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Your Body is Their Weapon – We’re All Patients Now

A couple of weeks ago, Amazing Polly made a popular video, introducing the idea that the coronavirus response, with the lockdowns and the masks and the school closures and the economic shutdown; the self-isolation – that all of this is not only tantamount to torture, according to Amnesty International’s own definition but it is actively engaging advanced psychological torture techniques that are found in a National Defense Intelligence College manual.

In today’s video, she supplies more evidence to support her claim, from a world authority on narcissism, Dr. Sam Vaknin, who I’ve been aware of since 2005, when I devoured every page of his website with excerpts from his 1999 book, ‘Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited’.

Polly refers here to Vaknin’s article, ‘The Body as Torture Chamber,’ which compares the world of a chronically ill patient and their interactions with the medical system to being tortured; how their own body becomes the device of torture.

Polly believes that this #CoronaHoax global pandemic psyop is clearly capitalizing on the psychology of torture. She says, “They understand about the doctor-patient relationship and they are making us all into patients…

“This should be definitely against the Geneva Conventions. It should be against any form of human decency, to treat someone who is not sick as if they are sick. There are psychological conditions named for that. One of them is Munchausen Syndrome…where a parent gets so much control and so much attention from having a sick child that the parent [intentionally] makes the child sick by giving them little doses of poison or via other methods. This seems to me what’s happening on a a gigantic scale with the coronavirus response.”

An understanding of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is very empowering for everyday life and it is especially helpful for navigating this Fourth Generation Warfare that we’re now in, where we see so many classically Narcissistic control tactics being deployed against the populace.

One of these is Projection, of which Vaknin says: “The narcissist seeks to maintain his inflated fantasy of himself. He denies, slices and splits off, and ‘evacuates’ or projects onto others emotions, cognitions (thoughts), traits, impulses, behaviors and qualities that contradict and contravene [the narcissist’s grandiose Ego Ideal].”

Being that most of us are under stress from the extreme psychological manipulation we’re being subjected to, in addition to the financial, interpersonal and social pressures, I believe it’s of therapeutic benefit to listen to Polly’s presentation.

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