Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry was appointed last week to the House Intelligence Committee and criminals in the intelligence agencies, at the Justice Department and throughout the US Governmnet are scared that a second-term President Trump will do to them what they did to him and return all of their favors in kind.

Scott Perry is their Boogie Man.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Anyone even remotely considering to put a vote for Trump should ask just few questions:
    1. what was Trump doing of Jeffrey Epstein’s island?
    2. what was his purpose of initiating Warp Speed and getting billions of HUMANS GENETICALLY MODIFIED, with millions KILLED by covid injections which he endorses until this day???
    3. why didn’t he drain ANY SWAMP in FOUR years while being in power?
    5. what did he do for the 6Jan victims???
    6. how does he stand with the ZIONISTS leading US??
    Trump is the BIGGEST CRIMINAL in human history and this ‘channel’ most probably CIA based, as everything in US, is having its powers.

  • Millions of his biggest fans know that he’s an op and they think that the op is our only hope.

  • If I thought the reelection of Trump would run all these war mongering Russiaphobe loons and their illegal replacement trespassers out of the nation of my birth, I would vote for him.

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