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What the Media Won’t Tell You About LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD

Here is ReallyGraceful’s educational documentary about the Rothschild Family.


While the Rothschilds had a hand in the opium and slave trades, the City of London’s central banking system, counterfeit money and the French Revolution – I told y’all, this was going to be an accelerated history – I don’t want y’all to have to sit from your camel backs and slip on a pair of Depends® to watch a single video of mine, so let’s let’s move on to the Rothschild’s funding of American colonies, their role in the American Civil War and the series of events that led to the creation of the big kicker: the Federal Reserve.

The American Civil War was financed by the House of Rothschild. They backed both sides and throughout this video, you’ll notice this trend: the funding of both sides stirs and finances the hatred for both sides.

And since war is profit, especially when bankers are the ones who profit from the loans the government takes out. At one point Abraham Lincoln needed more money and the rates he was offered by the New York Bankers were too high, thus he began printing government money.

Take note, that this money unlike the money issued by the Federal Reserve today collected no interest thus Lincoln managed to work around the Rothschilds. But less than 2 months before the end of the American Civil War, President Lincoln was assassinated.

You might notice another trend the trend of dying figureheads anytime they go against the money trust or the main belief that the majority of the world’s financial wealth and political power could be controlled by a powerful few.

Now that we’ve laid out their basic strategy, which is to cause wars or help them out give them a little nudge through some provocation, resulting in maybe a crisis or two, loans are dished-out at exorbitant interest rates on both sides of the wars. Then, when both of those governments can’t repay those debts, the Rothschild Bank calls in the loans and takes possession, installing a central bank.

In 1913, the same year the Rothschild-funded Anti-Defamation League was founded, the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States was conceived. It is neither federal or owned by the government. The Federal Reserve is privately-owned, which means it generates private wealth. Guess who benefits? Not the American people.

One year after the creation of the Federal Reserve, World War I began pitting the Allied and Central Powers against each other. Guess who was funding both sides? Again, you guessed it – and the result was the fall of the German, Russian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires.

But who cares if there’s money to be made off both of the winning and losing sides? After all, it brings us closer to a One World Government, doesn’t it? “In a One World Government,” means a central global bank.

In 1917, through the Balfour Declaration, the British government expressed their support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The letter was written to none other than Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild. With the Versailles Treaty of 1919, Britain was entrusted with the temporary administration of Palestine.

Now, I’m sure you know where I’m going with this: with the Rothschild bankers funding both the Axis and the Allies, the Second World War brought us closer to a One World Government with the establishment of the United Nations.

But money wasn’t the only thing that the Rothschilds contributed to the Second World War. According to a book by psychoanalyst, Walter Langer, not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschilds, he was a Rothschild! Hitler’s father was the illegitimate son of a girl who was living in Vienna at the time she conceived – and at that time, she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. But as soon as the family discovered her pregnancy, she was sent back home, where Hitler’s father was born.

With the House of Rothschild claiming to be a Jewish family and the force behind the Zionist movement, their connections to Hitler and the funding of both world wars is curious, especially given that one of the results of World War II was the state of Israel.

How many lives have been lost in wars funded by bankers? War is profit and if war ceases to continue, the cash flow stops, thus posing a big old problem for those who rely on war for wealth.

In 1963, even though war was over, the bloodshed hadn’t stopped. On June 4th, President John F Kennedy signed an executive order, which returned to the US Government the power to issue currency, which meant they didn’t have to go through the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve. Six months later, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

In the following decades, central banks continued to pop up across the world, with the European Central Bank set up in 1998 in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschild’s banking dynasty began.

And after 9/11, the United States declared a war we’ve really not been able to get out of: an endless War on Terrorism that the world is frightened into with each seemingly random terrorist attack.

Hatred and fear fuels each side of the war but only one entity funds both sides, keeping each rival distracted from focusing their attention on whose war this really is.

Magicians can only enchant Their audience if the audience is unaware of how the trick is executed. If more people knew about how the Shadow Government operated, then maybe we could channel our energy into creating solutions for the future.

But that’s the thing: We’re too busy paying away our debts, working at jobs we hate so we can spend a little time with the people we love. We can never truly free ourselves without being able to name who rules over us.

If you have any solutions to our current predicament, I’d love to hear them, as always I look forward to your comments.

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