George Webb does a little victory lap in this short video, in which he reminds us that he was on the trail of this coup 3 years ago, following an encrypted Blackberry communications network of 45 members of the DNC, who he and his investigative partners identified as being part of a covert weapons shipping and -cacheing program.
These people included DNC IT tech support employee and suspected Pakistani intelligence asset, Imran Awan, former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Senator Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Adam Schiff and former DNC Deputy Chair, Keith Ellison.
Webb believes the “Kristallnachts” we’ve seen of looting and arson will be violently ramped up with the introduction of weapons and explosives modeled after Operation Gladio.
He says, “A Gladio C is what is coming. Sibel Edmonds is correct. I do see this happening. It’s gonna be a combination of bioweapons…along with probably conventional weapons, along with probably explosives, along with probably other forms of irregular warfare.
“The coup is coming. I don’t think anyone doubts that now. I think everyone understands it’s going to be a second wave of COVID, a bioweapon attack to neutralize the population. But then, there is also going to be this violent armed opposition, as well to gain these footholds and to challenge Trump…
“They’re gonna let America go on fire until the election in order to overthrow Trump. And in states like Washington, you can already see this partnership between the governor, Inslee about not doing anything about the takeover of this group in Seattle. And I do predict that this group in Seattle, these Soy Boys, let’s call them will be supplanted by a much more radical and armed group.
“And as Jeffrey Prather says…when the new, really heavily-armed shadow government comes in, the Soy Boys are discarded, if not, in some cases very seriously hurt – or worse – killed, If they offer any resistance to the replacements that are coming in.
“That’s the next thing to look for in these places. Again, look for the I-5 Corridor, look for these drug route corridors, these heavy, heavy Liberal areas along that key Hell’s Angels ratline of I-5.”
“Gladio is the code word that was used in Europe for the CIA, creating these weapons caches in Eastern Europe. And the idea was that you’d be able to use these weapons and explosives to create disruption inside the Soviet Union and then eventually, there’d be some D-Day…where you have a secret message go out and everyone would go to their gun caches and attack simultaneously and you wouldn’t give your enemy any warning and Sibel Edmonds has talked a lot about Gladio…
“Those same techniques were used by Fethullah Gülen in Turkey and these radical groups like the PKK [Kurdistan Worker’s Party], which is a funder [and trainer] of Antifa to do this sort of covert warfare, where you cache the weapons, you do secret training missions and then all of a sudden, you spring a whole psychological and political psychological campaign at the same time you’re…calling your warriors.
“This is known as a Color Revolution. We talked a lot about it on our channel. William Engdahl talked a lot about organizations which have done this in coordination with NATO; a company called Otpor, based in Sarajevo.
“We’ve talked about Antifa just being a Black Revolution [like Ukraine’s 2004 Orange Revolution or the 2011 Arab Spring], black being the color of the revolution, here in the United States.
“We’ve talked about the weapons cacheing, the front companies or front religious organizations that were used to cache the weapons, like Keith Ellison’s cache near Minneapolis, like the cache in Indiana, with André Carson being again a Blackberry holder, Muslim Brotherhood holder at the Islamic Society of North America.
“We went to Fethullah Gülen’s organization in Saylorsburg [Pennsylvania], spent two days there watching material being moved in and out, both at night and during the day; large, heavy military.
“So, we went to some of these cacheing sites, we’ve talked about programs and warfare, when these caches are moved to operationalize for covert war in Libya and Syria.
“We’ve looked at the generals that are involved. General Grange, his wife, Cindy Grange; the Port of Norfolk. We’ve gone to different ports, like the Port of Canaveral, where there’s long term deals with the UAE [United Arab Emirates] for this; how people like Sibel Edmonds are now calling this “Gladio C”, just like we called it 3 years ago.
“So, it’s interesting that things have come full circle with Sibel, which I couldn’t have a better ally, as far as someone who was in the Washington [FBI] Field Office here and knows that is the codename.
“And again, we’ve looked at Andrew McCabe and his critical role inside the Washington Field Office; the surveillance, the leaks the counterintelligence team that came from the Defense Threat Reduction agency as a backdoor into the FBI; Peter Strzok, Joe Pientka talked about David Brock’s organization with ActBlue.
“We we went and visited the actual front companies, like Comet Pizza, which was trying to push this Pizzagate thing. When I met James Alefantis, I immediately said, ‘This is just a CIA front for gun-running.’ The the kid thing is a diversion.
“So, so I think we’ve been right pretty much for 4 years and we’re going to continue looking at things like the Unconventional Warfare Manual. I’m gonna have an upcoming conversation with Farmer Jones Alex, the Constitutional lawyer. We’re gonna be looking at this manual he’s he’s sourced of 2016 it’s only 44 pages but it’s gonna go through some of these things where you put in a shadow government, let’s say Soy Kids…and then you send in a group to supplant them…Then, once the Soy Boys, if you will get a loose foothold in a city, then you send in your toughs, your operatives, your hardcore operatives that are that are armed.
“We don’t know if that’s going to be Hell’s Angels or not. We don’t know if it’s gonna be the Mongols or Hispanic bike gang. etc. We have heard rumors about Hell’s Angels being sent there but we know Hell’s Angels…has a long history as a cover organization, at least for part of it for DEA agents, ATF agents, FBI, etc. – run drugs-for-weapons campaigns, like Fast and Furious, like Operation Cassandra.
“We’ve talked about San Bernardino being a key hub for these, for at least three major drug motorcycle gangs. It’s a key point for West Coast drug distribution. That’s why you’re gonna have the footprint cities – remember we’re trying to undermine Trump in as many different cities as possible – same place where you have sanctuary cities.
“The next place is probably going to be Portland. Next place after that on this drug graph, this key I-5 drug routes; Seattle being at the top of the drug route, Portland will be next. Then, you’re gonna have potentially Eugene, then you’re gonna have San Francisco, then you’re gonna have Los Angeles and maybe even get down into San Diego, as far as the West Coast and then start moving east along the drug routes – that’s the key – along that key I-5 corridor, which is the Hell’s Angels drug route.
“Why do we know it’s going to be Hell’s Angels? Well, it’s been Hell’s Angels for almost 50 years or 60 years, with the CIA using Indian reservations mostly as a place for sanctuary, a place for drug-running.
“We talked about the Pinal Reservation on the Arizona border that Jeffrey Prather is very familiar with… as a key transit point for Evergreen Aviation, a key Jeff Epstein drugs for weapons airline.
“So, we’ve been looking at this for four years. We have over 4,000 videos of research, each one of those videos is hundreds of hours of research that we keep culling, keep synthesizing to ring the bell, to sound the alert, to send out the call that this is what is coming.
“A Gladio C is what is coming. Sibel Edmonds is correct. I do see this happening. It’s gonna be a combination of bioweapons; as much bioweapons as you can use, along with probably conventional weapons, along with probably explosives, along with probably other forms of irregular warfare.
“But by studying the manual that they’re actually going to use to effect this; by studying the network that actually puts this together and the communications they use; the Green Zone phones, potentially will supplant the Blackberries for Android. Stealthgenie will probably supplant the Blackberries for iPhones and iPads.
“Those are small tweaks. The key here is how is covert warfare done? how did the DHS – remember the son of David Grange, who did Libya is in charge of Continuity of Government.
“How does Continuity of Government actually work? And fire these triggers? How will Continuity of Government allow this cabal to communicate, sort-of pseudo-legally, without the knowledge of the key people that are advising Trump?
“These are all the key things that we’ve been focusing on for 4 years. We’re to keep drilling down, keep getting a more refined of view of what’s happening to bring you the most important information and more importantly, to bring the White House the most important information about how to defeat the coup.
“The coup is coming. I don’t think anyone doubts that now. I think everyone understands it’s going to be a second wave of COVID, a bioweapon attack to neutralize the population. But then, there is also going to be this violent armed opposition, as well to gain these footholds and to challenge Trump.
“Remember, Trump can’t send in federal troops according to the Constitution with Posse Comitatus. So, a governor is the only one who can do that; to send in the National Guard from their state, which has been used for years for supplying these covert operations, hence, the reason they are gonna let this fester.
“They’re gonna let America go on fire until the election in order to overthrow Trump. And in states like Washington, you can already see this partnership between the governor, Inslee about doing anything about the takeover of this group in Seattle – and I do predict that this group in Seattle these Soy Boys, let’s call them will be supplanted by a much more radical and armed group.
“And as Jeffrey Prather says…when the new, really heavily-armed shadow government comes in, the Soy Boys are discarded, if not, in some cases very seriously hurt – or worse – killed, If they offer any resistance to the replacements that are coming in.
“That’s the next thing to look for in these places. Again, look for the I-5 Corridor, look for these drug route corridors, these heavy, heavy Liberal areas along that key Hell’s Angels ratline of I-5.”
I’m having a hard time with the child sex trafficking not being the big$$$ biz out of that pizza parlor in DC..can you elaborate?