The hits keep coming from STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS (@STFNREPORT on Telegram), who have just uploaded the latest leak from the opening ceremony at the infamous Bohemian Grove.

I first learned of Bohemian Grove in 1995, when I read the seminal book by MK ULTRA survivor, Cathy O’Brien, ‘TRANCE Formation of America’, in which Cathy describes being taken by her controller, along with her small daughter – who was then only 3 or 4 years old – for both to serve as sex slaves of the elite celebrants in attendance.

This 2011 article describes the scene Cathy wrote about at this annual gathering 75 miles north of San Francisco:

“Here is just a tiny part of what she says about where she was taken and regularly abused, and among those places is Bohemian Grove where; – “…they were forced to serve the perversions of their abusers”. These include satanic rituals, torture, child sacrifices and blood drinking, all in which take place on the exclusive 2,700 acre estate in among the redwood trees.  She says; Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were used as sacrifices, I knew it was only a matter of time until it would be me… – …the Grove has a number of rooms for different perversions including a Dark Room, a Leather Room, a Necrophilia Room, and one known as the Underground Lounge, spelt as U.N.derground on the sign.”

Imagine my surprise, a few months after reading this book, while visiting my parents, when my stepfather, in passing, told me that his childhood friend, who I had known most of my life was out of town attending that year’s the Bohemian Grove events, as he had done every year, for decades. This friend of his was a member of the monied WASP establishment in Chicago.

The reason why I completely hit the ceiling upon hearing this was because I also recalled my stepfather telling me, years previously that the reason why his friend had never had children was because he was traumatized by the horrific child abuse suffered by his little sister at the hands of their father.

He told my stepfather that his father would torture his little sister when she was just a small child by putting her in a bathtub full of ice cubes.

This is EXACTLY one of the many horrible things that Cathy O’Brien describes being forced to endure while at Bohemian Grove! The purpose was to chill her body temperature completely, so that her abusers could engage in their kink of fantasizing that they were having sex with a dead body.

My stepfather’s friend struggled for years to follow in the footsteps of his family’s financial success until his late fifties, when he finally made many millions of dollars, shortly before dying at that young age.

I wonder now, whether his friend’s financial success had been hindered – despite being an Establishment insider and despite being very hardworking – because he had failed to produce children to supply to this cult.

The eeriness and the nails-on-a-chalkboard levels of cringe seen and heard here, at this Bohemian Grove ceremony are completely off the charts!

The source of this video is unclear, as is the reason for a short InfoWars advertisement tacked onto the end of the clip, because this video does not appear on Banned.Video and this definitely not the iconic video filmed by Alex Jones 24 years ago.

While it is grainy due to the low light conditions, it is of a much higher quality and it shows much, much more than Jones’ breakthrough video.

However, last March, Jones did cover the story of prizefighter, Ryan Garcia, who stunned the world by claiming that he had been taken to Bohemian Grove and that he been “tied-down and forced to watch” as a child was totured and raped. Is Garcia the source of this video?

This story is still developing. I’m not going to transcribe the Opening Ceremony shown in this video, right now but I may add the transcription later, so if you’re interested in seeing that, you can check back.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The whole thing is cheesy & trite, although the river Styx portrayal was pretty cool. Just a bunch of rich, sick in the head, a$$hole, pervert elites, gathered together in a Grove, planning the next diabolical wrath they want to unleash upon the world, making human sacrifice to an owl idol, all while patting each other on the back while they do sick things behind closed doors. Nothing to see here, same $hit, diffrent year. Move along people…give me a break! Its like watching a really bad movie. I bet these people are miserable (hope they are)i bet they trust no one, not even family. Bored & boring with no imagination. They are the worst of human kind, truly.

    • Word. You said exactly what I was thinking, before I decided to chide these douchebergs once more.

  • Dark forces are controlling the world. There is a constant flow of information that suggests these santanic practices are taking place in high places globally. Ordinary people are are ill informed, except for leaks like this one. It is nearly impossible to suggest that this video was staged for the purpose of creating an event to support a conspiracy theory. Power that protects these groups is money and the control of main stream media. The truth is surpressed.



    Actionable intelligence on child torture centers received from high level U.S. government official

    By Benjamin Fulford

    February 5, 2024

    If this doesn’t make your blood boil, I don’t know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

    The first PDF file contains the names of 540 children who are still being tortured daily. The second one contains the names of 400 children who were tortured to death. If you find your missing child’s name on the list, we promise we will leave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This is possible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456 “adrenochrome harvesters,” the euphemism they use for child torturers.

    The full PDF files can be downloaded below.

    Military Detention Minors Adrenochrome List 040820202


    Here is a typical entry:

    Name: Anthony Christen

    Birthday: 01.11.2009

    Age: 12

    Custody months: 25

    Adrenachrome quality: A++

    Custody Location: ARNG

    Daily quota: 11

    Origin: Mexico

    Inmate ID: 16091209-4349

    The children being tortured at these facilities are from Canada, the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica.

    This is actionable intelligence. Please print out copies of these files to make sure they cannot be erased digitally. If you are in law enforcement or the military, take the file to your commanding officer and demand that they take it up the chain of command for immediate action. If you are an ordinary citizen, take the file to your local law enforcement and ask that they look into this. Many of the children are still alive and can be saved. If you encounter someone in the chain of command who tries to stop any action, arrest them for obstruction of justice. If they resist arrest, use necessary force.

    The [S.P.I.T.E.] Mafia controls us by controlling the top ranks. However, they only control a tiny percentage of people. That means bottom-up pressure can remove this human pus in the same way as squeezing a pimple does. That is what pursuing this case can accomplish. We must all do our part.

    John 3:16 is THE WAY…
    Semper Airborne!
    James Bond is REAL

  • Why was the person filming this pretending to be hiding? The security personnel would have known that he was there. I cannot believe that the world’s wealthiest and most influential people cannot afford to pay a security guard to scour the trees close to where they conduct their puerile ceremony. This film is obviously intentionally released by the attendees or the organisers.

  • We would love it if you could transcribe it. You can hear most but not all and there seem to be times when a foreign language is being spoken that I don’t recognize

  • Can’t wrap my head around this stuff. Just thankful that I grew up around normal people. There must be a high percentage of sex addicts walking among us.

      • I’m not sure if you’re aware of this or not, but KKK is under the banner of Freemasonry. The Freemasons are just the “face” — there are countless “inner orders” under that banner, probably in the hundreds. I don’t know of a President who wasn’t at the very least a known Freemason…even Trump.

        • I was wondering about that; whether the KKK was a Freemason thing. I grew up in Chicago and NYC, where there was no KKK and I’ve never looked very closely at it.

          I remember the first time I saw a picture of the interior of the main cathedral of the LDS and I was blown away at how much it looked like a Masonic Temmple, not a church.

          I met someone who told me they were in the Golden Dawn, who told me that all secret societies are connected and that the Satanists are at the top.

  • There are some places that would look so much better after a nuclear bomb, like that place.
    With all those so-called people still there.

  • you are being hacked/blocked/etc…or I am. Flooded with blocking ads that cannot be clicked off

    • Where are the ads that can’t be clicked off? In the video or on the webpage? The Rumble platform runs two autoplay ads before every video. I can do nothing about this but there is a button at the bottom right where you can click out of the ads after a few seconds.

      Rumble needs to get paid by somebody so that I can upload videos for free.

      My service to my subscribers is free, unless they personally choose to donate. I make like $200/mo from the ads on my website (I actually used to be paid a living wage from those ads but I’ve been blacklisted by all the good ad networks, notably Google). I don’t take the ads down because I desperately need those $200.

      I hate it when people put up a paywall or constantly read off shitty ads during their videos, so I don’t do it but I am being financially destroyed for publishing this website for free to my subscribers.

      Despite averaging 1M views/mo on Substack, I’ll either have to stop publishing or start charging.

      • I got no ads of any kind and it went straight to the video on this site, though I did have to turn autoplay off as they now use the same tool as utube and even amazon prime video to force you to watch their choices. Now maybe they link to your videos specifically I’m not sure as I always turn it off if I remember right away.

        The thing that bothers me is that it shows exactly 666 views underneath. Is that from your site of Rumbel? It’s possible but a bit ironic, but I laugh as I was issued a debit card that ended with those numbers and didn’t stop me from using it, and certainly makes me no part of the evil associated with it. lol

      • Denny – I think you’re using a Windows platform and that you may have malware installed on your computer. I have not used a Windows platform in 20 years because of that sh!t.

        But I do have MS Office on my computer and my computer and website were VERY messed-with last week, I believe, due to the CrowdStrike attack and the vulnerability inherent in having Microsoft programs on my computer.

        There is no worse site on the planet to interact with than Microsoft, IMHO.

        S CrowdStrike may be part of what’s affecting you, too.

    • Get a real search engine like BRAVE ! I have been using it now for 3 years and I have no problems viewing anything. It also has TOR – Bit torrent and that can be used to view just about ever thing on the web and the Dark web as well ! Microsoft sucks so get MALWAREBYTS as well and you will have no problems as well. The Pro model is the best and it is 100 per year for three devices. I have been doing computers since 1980 and I have learned to safe guard my info. The world is in bad shape and the possible END is truly near, so please head my advice. We will soon be in the bad parts of the Bible so prepare now because truly the end is near!

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