supporters and they will take up arms, starting in smaller cities, where they will start to get violent toward their local governments. 

At this point, Kabala will unfurl her Communo-Fascism, in concert with certain Globalist governors, who have been easily identifiable in recent years as Globalist agents who are against the American People. These treasonous governors will lock down their Residents and call-in the National Guard.

Tore says she hopes these troops remember their Oaths.

Crime will erupt everywhere.

We will see infrastructure failures and those States with local revolts will have bad results. Some will successfully topple their local, city and and county governments, inspiring others to fight and by combat, to take back their cities – and there will be blood.

She advises against any such activities.

She says food supply will get low, as Americans fight each other – and this is when the invasion of Chinese and Iranian troops will begin from the Northern Border, particularly, through North Dakota, as that State’s Governor, Doug Burgum, a former Microsoft executive and friend of Bill Gates is a Globalist traitor who will enable this.  

Canada will pretend to fight and then, there will be an EMP attack, resulting in all-out civil war and chaos.

Many terrified citizens will decide to go with the relative stability offered by the traitors: Lockdowns, “COVID”/FEMA Camps, etc.

The UN Blue Helmets will emerge from their lairs within Native American Reservations – which are now UN Territory, according to Obama-Era Tribal Treaties [of which I cannot readily locate any evidence].

The US will come under United Nations control, under Global Governance – and Liberals will accept it, because they believe we are living on “Stolen Land” and they are more concerned about their pronouns.

She says this outcome is avoidable and that Unity will be key and she admits that she could be wrong, as many similar scripts have already been thwarted – but she reminds us that it is OUR game to lose.

We need to change the election laws. We need to end these fraudulent election machines and mail-in ballots in the courts and we need and pre-emptively disarm the traitors from using these methods, which continue to remain legal, at this time.

Tore ended her Telegram post with, “Vote with your gut not memes or pressure. This isn’t about pronouns it’s way bigger than that.”



(Tore is seated next to her friend, US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Carla Wiese on September 19th).

Tore Maras: This has been an overall great day, considering we found how we can actually fight back and we should still keep fighting back. But I’m going to give you the spiel here. Here’s what I see.

Aside from the fact that all of us are going to be loving to frequent, you know,,, you know, – wait for it.

In November, here’s what we’re probably and most likely going to see: President Trump is going to be winning and then, their mail-in ballots are coming and Kamala is going to “win” – and everyone’s going to lose their sh!t.

OK? They’re going to lose their sh!t and then, comes November, where they throw him [Trump] in jail and they’re going to provoke us to go to war, because that’s the only way we can bring the Blue Helmets in to “save us” from this war.

So it’s important, that we keep our heads cool. So, I think this is a very opportune time to focus on the elections, even though they’re 2020, right? We still get some remedy, which will then be applied going forward, because if it’s being fixed in 2020, it needs to be applied, going forward.

So we all just have to pray. We have to keep pushing ahead. We have to keep ensuring that we stay level-headed and have faith, because God puts his little hand and even moves your head the right way to avoid stuff.

And we also have to pray that President Trump is safe, because obviously, they are not going to stop.

And I urge the President, again, to please – (Tore is interrupted by people walking into the room) – OK, the whole fam’s here! So you guys are going to see everyone. Come on, Louie.

Carla Wiese: So, but I think to that point, everybody should remember that anything worth doing is never easy.

Tore Maras: It isn’t.

Carla Wiese: So no matter how much work we’re doing, it’s going to be worth it.

Tore Maras: It is. I mean, look at it –

Carla Wiese: – and worth it for eons, after.

Tore Maras: Correct. You know, can I just pat myself on the back for just one second? Yeah.

Carla Wiese: (Laughs)

Tore Maras: No, no, no. Because, when I was being told that nothing I do actually pans out [referring to the dozens and dozens of court filings she has engaged her followers in engaging, as “Amici”, if you guys actually look at a lot of stuff that I was doing in 2016 and 2017 and 2018, I was calling-out the fact that senators and congressmen and other officials were actually using Federal and state taxpayer dollars to go have sex with kids and bring them in. Did they not just plead guilty to that?

Carla Wiese: They did.

Tore Maras: So Justice comes in on a donkey, never in a Ferrari. And like Carla said, all of this is going to work, because the seeds, when you plant them, you don’t get the plant the next day. It doesn’t sprout.

(Looks over her shoulder, referring to her cat). Yeah, that’s my Biscuit. (Conversation diverts to Biscuit, who Tore got while serving in Afghanistan and who is now 18 years old, to discussions about rescue animals and foster children and then, the video abruptly ends).

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Alexandra Bruce

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