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“A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. A recovery is when Dr Fauci loses his.”

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • He isn’t as popular as others in my echo chamber but I still love him. If it hadn’t been for him we probably wouldn’t have a country left. I live in California which was the worst in the nation–worst lockdowns, worst vaccine passport lunacy, worst at keeping kids out of school, worst at the class warfare with the elites getting everything and the poor starving and losing their businesses and homes. They just took the covid wrecking ball and kept hitting California again and again. so the whole time I’m looking across the continent to Florida where everything was for and by the people. Californians fled our state for there by the millions. So I love him for his courage, and for his unerring way of getting it right!! Now we’re still in the middle of the swampland of the Democratic majority here with the demons in control. Taking away parental rights, banning fossil fuels. Every idea is worse than the last. Who can stand these people?

    • In my opinion, there will be no election. First time in history that 40 senators have called it quits next election. Reason being, we will not have one. People better be ready to defend the ones ya love bc there are some serious things happening. Epstein is not the least, but all these docs leaked etc are to take our eyes off the big picture. If ya haven’t researched Chi Haotian and the speech he made that was leaked or the depopulation chart he provided as a whistleblower shows our country will go from 333M ppl in 2019 to 99M by 2025. The CCP are here and awaiting orders as is millions of other soldiers brought in as illegals. Nobody has to believe me… just research this, and know 2024 going to be a bad year… and who knows how long before things are better, if ever.

  • Clear explanation!
    So what are we to do? HOW do we NOT elect the same idiots to power? unless of course the media will not cease from controlling our minds…

  • Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

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