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Juan O Savin joins the host of SpaceShot76 to discuss the current situation in Venezuela and how that country is being used as a technology proxy to control election results in the US, along with the elections in 70 Other Countries. He says Venezuelan whistleblowers “were exfiltrated at great risk and expense,” to the US with direct evidence of election fraud.

People following this blog over the years have known, since early 2021, that we’ve had Absolute Proof of Absolute Interference that the 2020 Election was stolen.

Juan reminds us of what we already knew; that Venezuela was involved but that it was hardly alone in the massive operation to steal the US 2020 Election. He tells us about how China had intelligence officers working in Canada to assist in controlling the 2020 Election – and let’s never forget Maria Zack showing us how Obama, MI6, CIA the EU helped steal the US Election with Italian military satellites. There was a lot of redundancy, to ensure that the World Economic Forum’s genocidal policies would be implemented by the United States Government.

Juan warns that the election problem now being seen in Venezuela is coming to the US and that we can expect societal disruption to be unleashed this fall.

Main points discussed:

• Venezuela serves as Cuba’s foothold in South America, towards their efforts to install Communist regimes in every country there. For example, Juan says that, in order for Venezuelans to get a drivers license, their applications are reviewed by Cuban intelligence agents.

• Juan uses the word “alleged” to suggest that the United States Senior Executive Service (SES), in conjunction with the massive British Defense Contractor, Serco are behind the theft of the 2020 Election, the Migrant Invasions of Europe and North America – and for much of what Juan calls “the mischief, here.”

• Juan says that over the next several weeks, it will become common knowledge that Chinese intelligence officers in Canada were working with Dominion contractor employees, live during the 2020 Election; before, during, and after Election Day, to manipulate the vote outcome, from within the US election system.

• Juan continues, “So, if that’s true, who’s running your country? If we can prove that that’s true, to people’s satisfaction, does that create a Constitutional Crisis?…If you have an agency of government that is, then hijacking other agencies – who’s running that agency? And who are they aligned with, when those puppeteering strings, get chased further, back up?”

• Most of Venezuela’s neighbors have shut off diplomatic relations and Maduro’s regime is becoming isolated.

• My own observations – not Juan’s – as someone born in the US of a Brazilian mother are: it is very sad that South America’s largest country, by population and GDP – as big as the rest of South America, combined – Brazil had its election similarly stolen in 2022, in order to spring criminal Lula Inácio da Silva from prison and to install him as President, in order for him to implement the Totalitarian/Communist/Fascist, Oligarchical, “Stakeholder”, WEF-Nazi New World Order in the biggest country in the region.

Continuing my observations: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken each paid separate visits to Brazil’s former President Bolsonaro in Brasília to warn him that he would accept the election results and not be like Trump. This means the Biden Regime wants South America to become a Communist Bloc with a vastly reduced population, which is also what they envision for the United States – which is what the Globalists (aka Black Nobility) envision for the entire world, under their control – and they are starting World War 3 to try to make that happen.

• Continuing my observations: If you look at all of the stolen elections and the puppets installed, they are all dead men walking. Lula was a criminal sprung from jail. Biden is a criminal who should be in jail. Zelenskyy is an actor-cum-war criminal. Macron, the former Rothschild banker married to the 79-year-old transwoman, born Jean-Michel Trogneux, who began grooming and statutorialy raping him when he was 15, is a crime victim and he’s criminally insane. These leaders installed by the Globalists are all dead men walking and they’re all literally the Scum of the Earth. They are so despicable and it’s on purpose. They’ve been installed to force uprisings, such as we’re now seeing in the United Kingdom. The whole point is to discredit and destroy the ideas of nation-states and national sovereignty, in order to bring in their One World Government, CBDC, “Eat the Bugs”, genocidal prison system.

• Juan continues, “These hidden, “secret handshake clubs”, all the different groups, you know, the names of all these three-letters, that do their little “secret handshake” meetings all over the world, all different times of the year, to control economies and business and people in politics; they’re using Venezuela as their, IT Capital, to control the election stuff from one particular vector. They have other places; no single-point failure, because it’s very important but in the early years, our intelligence agencies also did that. In fact, that originated with some of our intelligence agencies, in setting up these electronic things and flipping around that way [with Jimmy Carter. in the early ’80s]. Problem is, it got hijacked. It got hijacked from within America and it got hijacked from other places. And now, this whole monster got turned on America and they knew it, a year and a half ago, with exacting precision and they let all this time pass. It’s excruciating, excruciating, painful.

• Juan continues, “So, Maduro is at the mercy of Cuban Intelligence. Maduro and Cuban Intelligence are at the mercy, at this point of the Russians, who now see that they have to use this proxy operation to maximum effect, to make America pay for what they’re doing to the Russian people, in this war that’s cost hundreds of thousands of lives and keep the Russian mothers and wives happy and try to do something to get a little payback somewhere, through their proxies. Venezuela’s been used as a hopping-off point for Iranian “Bad Guys”, who’ve been infiltrated into the US and are here, on US soil, right now to cause disruption.”

• I’d interject, at this point, that Russia and the WEF are thereby 100% aligned, as to desiring a civil war in Venezuela, as well as in the United States. Actually, when Russian former Military Intelligence officer, Daniel Estulin was on the Alex Jones show, recently, he said, “The US needs to have a civil war,” in order to resolve the conflicts between the Woke Left, who have been brainwashed to hate America vs the more conservative Patriots, who want to save their country. That statement struck me as more like what Russia would like to see happen. I don’t think a civil war between Americans is imminent or necessary. What we have in America is a manufactured Color Revolution and we all need to understand this. If we do, there’s no civil war in America.

• Juan refers to the recent capture of the heads of the Sinaloa Cartel, “El Mayo” and “El Chapo”‘s son. and how another Cartel has now instructed their operatives in Colorado, that it is “Open Season on the Denver Police”.

• Juan also says that “El Chapo”, the previous head of the Sinaloa Cartel, who was arrested in 2017, “Turned and gave us a lot of stuff. The reason that we had that [2019] event out there, on Wilshire Boulevard, and…the series of helicopters came in; two of them left with nest bags, which are like a Jiffy Pop Popcorn bag of ballistic material. One took radiological items and went one direction. The other took biological items and went another direction, to keep them separate of the radiologicals for a dirty bomb, to cover the trail of what was going to be done. You’d’ve had something like COVID, a year earlier, had they succeeded with what they wanted to do.

• Juan says, “Remember Deagel, a lot of the people in this audience are aware of Deagel…were projecting the US population to be 25% of what it was in 2020 by 2025, 75% of us are supposed to be dead, right now – or very shortly – and that plan is not done. We’re in a very serious situation, here. Don’t drop your guard.”

• Juan doesn’t believe that the 2024 Election will happen on time, saying, “And what would be a reason for pause? If you have disruption in major cities for any reason – could be an earthquake, could be space aliens landing on the White House Front Lawn [aka PROJECT FIRESIGN] – whatever it is. If cities can’t complete their vote for some oddball reason – there’s a CrowdStrike angle into the vote count…there’s a lot of options – an EMP – and people’s vote can’t be tabulated, completed, whatever – the mail doesn’t work, right – or cause, this administration or whoever takes over on the way to Election Day – could pause the Election…If you have gangs opening fire on police or precincts, workers and things like that, maybe you can’t proceed with the vote on time. Something, I believe is going to be played. There’s lots of options. Even the people that are behind this, pulling the puppetstrings, they don’t know which play they’re going to play. They know which plays are options…you might have two, three, four primaries, and then you pick one and you go with it because it fits at that moment. We don’t know what that is yet. [Mike Adams discussed the most likely scenarios, based on conversations with law enforcement and military intelligence].

• Juan warns of Venezuelan and other Latin American gangs, that are recruited from Death Row in prison and they’re let loose and are free to roam, as long as they kill the people the Globalists want killed. Maybe that’s why we saw Venezuelan gangsters freed without bail after they attacked NYPD cops and flipped-off news photographers as they exited the courthouse. Mike Adams had predicted that over the course of this year and the next, that we would see “Organized raids of armed illegals attacking and carrying-out mass-exterminations of police departments,” with the systematic wiping-out of all the law enforcement jurisdictions, in order to gain control of them.”

• Venezuela has been a major part of the Globalists’ election theft operations, via Cuban intelligence. As the Maduro regime collapses, the Globalists run the risk of having all of this come out, so they need to find a way to cover it all up. A civil war is what they need in Venezuela and they can just follow the Color Revolution playbook and use foreign snipers to shoot members of both sides of the protest, like they did at the Euro-Maidan to kick off the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution – which is also something they intend to do in the US.

• Juan says, “If they can’t keep Maduro in office, they need the country to go into civil war, destroy everything, kill all the people off that might have something to say and turn it into Ukraine. And that’s the danger for the Venezuelan people. And then the street gangs to take out either side. See, they, they intend to use that same strategy here into America.”

• Juan continues, “10 million people that have flooded into the country just from south of the Border. Plus other ones, brought in from other places. If only a tenth of a tenth or that percent were bad guys…well, maybe you got 100,000 people that are Problem People. How much disruption can that cause in the country? Crap, we’ve shut the whole half of the country down over one or two snipers; over, you know, one or two problem children. And then you’re going to have 100,000. You got deep sh!t – and it’s coming up on Election Season.

• Juan says, “The threat to America is internal.” It involves actors in the Intelligence Community, secret societies, World Economic Forum-trained “Leaders” and the vile agents of the Senior Executive Service, who are “Reaching into the operations of our government, our intelligence agencies, our policing agencies, our military, and trying to take us off the rails. And the reason is, because the Globalistas that are ultimately behind it, they don’t want to control America. They want the same thing that happened in Ukraine, the same thing they want in Venezuela – and they’re close to getting it, now – and the next few weeks are going to be very gripping. And it’s what they want in America: Us to come off the rails, fall into civil war, beat each other’s brains in, and then, what’s left of us will just be clean-up. We’re in a very precarious situation. The people in Venezuela are fighting for their lives, right now.

• Juan then says a prayer for all those listening.



(Roll CNN video about Smartmatic voting machines prior to interview, transcribed below. Running Time 2:20)

CNN Narrator: Antonio Mujica and his partner, Alfredo Anzola received a small business loan from the Venezuelan government only months before the recall election. These corporate registration documents from Venezuela show the Venezuelan government owned 28% of the stock of another company they started, Bizta, which adapted voting software for the Smartmatic machines in the 2004 elections. The same document shows a Chavez government minister, Omar Montillo, was on the Board of Directors.

The Chavez government gave Bizta, Smartmatic and another company a $91 million contract to run voting machines for the 2004 election.

The next year, the owners of Smartmatic, primarily owned by Venezuelan businessmen, bought Sequoia, one of the top electronic voting system companies in the United States, for $16 million.

Smartmatic is a labyrinth of international holding companies owned by Venezuelan businessmen. Smartmatic Group NV of Curaçao, Netherlands, and Tilly’s own Smartmatic International BV of Amsterdam, Netherlands, own Smartmatic Corporation of Florida, which bought Sequoia voting systems of California, USA.

When Smartmatic bought the US voting machine companies, the US government did not review the sale. Many experts say those voting machines were manipulated in Venezuela to give President Hugo Chavez a victory.

Exit polls done by the US firm, Penn, Schoen & Berland had Chavez losing 41% to 59%, but the next day, Chavez declared victory, reversing the score, saying he won 59% of the vote.

Gustavo Colonel (fmr Venezuelan Congress Member): Everything was computed in the favor of the government. So the only explanation is that the Smartmatic machines had been programmed in that way.

CNN Narrator: A Harvard mathematician crunched the numbers on the Venezuelan election.

Harvard Mathematician: It’d had to be the Smartmatic system. All these machines talk to a central computer and report on their results. And in that mechanism, as they communicate with the center, the central machine can report anything.

CNN Narrator: Smartmatic is, technically based in Boca Raton, Florida, but the president of the company, Jack Blaine, testified to the Chicago City Council, fewer than a dozen Smartmatic employees work in Florida.

The majority of the workers are based in Venezuela.

SpaceShot76: The date, just for posterity here, is Tuesday, July 30th, 2024. And always a pleasure to have my brother, Mr. 107, back in the house and as we were kind of just talking about a little bit before here, you were explaining that this is a very important situation over here in Venezuela, going forward.

But before we get into all the juicy stuff on that, how’s it going and how you been and how’s everything?

Juan: It’s busy. You know, what I’ve mentioned to your audience and other audiences, you know, people complain, “Not enough is happening!”…well, no complaining when it gets here, you know, be careful what you wish for!

And it’s not really understood, yet. But what you’re seeing there in Venezuela is intricately, intricately connected to what’s coming for America and related to election stuff. And I’ll explain that to the audience over the period of the show here.

SpaceShot76: So many thoughts always go through my mind to think about the possible scenarios that we’re in. But you’re right, Juan. You know, no, “Nothing’s going, nothing’s going on!” Okay. I see so many things dovetailing, you know, very nicely into this time that we’re living here that it’s amazing to me, really.

And I keep seeing example after example of it, too. You know, we talked a little bit before we got on about Arizona, right? They’re getting – finally – they’re getting the information that they need to do the audits and they found at least, you know, 20% or 20,000 votes out of the 100,000 that they checked, which were completely invalid or cannot be validated. So, so many things going on out there.

And obviously, you know, since the last time we talked, they tried to take out President Trump and, you know, luckily he turned his head and hit in the ear, but so much craziness, right? And it just flips on a dime, right?

Juan: You know, right now you’ve got, you saw the crowds, there around the UN building, there in Caracas. There’s a million people out there and it’s still growing. It hasn’t stopped, calling for Maduro to leave.

But the problem is, Maduro – and let me just slow down for a second – I want people to kind of grasp this, put it into perspective: The election issues that we’ve had all over the world, 71 countries, where the vote has been frauded.

I know YouTube doesn’t like to hear that. I know a lot of other people don’t want to hear it, “71? That seems ridiculous!”

So we’ve got guys that have been ex-filled out of Venezuela who were part of the vote theft back to 2020 and they’re spread all over the planet, right now with their families.

Some, we didn’t get out, quite a few of them got out. And there was other intelligence services from around the world – private and various nations – that had hands and things going on, there on both sides.

In fact, I mentioned on one of the shows – I don’t think it was yours – it could have been…maybe six weeks or so ago, seven weeks ago, that there was a certain situation that happened. And so, persons from a nearby country had been inside Venezuela, working to get some of the information out of Venezuela about their hacking of elections in other parts of the world; their management of them.

And they got in the sights of Human Intelligence, who runs that area and they had to run to the embassy of a country. And they went in – and I’m not saying the name – because we don’t want to put them on the spot; they’re in a very delicate situation. So they’re kind of in an Assange kind of a situation, they’re stuck in there.

And right now, part of what’s happening in the last couple of days – I’ll have to bounce around a little bit – in the last 48 hours, several countries have broken off diplomatic relations with Maduro, saying that he’s a “dictator”, and that he’s “trying to hold power against the will of the people of Venezuela”.

So with that in mind, Venezuela is becoming isolated. Now, these guys are stuck in somebody’s embassy, and they can’t get loose and there’s no path to get to an airport or something like that to get out of there.

Yesterday, the military was sent to protect the main airport there in Caracas. And then, the rumor – and in the fog of these kinds of things – all sorts of rumors get spread around usually by various intelligence agencies for their own reasons to, you know, do things to manipulate the minds of the people, etc.

But the rumor went around, hard that the military was securing the airport, so that Maduro could get on a plane and leave and go into exile.

So, all the people showed up to the airport. Well, the military was told that, you know, “If the people start showing up,” Maduro told them to essentially, “Make an example and stop them from assembling, like that and push them away.”

So, the military kind of was rough for a little bit – and then, all of a sudden, it turned and then the military began embracing people coming to the airport.

And so, you have this huge throng of people showed up at the airport. Well, Maduro wasn’t going anywhere. But they thought he was going to try and go into exile.

The military, though – something that wasn’t expected – was the military decided that they were going to embrace the people and a bunch of the military commanders made known that they weren’t going to support Maduro staying as the dictator.

Then, part of the thing, in countries like this, you have to have the police and the military on your side. And the military actually operates primarily as an extension of the police, only, they’re the heavy bit, if it really gets out of hand. And so, you’ve got to have the military on your side and you’ve got to have the police on your side to run a country like Venezuela, especially in this situation.

What’s happened, though, is that now – let me go back. Let me bounce around, just a little bit, because I want try to get this picture in people’s mind and then, tie it back to why this is so important for the US, right now – and I don’t think anybody else has actually brought any of this out, fully – so, I’m hoping, with your show, SpaceShot, that I can kind of get this out there in the Community and open the discussion up.

Venezuela was a very wealthy country, was doing pretty good with its oil revenue. It was, you know, kind of a Paris-type situation there. Caracas, when they had all the money, Chávez gets in there, you know, starts going Full Commie, off-the-rails. The country starts to get into trouble.

And then, the part that people have to remember, you kind of have to understand, for all that Chávez looked like a strong man, all by himself – he was a puppet.

Who was puppeteering him? Who wanted Chávez there? Why was Chávez – how did he get there in the first place? Well, election fraud. Who got him there? The Cubans, with the help from the Russians. The Cubans, in Venezuela – you can’t get a driver’s license, without it being cleared through Cuban operatives working inside of the Venezuelan government.

They run Venezuela. The Cubans run Venezuela like America was running Honduras, back in the ’80s and ’90s. And what the deal was, is we used Honduras as a lily pad, kind of like an aircraft carrier. It just didn’t float in the water, but it was an island for us to work from.

And we managed that so well, with what was going on, into the drug wars and the war between China and Russia trying to subvert governments in Central and South America.

So with Honduras, for example, with our people that were going into Nicaragua, doing the stuff that we did there, all of our American intelligence community and then contractors were living in Honduras and working across the border. But that was Honduras.

Well, for the other side, Venezuela is the equivalent for Cuba and then the Russians. So I’m trying to give you some of these pieces of background, to paint the moment we’re in and why Venezuela is so critical to America.

Somewhere in the intelligence community operations, some mechanisms of control were put into play, where we had the data within our own US intelligence system and Homeland Security. They know what’s in the various sensor systems, the management systems, etc., where the communications came and went from. They knew, precisely what happened in stealing the election in 2020. They did not provide the beginning point of that data to the President or to Congress.

And then, remember, the whole lead-up to January 6th was the American people were pissed, because the election is being stolen and nobody’s doing anything about it.

And even on the Trump side, within that group, he didn’t get this information from the Director of National Intelligence. And people knew that we were screaming bloody murder.

How can you certify a vote when you haven’t even got the intelligence report from homeland security? Whether or not there was foreign interference, it looked clear to everybody here, something was wrong. A lot of things were wrong. And yet, you’re going to go ahead and certify an election without even getting the info from the intelligence community, what happened? We have what we call Albert Sensors all through the communications within government operations.

They knew exactly what was going on in controlling the elections, over at Homeland Security and nothing was giving it over. And then even the report that was provided, a few days after the January 6th vote was far from accurate or complete or whatever.

So, with all of that in mind, the, the actual flip of the vote, on critical components of it, there, there was the ballot stuff, the paper stuff, there was the tabulation stuff, there was the actual electronic manipulation from several locations, that it wasn’t just one thing in the attack. It was multiple vectors coming into America.

And all of that’s seen by the monitoring and the Intelligence Community, through Homeland Security – and yet, nobody’s doing anything. Nobody’s taking any action. Why?

Because they weren’t getting it. Who was calling those shots, in direct defiance of President Trump and the people that invited him? Homeland or a Senior Executive Service. That’s the fight, OK?

Who were they managing from outside the country? I mean, you have to think, “Who’s the Big Dog, here?”

They’re the biggest dog of all and they’re in coordination with other groups outside the country: Serco, the British Commonwealth [UK]. And of course, which Field [McConnell] mentioned that numerous times, for the sake of legal discussion, “alleged”, alleged to be similar to SES, here in the US, who I would allege – everybody, do your own research – is behind a lot of the mischief, here.

With that in mind, who were they coordinating with, if there was foreign interference? And they knew it, within Homeland Security, were they in collusion with whoever was interfering in our elections in the US, when they didn’t provide their intelligence product to the President, which they were under Executive Order to do?

All of those people that voted to certify the election actually were acting in a treasonous, traitorous way, because they didn’t protect the American People against an attack on the vote.

One of the things that’s going to come out, over the next, literally several weeks: you had Chinese intelligence officers in Canada working with Dominion contractor employees, live during the 2020 Election; before, during, and after Election Day, to manipulate the vote outcome here, inside of the US election system; Chinese intelligence officers working with Dominion employees. That’s what I contend is going to come out. Pay attention. Enjoy the show. It wasn’t just from one place.

So, if that’s true, who’s running your country? If we can prove that that’s true, to people’s satisfaction, does that create a Constitutional Crisis? Does the person running the country – or persons actually representing the People? And if you have an agency of government that is, then hijacking other agencies – who’s running that agency? And who are they aligned with, OK, when those puppeteering strings, get chased further, back up?

So now, let me switch again. And I apologize. I’m jumping around. Venezuela: We have people who’ve now been exfilled [exfiltrated] out of Venezuela, at great risk and expense to other locations around the world – and by the way – not all made it, successfully and they may have been trying to take care of themselves – feather their own nest – but they also understood that they were trying to help America and another 70 countries around the world, 71 total; that, their leadership had been put in place artificially and was not the Will of the People. And that’s…the fight’s going to go on for several years. Those people are going to tell their stories.

They’re going to provide, with the original metadata, which is the intricate stuff that’s very hard to fabricate, to mimic, because it’s so complex, that goes into programs and operations of computer systems, data systems and gives information that – if it’s complex enough and deep enough – it just becomes virtually impossible to fake, if you will, for lots of different reasons that can be tracked and figured-out and just takes time.

With that in mind, if Venezuela is the location where a significant component of this global operation to hijack control of America came from, as Venezuela comes off the rail, in a question of their own electoral vote of the citizens, what the threat is to these globalistas that are controlling elections around the world, is that more of that material gets out, more of the people that were involved – which was kind of larger operation – come forward and say what their roles were.

And as more and more of the players come forward and the intricacies of the relationship, etc, it becomes harder and harder and harder to deny the truth of what’s there. And the truth of it is that a huge percentage – enough to flip the US Election – came out of Venezuela, all by itself. And as Venezuela goes into this nightmare that they’re headed into now, that’s what these puppeteers are afraid of; that they lose control of this.

It was Cuban intelligence that was really running Venezuela, going all the way back to Chavez. You know, when Chavez died – I was just talking about this with one of my guys, a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ – forget Biden, for a moment. When Chavez died, several days after he died, they had somebody get his face all smiley and twisted around and, you know, made-up, etc. – he’s dead in a doorknock.

They have his daughter. They bribed her, bought her off, had his daughter, let her picture be taken with her dead dad’s corpse, beside her with a newspaper that had the current date, so they could essentially show “Proof of Life”. Like, you know, “My dad’s doing great. We’re all happy!” and everything else.

He’s dead in a doorknock. Well, they needed the time to sort out getting everything ready, which was Maduro and that kind of crowd to transfer power into, ’cause he was a figurehead. He was a figurehead for a much larger operation that was global in scale.

SpaceShot76: Was it this one right here? Oh my word.

Juan: Yeah. (Laughs)

SpaceShot76: Oh, that’s bad. Oh, both of them, too. Oh, that is just awful.

Juan: So here’s the conundrum they’re in, right now. Uh, it’s very similar to the situation with the Democrats with Biden. What the plan was, was to move Pelosi up to the Presidency, back at the midterm elections.

So before Pelosi would have come out of power and the baton is passed to – as she leaves office – in that window, there, at the end of 2022, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they were going to have an “event” with Biden. Harris doesn’t qualify to be president. Nancy’s the one that did all the work-up on that.

They were going to have a bit of a crisis. Then, Harris was going to have to accept a different position, because they discovered that she couldn’t qualify for President.

Nancy goes to the Presidency. She was – that crowd around her – was upset over Roe vs Wade. And so, they had made known, a number of times, they were going to “pack the Supreme Court”. They were going to add two more justices, liberal – and that way, they could get this court back under control from the justices Trump put in there.

Well, in its own way, now Venezuela: the problem for the Cubans – and Russia, right – this exact second, with the result of this election: They cannot let Maduro go away. Venezuela is like a lily pad for Cuban operations in the southern cone of South America, there. Their operations are critical inside of Venezuela, including, for supplies that they need in Cuba, to keep going.

The Russians need that, also. It’s like their aircraft carrier into the Americas.

You know, we’ve started a proxy war with Russia. We have authorized American weapons to be used inside of Russian Territory. So, what we’re doing is, we’re using Ukraine as a proxy. Putin has said, “Look, we got proxies too. If you’re going to attack us through your proxies with Ukraine and everything else, don’t think it’s a one-way situation.”

Putin specifically said out loud to the world: “We now consider America an enemy.” During the height of the Cold War and all the years along the way, never, did any of the Russian leadership refer to America as an “enemy”. Remember, we were on the same side during the Second World War, if you will, going after the Nazis.

And now, the Nazis out of Ukraine, the Azov Battalion are attacking Russia – and we’re backing them. A lot of guys are rolling over their graves over this, believe me.

But Putin says, “Look, you got your proxies, we got ours.”

The proxy that’s the most damaging to America, in the most ways and to other operations that are critical to America is Cuba. And Cuba’s main proxy is Venezuela and all the exercises they have out across South America.

You’ve caused this situation in Venezuela, just in the last 48 hours has forced governments across South America to pick a side. So Panama cut off diplomatic relations with Maduro, said he’s a dictator and he’s trying to hold power, even though he lost the election.

The opposition that won the election, they actually have the precinct ballots out across the country, the originals, and they’re showing the vote going 70%, minimum against Maduro and that’s the real numbers and they can prove it.

Maduro says, “It’s not true. I won, we got to have a fight,” but all those countries around the region are having to pick a side and close off diplomatic relations. So, Ecuador, Guatemala, Chile, Brazil; they’re all having to say, “Look, Maduro is a dictator. The people didn’t elect him and we’re cutting off diplomatic relations.”

A couple of countries haven’t so far; Peru, Bolivia, Argentina is still in flux, because of issues behind-the-scenes, share borders, et cetera.

[AB NOTE: I think Juan means Brazil, here, which does share a border with Venezuela. Argentina does not. Everyone always mixes up these two countries but I’m surprised that Juan did. Argentinean President Milei hotly contested the Venezuelan election on Day One. It is Brazil’s CIA-installed Communist puppet, Lula Inácio da Silva who is an ally of Maduro and of Cuba and who is a founder of the Leftist think tank, the São Paulo Forum, who is still not coming out against Nicolás Maduro].

Juan: So, they’re [Venezuela is] getting isolated. There’s a lot of people that have been thinking that Maduro, just as the rumor was, “He’s going to go get on a plane at the airport in Caracas and go into exile.”

My contention is that no, there’s, there’s not much of a chance of that, at this point – not because it wouldn’t be his choice to go enjoy his, you know, stolen billions or something – but because the people that actually put them into power, behind-the-scenes, that put Chavez into power, in the first place, the people that were actually running the election system out of Venezuela to control elections in 71 countries, where they got victory so far – they cannot afford to let this happen.

These hidden, “secret handshake clubs”, all the different groups, you know, the names of all these three-letters, that do their little “secret handshake” meetings all over the world, all different times of the year, to control economies and business and people in politics; they’re using Venezuela as their, IT Capital, to control the election stuff from one particular vector.

They have other places; no single-point failure, because it’s very important but in the early years, our intelligence agencies also did that. In fact, that originated with some of our intelligence agencies, in setting up these electronic things and flipping around that way [with Jimmy Carter. in the early ’80s]. Problem is, it got hijacked. It got hijacked from within America and it got hijacked from other places.

And now, this whole monster got turned on America and they knew it, a year and a half ago, with exacting precision and they let all this time pass. It’s excruciating, excruciating, painful.

So, Maduro is at the mercy of Cuban Intelligence. Maduro and Cuban Intelligence are at the mercy, at this point of the Russians, who now see that they have to use this proxy operation to maximum effect, to make America pay for what they’re doing to the Russian people, in this war that’s cost hundreds of thousands of lives and keep the Russian mothers and wives happy and try to do something to get a little payback somewhere, through their proxies. Venezuela’s been used as a hopping-off point for Iranian “Bad Guys”, who’ve been infiltrated into the US and are here, on US soil, right now to cause disruption in this proxy operation, they’ve been there as a pass-through.

And by the way, let me just tell you this. We took out a couple of the Cartel heads and one of them’s up in Denver, just the other day, that they were out down in New Mexico.

SpaceShot76: El Chapo’s son again, huh?

Juan: Yeah…And by the way, El Chapo turned and gave us a lot of stuff. The reason that we had that [2019] event out there, on Wilshire Boulevard, and…the series of helicopters came in; two of them left with nest bags, which are like a Jiffy Pop Popcorn bag of ballistic material.

One took radiological items and went one direction. The other took biological items and went another direction, to keep them separate of the radiologicals for a dirty bomb, to cover the trail of what was going to be done. You’d’ve had something like COVID, a year earlier, had they succeeded with what they wanted to do.

SpaceShot76: Cover the trail.

Juan: Remember Deagel, for a lot of the people in this audience or Deagel…has been saying for five years that, they were projecting the US population to be 25% of what it was in 2020. By 2025, 75% of us are supposed to be dead right now or very shortly and that plan is not done. We’re, we’re in a very serious situation, here. Don’t drop your guard.

So, in Venezuela, the Russians now have to do something to – well, let me finish: So, El Chapo’s up there, his kid; one of the other gangs out of Mexico, just let it be known, a few hours ago that because they were holding El Chapo’s son up there, they now have a free open season for any of their operatives in Colorado, open season on Denver Police. You kill a Denver cop, you get a little prize in the background. So, you know, open season, it disrupts operation. And I guarantee you, those conversations are going to be happening. It’s going to be brutal.

And by the way, I’ve said to your audience, I’ve said to other audiences, I don’t believe the 2024 election happens on time. I think we get up close, probably get to early counting and then it gets paused. And what would be a reason for pause? If you have disruption in major cities for any reason – could be an earthquake, could be space aliens landing on the White House Front Lawn – whatever it is. If cities can’t complete their vote for some oddball reason – there’s a CrowdStrike angle into the vote count. And, so for some reason that is not clear completely yet, there’s a lot of options – an EMP – and people’s vote can’t be tabulated, completed, whatever – the mail doesn’t work, right – or cause, this administration or whoever takes over on the way to Election Day – could pause the Election. And, “Because we just can’t do it and have everybody get to participate.”

If you have gangs opening fire on police or precincts, workers and things like that, maybe you can’t proceed with the vote on time. Something, I believe is going to be played. There’s lots of options. Even the people that are behind this, pulling the puppetstrings, they don’t know which play they’re going to play. They know which plays are options, but options, you know, you might have two, three, four primaries, and then you pick one and you go with it because it fits at that moment. We don’t know what that is yet.

So, anybody that says they know exactly what’s going to happen, I actually think that that’s a dumbass statement.

SpaceShot76: So I’m sure they have a cornucopia of information and things that they can choose from, right?

Juan: Right. And, and, and it’s probably not one thing. It’s probably several things that are cumulative, that lead to that moment, which, you know, “This is America. We have our election on time.” Well, this is the one time that that might not be the case.

So now, you picture – Maduro’s there in Venezuela. He’s the visible side of a much larger operation with a lot at stake. He’s just the figurehead for a puppeteering operation to affect the vote all over the world in a component – not just the only one – but a major component of election interference and fraud.

When he is supposed to be pushed out of office and the people – you know, right now, as you saw, at the opening of the show, you got a million-plus people all showing up at Caracas right now, protesting, that “Maduro’s got to leave. He lost fair and square, get the Hell out of Dodge!” and that number is still growing.

The police and military are kissing-up to the people in a lot of places, but again, you know, are there things that could happen? Let me tell you one of the things that’s in Venezuela and across South America, actually: These gangs, that are bought and paid for, in many ways, they get to go in and they’ll recruit assassins. They’ll take guys that are on Death Row and say, “Look, you want to come work for us? We’ll take certain measures to make sure that you do what you’re supposed to do but as long as you kill people, we want killed, you know, the way we want them killed, you’re free to roam. You’ll be free.

So, “You want a job?” Yeah. And one of the more common ones that they do is they have all these motorcycles and these motorcycle gangs, and they’ll literally, go kill people in their cars, kill people on the street, do whatever they got to do and that’s a, a very common way of taking-out your enemies.

Venezuela has huge numbers of these particular types of assassins. The threat to the Venezuelan people is that any leaders that are trying to band people together in a J6-type of a way to come protest against Maduro, that they’ll be singled-out. And, you know, be they grandma, your sister, your neighbor, your friend, they’ll just get a bullet to the head.

And it’s like Kosovo, where the snipers actually even went in. They weren’t just sniping one side or the other. They’re killing both sides, to try to get them to hit each other, to take on each other.

Because what’s the real risk also for human intelligence? Or the Russians? If Venezuela falls as a stronghold for them, then the investigations begin. Where’s all of Maduro’s contacts, money, the people that had relationship to him, etc? If they can go in and start pulling out that paperwork and data – which by the way, we already have enough of it – we don’t need anything more, but it’ll be fun to get more, you know, “The more, the merrier.”

If the government starts to come apart and all those agencies that the Cubans were running get bared open, then you may very well start revealing things that the whole world’s just aghast at, that supports other stuff that’s going to come out, anyway. They don’t want to let that happen. So what they’d really like to do is cover the trail.

So I’ll use Ukraine as an example. Ukraine was a money-laundering location, where political activity all over the world, the money was being laundered through corporations in Ukraine.

All that money that went to Iran – the billions? – they only got to keep a little bit, when Obama did that. And then, it was run through banks in Ukraine and at the Vatican, out to political operations around the world, to take them where they were supposed to go.

When, the politics reached a certain point, investigations, etc, they were no longer of any use. Then, you had to destroy the records, kill all the people off that might have something to say and could bring justice. And so, could you go to Ukraine right now and do a meaningful investigation, looking at the fraud and the corruption, the payoffs…I just use Burisma, because that’s a commonly-known one for most Americans; the bio labs all over the country. It would be very hard, because a lot of the people that were involved are dead.

A lot of the records, the locations, etc, have been, very much, turned to powder. You could still do it, but it wouldn’t be, necessarily as thorough and effective. The trail’s been covered.

What they want to do, is they want to say – well, here’s another example: we had all the records going into South America, of all the drug-running, the money-laundering, all the players involved, including into the intelligence community, here in the US, back during the mid-’90s, um, early ’90s and then, at a certain point, all of those records from various investigators from different agencies of the government – we didn’t have Homeland Security yet; the FBI had the IRS, we some intelligence officers from other stuff. You had NSA people, all those local policing agencies, state police, etc – all of those hard records, the DEA, the investigators were told to “Put them all together and to box it up,” because it was going to Washington DC and the Senate Banking Oversight committee was going to do an investigation. They wanted everything, the original copies, and then people would be able to testify.

All the detectives involved were like, “I’m not giving that away. We don’t want that out of the property. I’d lose chain-of-custody! It wouldn’t have the same value. I couldn’t prove it, once it’s gone out of my chain-of-custody.” And they were told to “Do it, anyway.” So it all got boxed up and out. As far as people there knew, it was going up to DC.

Then I got the word through one of our guys when we were doing stuff down there, “Uh, no, it went to Oklahoma City, to the Federal Building.” “It did?” “Yeah. They’re just storing it there and then they’re going to move it to DC, later. They didn’t have a place to put it.”

It’s like, it’s like two semi truckloads! What the f@ck are you doing? “Well, we just didn’t have room. We sent it to Oklahoma, but it’s going to go to DC later.” Two weeks later, KABOOM! The Oklahoma City building is blown up to smithereens and all the records that were stored there and they’re gone. And then, what didn’t get burned and destroyed the building too dangerous to work in, just plow it into the ground and put it underground. That’s what they want to do.

If they can’t keep Maduro in office, they need the country to go into civil war, destroy everything, kill all the people off that might have something to say and turn it into Ukraine. And that’s the danger for the Venezuelan people. And then the street gangs to take out either side. See, they, they intend to use that same strategy here into America.

“If we can’t get our way in the election, we’ll use the street gangs to do it, to cause disruption on the streets, here in the United States. And that’s all of these people have been flooded into the country. Nine tenths of them aren’t doing anything wrong. Maybe 9.9 tenths of them aren’t doing anything wrong, but, you know, just in this administration, you have arguably on the low side, 10 million people that have flooded into the country just from south of the Border. Plus other ones, brought in from other places. If only a tenth of a tenth – or that percent were bad guys, it was 99.9% good, well, maybe you got 100,000 people that are problem people. How much disruption can that cause in the country? Crap, we’ve shut the whole half the country down over one or two snipers; over, you know, one or two problem children. And then you’re going to have 100,000. You got deep sh!t and it’s coming up on Election Season.

And then you got things like the gang thing: “It’s open season on the Denver cops, uh, you know, that’s the practice. So, my point, here is Venezuela is far more pressing and direct to America than anything, because it’s in the intelligence community – and by the way, uh, our Ambassador to Bolivia, he’s a liaison…he’s been caught…working as a spy for the last many, many, many years. That just happened, earlier this year.

You have some kind of a problem in the intelligence community. It’s been hijacked and the problem you have in that world is because of compartmentalization; oftentimes people doing, you know, contractor work, they only know the person above them and the one they’re tasking beneath them. They don’t know the people two links away or three links away. So if that gets captured, there’s another bad guy, two, three, four links away, you’re just doing this stuff with the person that calls the shots for you. You don’t know that you’re actually part of a hijacked operation. In this particular case, the hijacking of the vote in 2020, in large measure was done from Venezuela.

The data manipulation was done from Venezuela. It was routed through various things, back into America – and by the way, those chips in the machines, where did they get made? China!

SpaceShot76: Yeah.

Juan: OK: Dominion. Why do you have a Chinese intelligence officer managing stuff from Toronto into the vote in America, working with Dominion IT people? Why do you got Dominion in Serbia?

Venezuela is, I would contend the first major, major, major domino that’s going to be part of this push, back into America and is, from this audience’s side, the part where you begin to see the truth come out about the manipulation of the elections; the fact that of the illegitimacy of numerous people in our election system, and then the collusion.

The threat to America is internal. It’s the hidden strings from the Intelligence Community. It’s the hidden strings in the Secret Handshake organizations and the money, literally over at SES that is reaching into the operations of our government, our intelligence agencies, our policing agencies, our military, and trying to take us off the rails. And the reason is, because the Globalistas that are ultimately behind it, they don’t want to control America. They want the same thing that happened in Ukraine, the same thing they want in Venezuela – and they’re close to getting it now – and the next few weeks are going to be very gripping. And it’s what they want in America: Us to come off the rails, fall into civil war, beat each other’s brains in, and then, what’s left of us will just be clean-up. We’re in a very precarious situation. The people in Venezuela are fighting for their lives, right now.

And I don’t even think they fully understand what’s at stake, just ahead and what they’re going to be called on to do. So the real answer for us right now, either prayer works and prayer changes things, or it’s a waste of time. If you believe that prayer works, that the prayers for Divine Intervention, protection add some part of why Trump made it through, at that moment – marked but not destroyed – Venezuela is in that kind of situation, and we need to be there for them, so that they can be there for us, later, as this thing begins to blow-out and build-up and go all the places it’s supposed to be.

So let me just say a quick prayer with this audience, if you don’t mind, and then, I appreciate there’s, there’s so much more that we’ll still want to get into. Um, and I hope all of your folks will do that and Godspeed, in doing so.

Let me just say a prayer:

“Father God, I thank you for everyone here. I thank You for all of the years, the research, the understanding, the second-guessing, the conversations, the interchange, the networking that has been built-out in this audience and similar other audiences.

“I thank You that this Mockingbird Media, that these controllers have not succeeded, as fully as they would think they could or should have, and that you have a Remnant, here represented in this audience who still get it, who still understand enough of what’s Right and Wrong and the illusions that are being crafted and put against us; that they are not readily-susceptible and that they have maintained relationships with people to move forward and make the difference; the things that are Americana, that are of the Believers, that are the Pilgrim’s Spirit.

I ask You to give each one, here provision for what’s coming, to get through it. That they would have clarity of mind in their next moves, that each one, individually would have Your aid, Your personal help, in a very personal way, that doesn’t come through men, doesn’t come by human knowledge or their individual mission; what You have for them, they would give themselves over to You, to be part of this beautiful thing you’re doing – and not just bringing justice back into America and peace, but that you’re creating a place here, in America and people that can also bring justice and peace across the world and to reverse these horrors that have gotten the grip, not just on the American Government, but governments across the world.

“I pray that You would give each one, here, not just the provision, but the wisdom, the intelligence, and then favor, within their own family, their community, the people they work around, their churches – all of those relationships – that You would give them favor, make each one here the head and not the tail, because they are doing that, which you’ve given them to do.

“That they don’t have to be led around by the nose. They’ve got a brain in their head. You’ve put ideas, words, understanding in their hearts and minds over their lifetime, to get them to this exact moment. And even where they may not see eye-to-eye with Trump or that type of thing, they’re Americans, that You will give them their individual mission, not from a political bent, but from a Right and Wrong bent, to play their part and to do so, valiantly and beautifully, so that on the far side of all these things, we together, this audience will be able to close ranks together with a thankful heart and enjoy all the things that the Pilgrims dreamed for us as a people, us as a nation to get us through this.

“And in the end, not to go out to the world to be our brother’s keeper, but to be our brother’s brother, according to Your will, Father God. I pray for Godspeed, angelic protection, beautiful stories to hear, on the far side of the things that you’re going to do, through all of this audience, to get us through it, together.

“In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

SpaceShot76: Oof. Amen.

Juan: Appreciate y’all and, let’s go get them. Let’s go. Pray for those folks in Venezuela. Think of what happened in Kosovo. That’s what they’re on the edge of. And we pray that that’s not where this goes,

SpaceShot76: As usual, Brother, I do appreciate your time. And I know the folks in the chat do, as well. So it’s always a pleasure to have you on. You know, you’ve got an open door whenever you are available, My Man.

Juan: Well…I don’t, I don’t want to call it Cry Wolf, so I don’t do shows with you, as often, say they do in New York or something like that, but we also do a longer format. And that’s why, when I contacted you, earlier, I said, “No, we really need to talk about this right now.”

And so, I hope people understand that the other ones are more snippets of where things are at, but I try to do something a little longer with you, because it’s a different way of engaging with a different…audience and so, there you go, Bro. It’s coming, Man. It’s still all about 2020. It’s all about 2020. They can try to take it to 2024. It’s 2020 all the way.

We’re gonna have some fun. And then, gear up, let’s have some fun. Let’s go put it in their face!

Let’s stay in touch, keep our fingers crossed – and stay in prayer, for sure. All right.

Juan: All right. ‘Night, Folks.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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