This video gives a thumbnail of the nuts and bolts of something that’s been hiding under our noses for longer than we’ve been alive. Once seen, it cannot be unseen. It is the true nature of the so-called “Special Relationship” between the US and the UK.

Most Americans are lulled by a sense that the British power structure is friendly to the people of the US. Great pains have been taken over a long period of time to promote this idea, from Hollywood films to the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. But if we peel the scales off our eyes, we will discover that the psychological warfare now being waged against the US populace through the Mainstream Media, ranging from “Russian Collusion” to allegations of Syrian President Assad’s “gas attacks” have all been executed by British Intelligence or their contractors.

The seemingly Tinfoil Hat notion that the US lost the Revolutionary War of freedom from British rule during the War of 1812 and that the Crown dictates policy (and almost everything else) in both countries was probably first explained in detail by Dr. John Coleman, author of the 1992 book, The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, which I read the year it was released and that you can read for free here.

The Digital Age has now enabled many more of the gory details to be uncovered by a team of dedicated researchers associated and

Michael McKibben joins Douglas Gabriel for this fully-gripping, paradigm-shifting conversation, where we learn that, “The Crown appears to both direct and shill for the Senior Executive Service (SES), Serco, Crown Agents, Rio Tinto, Urenco, Uranium One, Lockheed Martin, BAE, OPIC, USAID, USTDA, MCC, DoD, State Department, Patent Office, Commerce Department, HHS, DOE, DoE, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, TheCityofLondonUK, Gates Foundation, GSC, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Too incredible to be true? We thought so too, but the facts say otherwise.”

Indeed, before you research the facts for yourself, the very idea sounds like the ravings of a paranoid schizophrenic but listen to Michael McKibben in this video and you’ll come away with an understanding of our chaotic world over the past 50 years that is finally coherent.

We’re introduced to Sir Geoffrey Pattie, who few outside the UK have ever heard of but he is probably the closest thing the world has ever seen to a real “Dr. Evil”. The 5G rollout is basically the crowning of his lifework.

Appointed to Parliament in 1970 and employed by the British Government through 1987, Pattie was Minister of Defence, Minister of State for Industry with responsibility for Science, Civil Aviation, Space and Technology and was a member of the Queen’s Privy Council. He was then knighted by the Queen and went on to be part of the movement to privatize and develop companies and to cash in on all of these connections.

Pattie was central in the founding of Serco. Michael McKibben states, “There is a very clear link, in all that activity to the Senior Executive Service in the United States and especially Serco, which…was just given a $610 million dollar contract to manage FEMA Region 9 [California, Nevada, Arizona]. In addition to the fact that they now process all of our patents in the United States, they manage 56 of our air traffic control towers…they’re heavily involved in this development of 5G, they’re involved in our Naval warfare strategies, they have massive contracts, probably totaling about $6 billion dollars that’s on the books. It just goes on and on. Clearly, the link between Cambridge Analytica and Sir Geoffrey is 100% and so therefore, we then can see that all of these machinations that are occurring in the media are all rolling up to Sir Geoffrey and the Queen’s Privy Council.”

Don’t miss this all-important discussion from American Intelligence Media!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Intellectual Property issue goes deeper than mere theft.
    The machinations involving shares and corporations goes deeper than the lust for money.
    Both are simply arms of the control mechanism.
    Intellectual Property controls are there to slow down the advances made by humanity, to slow our species’ advance to the next level.
    As the human population increases, so does the collective intelligence of the species. More people, more geniuses. It’s the collective intelligence that we witness discovering the truths of this reality and the evil forces that control human life. The power is determined to prevent this.
    Check this for a deeper explanation:

  • Even Humpty dumpty had a great fall,…

    Vulnerable at the summit
    paranoid feeling – that everyone knows
    how you came to get there
    though no moss under foot did grow
    straight away the desire
    of control you summon hitherto
    to keep the others away
    from the gold you’ve come into

    Acquired pawns and serfs
    to perform your daily needs
    slave wages that you offer
    accepted painfully

    Pindar he will haunt you
    unless you attend his unholy sacrifice
    and show him your allegiance
    to the illuminati’s vice

    Your membership not an option
    it came with the cost
    when you sacrificed your soul
    for mere gold it was lost

    The deep state will serve you
    with control’s contribution hence
    no matter the sin
    no matter the circumstance

    No need to worry
    about the public eye
    it’s been bought and paid for
    the media for truth has died

    Go now, to your servants
    who obey you on command
    go now, your fate is calling
    go to your master plan

    Kill off the billions
    of life’s innocents
    no matter for pondering
    karmic reprehense

    Vulnerable at the summit
    paranoid feeling – that everyone knows
    how you came to get there
    though no moss under foot did grow
    straight away the desire
    of control you summon
    to keep the others away
    from the gold you’ve come into

    Pindar he will haunt you
    unless you attend his unholy sacrifice
    and show him your allegiance
    to the illuminati’s vice

    Your membership not an option
    it came with the cost
    when you sacrificed your soul
    for mere gold it was lost
    The deep state will serve you

  • The interviewer is maddening – coming up with silly nicknames and bizarre analogies that are eerily reminiscent of Dan Rather especially during the 2000 presidential election. Whoever this guy is doing the interviewing, I’m not impressed.

    It is especially annoying because he distracts from the powerful and ground-breaking information provided by Michael McKibbon. If anyone else was being interviewed, I would have turned it off within 2 minutes.

    PLEASE have Dark Journalist interview Michael McKibbon. DJ is so much more balanced and sane.

    But thanks so much for introducing me to Michael McKibbon. Just wow.

    (Alexandra, please pass my request along to DJ, thanks:)

    • Gabriel and his wife are just too full of themselves for my comfort. None the less, the hidden hands described are with out doubt psychoparths and sociopaths extraordinaire.
      Prime time examples of adage that ‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’.
      I take solace in the notion that arrogance and self importance always sets in with these seekers of control at any expense. Those emotions develope black holes in their views and actions, inevitably generating social wind gusts that reveal the curtain and the drooling egomaniacs twirling the knobs, levers and button pushes we’ve been victimized by over these many decades.
      This toilet MUST BE FLUSHED!!!

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