Important details about what transpired in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th are getting scrubbed off of Google but I was able to find some interesting leads, using the Freespoke search engine, which I highly recommend.

That is where I found this July 21st article published on an Indian accountancy website,, sourced from several social media accounts – and therefore, unconfirmed – which claims that alleged would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks had $1.5 million in 3 offshore bank accounts in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Singapore.

They report that the Swiss account is linked to a fake shell corporation and the Singapore account was under scrutiny for connections to extremist groups and the Cayman Island account was possibly from cryptocurrency transactions and the law enforcement investigation is searching for links to Iran or other foreign influence.

The report goes on to say that the white van found loaded with explosives at the Pennsylvania venue’s parking lot had license plates registered to a residence in Mesa, Arizona and to a company called Yearick Armory.

We talked about Maxwell Yearick on July 14th and how the face of the deceased man on the roof resembled Yearick, not the images plastered everywhere of a pre-teen boy named Thomas Crooks, with no ties to Arizona.

This CAclubindia article goes on to say:

“Maxwell and his family manufacture explosives and armaments, selling them to guerrilla groups in Peru and Colombia with CIA facilitation…

“At their business address in Scottsdale, when a member of Yearick’s family was approached to inquire about him, they did not allow themselves to be photographed and indicated that Maxwell is, in fact, alive and that he will soon post a video of himself on his Twitter.”

Yearick’s Twitter/X account – created just last month – is currently set to Private.

The CAclubindia article goes on to say:

“The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that someone who frequently went to Crooks’ family home in Pennsylvania also visited a building near an FBI office in Washington, DC.”

A follow-up article on CAclubindia published on July 28th, again, sourced from several social media accounts reported that Yearick had gone missing since the Trump Rally and that his family had just filed a Missing Persons report.

They also published these police bodycam images of muzzle flashes coming from a window. The bottom left image appears to show a bit of grass, indicating that it is from the ground floor of the same building where the body of the alleged shooter was found – not from the 2nd floor window of the adjacent building, as recently reported by the Tore Says Show and Legally Armed America – but the images are very grainy and the green tinge may be a distortion, so it could possibly be the same window previously discussed.

This July 28th article goes on to say that both Yearick and Crooks trained their shooting skills at Clairton Sportmans Club, where DHS and ICE also train, along with this photograph of Yearick’s tattoos, which were also seen on the body of the deceased on the roof:

The July 28th article continues, describing Yearick as a 37-year-old associated with Antifa, the CIA, the Ukrainian Army and “Khurds”, which I believe is misspelled and refers to Kurds, as in the PKK, the Communist Kurdish separatist movement in Turkey.

This article goes on to say that Yearick returned to the United States in April 2024 after fighting for the Ukrainian Army and that he had helped organize Antifa protests/riots in Pittsburgh, DC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Boston.

It looks like the 2020 Summer of Love is about to be blown wide open.

Arizona-based Tyson Draper has a YouTube channel and a TikTok channel about searching for Missing Persons and he responded to the Missing Person report on Maxwell Yearick. I cannot find this video on either of his channels, so he probably took it down to avoid getting de-platformed.

I found it on the excellent Telegram channel, @SGTnewsNetwork (not to be confused with Sean at the SGTReport). I remember SGT from Twitter before we all got kicked off. He doesn’t post videos of himself, anymore but he is brilliant. Telegram is a Russian social media platform not subject to US Government censorship.

Draper drove by the address associated with the white van registered to Yearick Armory and he filmed his encounter with a woman in front of the home, who admitted to being a member of the Yearick family but who avoided answering any further questions. Draper’s video is transcribed, below.



Tyson Draper: All right, Ladies and Gentlemen, there’s some big news starting to circulate around TikTok and elsewhere, regarding the name of Maxwell Yearick from here, in Arizona.

Let me give you a little information on this person. You know that white van, that white GMC van that was towed away from the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, after Trump was shot and after these other people were killed? Well, guess what, Ladies and Gentlemen, that van has been tied to this person, Maxwell Yearick from Arizona.

This van had Arizona license plates on it, and what I want you to do is go Google this name, Maxwell Yearick. They’re starting to scrub all information from Google and all these other sources, but there’s still some stuff up. Go look at it, right now and see who this is.

This is a potential second shooter at the Trump rally. Now, I don’t want to get my video banned, so I’m not going to say too much. I know I’m walking a fine line here, but Ladies and Gentlemen, what I did is I started doing a little research on this guy, and I found that he was tied to a company here, in East Mesa, Arizona called Yearick Armory Explosives, and if you Google that, Ladies and Gentlemen, it will show you a residence, a house.

So today, me and my brother, we drove down to this residence, and very luckily – this is just by the grace of God, Ladies and Gentlemen – this is just how things happen, sometimes and you got to give all praise and glory to God, because there’s no way this could really happen – but as we were driving by, there was a person walking out, and I was able to talk to her and ask her some questions, and I want you to be the judge of her body language and the things that I asked her and how she answered, and tell me what you think, Ladies and Gentlemen, because something is very fishy about this, and things are just not adding up. So enjoy the video, and God Bless.

(Rolls video)

Tyson Draper: Hello. How are you?

Woman: Good, how are you doing?

Tyson Draper: Good. Is Max here?

Woman: Max?

Tyson Draper: You don’t know Max? Yerling? Yearick?

Woman: I don’t know anything about it.

Tyson Draper: Max Yearick, or Maxwell?

Woman: Could I ask who you are?

Tyson Draper: My name is Tyson Draper, and I run a YouTube channel and TikTok channel, and I follow stories of missing people, and I heard that there was a Missing Persons report filed on him. Is that true?

Woman: I have no idea.

Tyson Draper: Who are you?

Woman: Um, I’m a relative.

Tyson Draper: Okay. Is this also Yearick Explosives?

Woman: Um, I can’t. I don’t want to talk without anybody else’s, like involvement or whatever. So…

Tyson Draper: What do you mean anybody else’s involvement?

Woman: I have no say on anything.

Tyson Draper: Oh, are you are part of the family or part of the business?

Woman: I’m part of the family, but I don’t know it – I don’t know who you are.

Tyson Draper: Well, OK. So my name, like I said, my name is Tyson Draper, and I’ll just be up front and honest with you. I help find Missing People. I heard he was missing since the Trump Rally in Pennsylvania. Is that, is there any truth to that?

Woman: I have no idea.

Tyson Draper: Okay. So the van that they towed at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, that had Arizona license plates, did that belong to him?

Woman: Like I said, I have no idea.

Tyson Draper: Did he have a van, a GMC white van?

Woman: I don’t know anything about that. I need to go now.

Tyson Draper: OK. Alright. Thank you.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Why hasn’t the FBI made the ownership of the Hyundai Sonata and the one or two white vans clear? I read an article that said the Hyundai belonged to Crooks. Another article said he had a van. Both contained explosives. I saw an interview with a guy who watched and filmed police examine and remove a white van with Arizona plates from the street in front if his house near the water tower. Clayton Morris of Redacted interviewed a rally goer whose friend witnessed a suspicious white van removed from her street 10 miles from the rally. George Webb is doing a great job of following leads in this case.

      • They must be panicking, because portraying Crooks as far right wing, by their logic, would make him MAGA. Mike Adams, on his telegram channel Health Ranger, analyzed the construction of the rifle, and believes it wouldn’t have been functional, hence a second shooter with a different gun. Also, Crooks flew his drone while the area was maintained by local law enforcement, seemingly unconcerned by their presence. Webb believes Crooks was recruited into what he thought was a volunteer counter sniper team, in which he was the spotter. He’s suspicious of Tony Guy, the sheriff in the building with a perfect view of the roof, yet saw nothing. Tony Guy is connected to Dick Cheney via flight 93, and Cheadle handled Cheney’s SS protection at that time.

        • Yes, this is either a re-hash of what George Webb published yesterday on Substack or he arrived at these same conclusions, himself.

    • Hey Scott –

      I can’t open Facebook links anynmore but somebody uploaded screenshots to Telegram yesterday and I read it.

      There are ~400 people with this surname in America:

      If Maxwell was, indeed involved with training Antifa in asymmetrical warfare tactics with Communist separatists in the Middle East and with organizing the 2020 BLM riots and with fighting in the Ukrainian Army and with getting a van filled with explosives to the scene of the failed assassination of Trump – a van that is registered to a weapons business in Arizona *with his own, exact same, super-rare surname*; a company that allegedly works with the CIA to sell these weapons to narcoterrorists and Communists in South America, do you think his relatives are going to come out on Facebook and say “YES! That’s Our Boy!”?

      Tanner’s argument is that his family doesn’t manufacture C4. GTFOH.

  • Big tech caught erasing Trump assassination attempt from history –

    This is a quadruple play inasmuch as it provides #1 new video from right in front of Crooks rifle fire, the sound of which supports the claim that all eight rounds were triggered by Crooks, plus #2 this video was unlawfully kept out of it’s rightful owners hands for eight days, plus #3 records of Google searches regarding this assassination attempt are being scrubbed, plus #4 my own history on Legally Armed America being scrubbed from my own computers history files!

    The cherry on top of all this is that Youtube is being flooded with cartoons of all kinds and campaign ads for Kamala Harris. Panic has hit Silicone Valley & like unprincipled rudderless controller ilk!

  • the candor-less FIB reporting of a lone gun actor on a rooftop outside the designated pac-man defensive line and a sheer roof implausibility excuse launching this symphony of BS .it is the pièce de résistance of obfuscation and is worthy of another pulitzer prize winning media report . congrats to the DS for giving us the least that money can buy in unaccountable uncommunicative multidisciplinary task forces spreading non responsibility to hide the call of duty failure of the week .

  • Alexandra; You are absolutely the best! I was skeptical about your article of Crooks saying “you got the wrong guy.” But after I found the Indian article (on Yandex) , about Maxwell Yearick, I think your “Summer of Love” article is spot-on. Your investigative reports are always the most informative. Sorry I doubted you! If the government investigators were ever interested in finding the truth, they could take lessons from you.

  • Hi,
    8 don’t know but sorta thinking after watching video lady kinda knows something of the person who’s missing , she probably doesn’t know about van cause could of just bought or doesn’t tell her everything he does ,
    But I’m thinking he should if said I’m interested in getting some explosives to blow up a good amount of tree stumps on a farm and This Clerk at a Home and garden center back in Texas was saying he could hook me up cause he hooked up his cousin in Chicago IL ,,
    And Then ya say I got money and
    Me I would of been drinking beer with guy who’s missing the way I talk ,

    Was a good article today….

    I’m not a Democrat or Republican but I’m hearing surveillance will go through the Roof if Trump gets in ,
    Here’s an article on why I agree with it

    And here’s an article about the Assassination

  • The greenish yellow is the roof, not grass.

    The placement of the “shooter” on the roof was suicidal. I submit that a REAL shooter would not be suicidal.

    As with 9/11, the question (that never is answered HONESTLY by the government) is “cui bono”: who profits from this act-ion? In the case of 9/11, Israel’s fingerprints were EVERYWHERE. In the case of the AA, ignoring what THEORETICALLY might have happened (since theories are like buttholes) and just looking at what actually DID happen, TRUMP came out the winner with a great Iwo Jima photo to show the folks around the country how tough he is (it was SO “WWE”). I’m sure Animatrons can be made to look EXACTLY like ANYONE these days, tattoos and all, and I’ll bet all my worldly possessions that Mr Yearick was NEVER on that roof.

    PS. Tyson Draper sounds like he’s somebody’s asset, trying to pawn off fake Chanel bags as genu-whine!

  • “I’m a relative”, yet knows nothing. Standard answer of people not wanting to give out information

  • Jon Rappoport makes another valid point: where are the bullets for forensic examination? We know from videos there were 3 shots, followed by 5 from weapon of different sound. Video clearly shows that one of first three did burst high pressure hydraulic hose on machinery in the back. Such standard a hose is usually 1.5 inch outside diameter. That gives you extremely precise trajectory. You see time and again any police placing numbers along points of interest for photo documenting. Not here. No measurements. Bullets disappeared. Just like in Dallas.

  • The smoking gun here is observable in the Grassley roof video where the video was ended or interrupted sometime after the officers on the roof clearly announced five casings total. Then after the video was resumed the total casing count was eight. We are supposed to believe they discovered three more on the other side of the roof ridge after the video resumed? This defies crediblity. This roof is very plain, low pitch and light colored and all of these officers overlooked three brass casings in the same vicinity or else all of them have the same handicap? I don’t believe it!


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