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Boston Hoaxathon Solved

The creator of this clip, with the tongue-in-cheek handle, “Barry Soetoro” claims that just one photo of the Chechen Tsarnaev brothers is enough to destroy the “Boston Marathon Bombing” PsyOp, once and for all.

Barry Soetoro alleges that the Boston “Hoaxathon” was a staged event 1). for the purpose of testing martial law, 2). to restrict the sale of gunpowder (to discourage the homemade manufacture of ammunition) and if I recall, 3). to restrict the sale of pressure cookers, to discourage the creation of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) made from these household items.

Even if one buys into the story that the Tsarnaev brothers were guilty of the bombing, the subsequent full-scale military-style invasion, with tanks and troops rolling into the suburb of Watertown, where the homes of totally innocent citizens were evacuated at gunpoint by soldiers attired in full “Operation Iraqi Freedom” regalia surely demonstrated a new low point for “Freedom” in the USA – yes, *that* “Freedom” – for which George W Bush claimed America is so loathed abroad (!)

To be clear, the way this went down was that residents of Watertown and adjacent cities received “reverse 9/11 calls” (you learn something knew every day) and were ordered to “shelter in place” while SWAT teams searched for the bombers.

Although what ensued certainly walked and quacked like a duck and looked for all the world like martial law, as it unfolded on TV and is viewable on hundreds of clips posted to YouTube, this Fallujah-looking action did not legally meet the definition of “Martial Law.”

When I say “military style,” I’m referring to the inter-agency task force that was set up under Dubya after 9/11. Headed up by the FBI, troops from the Massachusetts National Guard and some other civilian Federal agencies moved in. The civilian agencies were in command – not the military. Therefore, despite the overblown, terrorizing presence of military troops, who opened fire and blew holes through many peoples’ homes, missing one baby’s crib by inches, this mission was not legally “Martial Law” – on the technicality that the troops’ activities were not ordered by military commanders.

Whatever happened, it certainly was not Constitutional. However, under the Patriot Acts, the US is now a transmogrified Changeling, a pod replicant of its former self.

Although I’m not acquainted with the language of the Patriot Acts, my guess is that these activities are currently legal, as the US creeps headlong into a full-blown military dictatorship.

I’ve been there. I know.

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