John Michael Chambers and Juan O Savin have a conversation about Lt Gen Mike Flynn.

There’s scuttlebutt that Flynn is a traitor. Juan, himself hasn’t always seen eye-to-eye with the General. However, he imparts his full-throated endorsement of him, here.

Or is it?

Very weird that they were impelled to dedicate an entire show to this…

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Why was brother Gen. Charles Flynn with the FEMA force in Lahaina, Maui, HI, in the fenced off-limits area, right after the Maui fire?

    He could have been killed by the Marines when they attacked the FEMA force in Lahaina.

  • I agree it’s bizarre to spend so much time trying to convince people Flynn is being honest. A LOT of people are very skeptical of Flynn lately…including me. The way he went from pushing the Q phenomenon to saying anyone following Q was an idiot is what got my attention. I’ve heard others say that Flynn is associated with Michael Aquino and psychological ops of the highest order. Where this is this much smoke there is usually fire in my opinion.

  • Where is Juan? China?
    Such a mysterious man, he’s greatly aware of where we are standing, good stuff, thanks for posting

  • I have followed Flynn ever since he got canned by the impostor president and I find no reason to suspect him of anything disloyal to his oath. General Flynn was not the only loyal high ranking military officer the impostor canned to make way for all the feminizing confusion more compatible with the impostors ideals.

    A friend of mine knows General Flynn on a skin touching basis, and she vouches for him. She worked with him on pro-life issues. Skuttlebut at the time fingered Mike Pence as the man who swayed Trump into firing Flynn. Whether true, I know not, but do know Pence is an unreliable weasel from his days as an “apparent” pro-life champion. Flynn on the other hand is one resolute, tough sonofagun! That does not mean he is everything to everyone, no human ever is. His blind spots may not be my blind spots, that’s why we need each other.

    When I weigh RFK, DJT and Flynn, Flynn is by far the least problematic of the three.

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