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What Happened to the Liberty Movement?

The past week in the US was largely defined by a nationwide protest movement against the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President.

Putin was quick to congratulate Trump on his win and said he looked forward to Russia normalizing relations with the US, releasing photos of his teetotaling self, hoisting a flute of Champagne.

The threat of a nuclear war plunged from 3, “Above normal levels, Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes,” to 5, “Normal peacetime readiness.” (1 signifies “Maximum readiness; all forces ready for combat; nuclear war imminent or likely”).

Having been born during the Cold War, I was confounded that these protestors could care less about the nuclear war already hovering over our heads and promising to zoom to a more perilous Defcon, with the election of their candidate. They didn’t care about the war crimes that have bloodied the hands of Secretary Clinton, in the massacres of 500k+ civilian innocents in Libya and Syria. They didn’t care about the complete demolition of these countries’ infrastructures, ancient monuments and the total destruction of these societies. They were perfectly fine with Hillary’s vote to invade Iraq, where another 1M+ civilians were slaughtered and that country also razed to the ground for no good reason.

They weren’t protesting the 7k+ US fighters killed in action over the past 15 years and ~50k maimed, in the longest continuous armed conflict of any other in US history. They weren’t protesting about 9/11, which altered our legal structure into a sick surveillance state, unimaginable to George Orwell. They couldn’t give a damn, that under Obama, State propaganda was legalized and that he incrementally added executive powers to the yearly National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to the point where now, the US President has the right to detain or to kill anybody, anywhere on the planet without due process.

Where’s that social justice, when you really need it?

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, who were apparently OK with a fifth term of bloodthirsty and financially ruinous NeoCon “Endless War” policies, guaranteed by Hillary’s Warhawk rhetoric. That was just fine.

Snowflake sensibilities boiled over into violent riots, over some stupid things that Donald Trump said, which could never pass into law.

That was how I felt until yesterday, when I saw this clip by TruthstreamMedia – and I realized that I’d been fooled again.

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