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Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian

Released by Greg Reese on October 12th.



Project Cirrus is the first official attempt to modify a hurricane. It was run by General Electric with the support of the US Military.

The official theory was that by changing the temperature outside the eye wall of a hurricane, which they did by seeding the clouds with various compounds such as silver iodide, a decrease in strong winds will result.

On October 13th, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane heading out to sea. Approximately 180 lbs of dry ice was dropped into the clouds. The crew then pronounced a modification of the cloud deck and the hurricane abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, GA.

The public blamed the Government.

Irving Langmuir, who pioneered General Electric’s Atmospheric Research department and admitted that the project was about learning how to weaponize the weather also claimed the reversal of the hurricane had been caused by Project Cirrus.

But the government denied it for 12 years.

After a short delay, the project officially continued and in 1965, project Storm Fury had targeted Hurricane Betsy for seeding.

On that day, the storm immediately changed direction and made landfall in Southern Florida.

Congress blamed it on Project Storm Fury but the Government claimed that the hurricane shifted before they ever had a chance to seed it.

And after two months of congressional hearings, the project was allowed to continue.

During the Vietnam War, weather modification was weaponized in Project Popeye and as a result, starting in October of 1978, an international treaty now prohibits the military use of weather modification.

In 1997, US Defense Secretary William Cohen said that we have enemies capable of altering the climate and setting off earthquakes and volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

And so, controlling the weather seems to be a very real thing.

And while the media lies to you, the Government has placed gag orders on employees of the National Weather Service, who have sought legal counsel to reverse these illegal gag orders – and they no longer need to seed the clouds.

Chemtrails, or as John Brennan of the CIA calls it, “stratospheric aerosol injection” allows these projects the ability to put whatever they want into the skies and HAARP has the ability to change the temperature within the ionosphere.

In congressional hearings, it was made known that HAARP was a success operation of controlling the ionosphere with ultra high-powered radio frequency and that the Air Force and DARPA went on to develop their own versions.

Frequency transmission manipulation of hurricanes is one of hundreds of patents on weather control.

With conductive particles added to the storm, radio frequencies from multiple locations can steer a hurricane, according to, this happened with Hurricane Ian.

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