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Young People Are Not Sold on Capitalism

According to latest statistics, 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 no longer support the system of Capitalism64% of Britons believe that Capitalism is unfair, and a solid 77% of Germans are skeptical of Capitalism. In countries like India and Brazil, where government bureaucracy and corruption are high, more people have the perception that free enterprise is the solution for a better society.

Is Capitalism, itself the problem? As Catherine Austin Fitts has said, “Capitalism is a good idea. We should try it sometime.” Fitts argues that our system is so rigged, that it cannot be described to be true Capitalism.

As this piece points out, 8 men control as much wealth as the poorer half of the world’s population (3.5 billion people!), so it shouldn’t come as a surprise, given that statistic and that the current system, which devalues life and wreaks environmental devastation is not viewed positively by the young, let alone by anybody.

Only 14% of Americans believe that their children will live in a better world. “It’s hard to find more conclusive evidence that the American dream is dying in many American hearts and minds,” concludes the survey conducted by a YouGov poll for the Legatum Institute think tank. “Just” 33 percent of young Americans said they supported Socialism in a Harvard University poll, so it remains to be seen what kind of economic system may emerge.

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