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Why Brazil Might Elect an Ultra-Right Wing President

Although most Americans don’t know this, the US shares quite a bit in common with Brazil. I’ve often observed Brazil as a testing ground for social engineering that could be rolled out in the US.

Following the 2016 impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and the imprisonment of her two-term predecessor, President Lula da Silva and the ongoing prosecutions and convictions of nearly half of all of its elected representatives, Brazil’s economy has been thrown into chaos by a lack of confidence in the government. A similar scenario could have unfurled in America long ago, if the US Department of Justice weren’t so corrupt but there is a distinct likelihood that we may yet see several high-level members of the US Government tried for their crimes.

There are many documentaries that came out this month, asking how a Liberal stronghold like Brazil could be on the verge of electing a Far-Right candidate like Jair Bolsonaro, who almost makes Trump look like a Left Wing Feminist professor by comparison. Brazilians are as shocked by this seemingly bizarre turn of events as are outside observers.

Brazil has become Post-Marxist. Marxism was an important and necessary influence on political development but its inherent divisiveness and victim mentality have become tired. Such tactics are incompatible with the efficiency, the transparency and the complexity that are manageable in a Digital Age when humanity and life are valued.

In short, Big Government and big bureaucracies breed big corruption. The Brazilian people are furious at being betrayed by the party that pretended to represent the underdog but who instead looted the Treasury on a scale that is almost unfathomable. It feels very similar to the way Obama the Nobel Peace Laureate did not go a single day of his presidency without bombing and droning brown people on the other side of the world. We’ve reached a place and time where if your words don’t line up with your deeds, it will be obvious and it won’t be tolerated.

The majority of Brazilians just want the Worker’s Party out of power, not unlike how Trump got elected. The American people were disturbed by the inveterate corruption of Hillary and the DNC and I think even more Americans are appalled by the Democrats’ incoherent antics over the last 2 years that we’ll see a similar repudiation of the Left in US politics to what we’re now seeing in Brazil. That presidential election is this Sunday.

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