Here’s the latest by Truthstream Media’s Melissa and Aaron Dykes on what’s happening with this year’s Bilderberg Meeting. Established by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands as a meeting between European and North American movers and shakers in the spheres of politics, industry, finance, academia and the media, the secretive Bilderberg Meeting is largely seen to be a pow-wow for Globalist muckety-mucks.

For the first time since it began being held in 1954, the location of the annual Bilderberg Meeting will only be publicly announced a day or two before it starts, whereas, for over 60 years, the Bilderberg’s annual agenda, list of attendees and the locations of its meetings have been made public months in advance.

The minutes of the Meeting have always been been kept confidential under “Chatham House rules”, whereby anyone who participates is free to use information from the discussion but is not allowed to reveal who made any comment. This secrecy piques peoples’ interest and in recent years, there has been an increased presence of independent journalists trying to cover the Meeting. This has been met with escalating violence from Bilderberg security personnel. During last year’s Meeting held in Italy, Dan Dicks of PressforTruth interviewed journalist, Josh Friedman, whose hotel room door was busted down by security guards with guns drawn.

This year, the Bilderberg website has not been updated and no information has been made public about where the Meeting will be held or what it will be about. Those who’ve been following this story believe the Bilderbergers are spooked by the existential threat to them that is the anti-Globalist Populism exploding worldwide, with the Gilets Jaunes protests in France in their 7th month, with the recent election of a Conservative PM in Australia, with the meteoric rise of the Brexit Party and with the Eurosceptic movement expected to make serious inroads in the EU elections this Thursday.

Key people on Bilderberg’s steering committee are Silicon Valley censorship advocates, like Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes, who’s pushing for a “National Internet ID” aka “Internet Driver’s License”, which would sync with the upcoming Facebook cryptocurrency, to create an even more draconian version of China’s social credit system.

The Bilderbergers would prefer that we not think or talk about any of this and just roll it out on us, as is being done with 5G technology.

Melissa and Aaron Dykes point out that the push to “fight disinformation” and terms like “Fake News” and “Post-Truth” were hatched at Bilderberg and the methods of implementation were developed at the subsequent Munich Security Conference. The goal appears to be to banish all dissent and all independent media from the Internet altogether.

Aaron reads a purported remark of David Rockefeller’s at the June 1991 Bilderberg Meeting in Baden Baden Germany:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • An ” Elite of Intellectuals ” governing the
    World is bound to bring failure and
    Catastrophies with ” GLOBALISM “.
    From , “52” billionaires … We might reach
    A few more…Would that solve the problem?

  • Bilderburg, where the greedy go to meet, and plan how to control the world, and everyone on it.

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