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Feminist icon and bestselling author, Naomi Wolf joins Sarah Westall for an excellent interview about the breathtaking controlled demolition of our civilization.

During her 35-year career, Naomi had almost only known extraordinary success. Her legacy as a thought leader of the Liberal World Order seemed secure until 2020, when she began to publicly question the COVID lockdowns.

Her latest book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human has now permanently ejected her from the good graces of polite society, to say nothing of social media, from which she’s been widely de-platformed.

Despite having written several bestselling books, including this latest one, no one in the mainstream will review it – but you can read Lew Rockwell’s first-rate analysis, here.

Naomi talks to Sarah about the breakneck dismantling of the most basic Western values of critical thinking and open inquiry that we’ve observed in the past two years, with the criminalization of dissent and “misinformation” in the DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board and in a bill being discussed in the EU that would exact heavy fines from those who share “medical misinformation” on social media.

It’s as if the West is being subjected to mass behavior modification to make us conform to a Chinese Communist model and she mentions here that this is a very real element in what’s occurring. Those US states with the deepest economic ties to China, like New York and California have become the most oppressive and unrecognizable during this engineered crisis.

She says, “I just want to tell people, when you’re feeling confused or disoriented and like, ‘Is this America? What’s going on?’ This is intentional. This is how the CCP wages war and now they have AI to help them.”

As a lifelong Democrat who voted for Biden, Naomi describes the Democrats’ lockstep conformity to this tyranny as “embarrassing and dangerous” but she correctly points out that this is not a partisan issue and that what’s happening may well be beyond our ken. As a secular Jew, she has found a faith in God that she never previously had and she says she loves Jesus, who she describes as “my rabbi” and “the greatest social justice warrior, ever.”

“These people are so evil and their attack on humanity and on the West is so comprehensive – well, I’ll just say what I believe, Sarah – I’m a very critical thinker. I’m not trying to blow my own horn, it’s just what I do. I’ve looked at this attack on us for the last two years from every level and it’s so global in scale, it’s so well-coordinated, it’s so kind of demonic in its imagination; so comprehensive – and I also have studied politics and history my whole life. In no other circumstance – not even in Nazi Germany’s ascent – have I seen such a supernatural amount of coordination…

“And I can’t understand this without reference to non-human, no-material reality. In other words, I actually think this is a Satanic attack on humanity. And I’m not a woo-woo person. I never talk about this stuff in public but I think we have to face it. These are meta human powers, I think we’re up against.

“And that’s not necessarily all bad news. Paradoxically, concluding that this was a meta human level of evil, with supernaturally efficient skillsets led me to believe in God more literally than I ever have…

“I’m not proselytizing, I’m not asking people to believe or see what I see but I cannot understand this global – the sophistication and skill and complexity of this as attributable to just human politics. Even bad politics – even bad people. It doesn’t make sense.

“It only makes sense on a metaphysical level that we don’t understand yet.

“So, I guess what I’m trying to say is if that’s the case, I don’t really think we have any hope – just us, alone – but I do think if there is a metaphysics involved, maybe we have hope by prayer or repentance or I’m literally reading the Old Testament these days, and like, ‘What? What are we supposed to do? Tell me, Prophets! I don’t know, this is too horrible.’

“But it could be ‘Principalities and Powers’ that we don’t understand. But other cultures, other civilizations in the past have cleaned up their own act and at least in the Western narrative, that helped them deter their worst enemies, their worst outcomes.

“That’s my best offering to this community. That’s all I’ve got, because this is really bad.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I highly recommend reading the New Testament not just the Old Testament. Of the KJV or and The Complete Jewish Bible. Because in reading the New Testament you will see how the things that are happening were prophesied. It’s a staple for every person because it contains the Gospels and that is what everyone should read and understand and accept the gift that God gave us in His son Jesus Christ. Which is salvation through Jesus Christ Yeshua. It’s necessary for everyone’s soul!

  • I’m sorry to inform anyone about things they stand with or for about the Trans lifestyle and or the whole LGBTQ+ communities. But, it is definitely all promoted for the purpose of depopulation and because it’s against GOD. So, you are definitely correct that these are all founded and coming from demonic forces. And too much of our government is a huge part of helping the agenda of satan. They want children being indoctrinated with that mind of confusion and not know who they are as God created them.

  • You were mistaking when you had Kevin Costner. She was not referring to him. Kevin Costner was not in the movie Officer and A Gentleman, she was referring to Richard Gere. He has supported Tibet for years.

  • For me, the best part of this interview begins at 41:36 when Naomi allows herself to speak from that aspect of self that exists beyond the surface self. I believe (a substitute for knowing) that when Naomi is considering that what we’re experiencing might be metaphysical, she is on the verge of having an apocalyptic moment: i.e., a lifting of the proverbial veil (not the more common end of the world apocalyptic).

    Naomi speaks of metahumans with supernatural powers that are carrying out a flawless diabolical plan against “we the people” and that is a scary probability indeed. However, the probability that I believe is more probable but far, far more an incredibility is that the world we believe we exist within is actually a dream/illusion/simulation, etc. Absolutely NOTHING we perceive to be real and true is real.

    To illustrate this point…in watching The Matrix movies we learn that the matrix is a simulated reality (dream reality) that the bulk of humanity has been trapped in. It is implied that those who are not in the simulated reality are in the “real” world. The Matrix movie while packaged as a science fiction story it, as many now awake individuals around the world know, was not sci-fi. It was a “red pill” made available (by who or what exactly?) to humanity through a most efficacious delivery system: i.e., the movie industry. The Matrix movies revealed much but what they revealed was but a tiny fraction of a much, much, bigger picture. Meaning, what was portrayed to be “real” in the movies was just more matrix, albeit, another level of the matrix.
    What the Matrix movies don’t show is that the architecture of the matrix is a pyramidal hierarchy. It’s countless hierarchies, within hierarchies ,within hierarchies, ad infinitum that descend into greater and greater complexities.

    What is unbelievable is that it all (the countless hierarchies of matrixes) began with one simple lie that we chose to believe to be the truth. The matrix illusory reality emerged into physical form (energy, matter, space and time in seemingly infinite configurations) around this one lie. The lie is: what was created by Source can separate from Source. The Truth: there is no point where Source ends and its Creations begin; they are one and the same. Creation is the uninterrupted extension of Source. Creation is not an egg coming out of a chicken. A chicken’s egg is a product of the chicken not an extension of the chicken. Do you see the difference?

    Are you in a matrix (a simulated reality – a dream reality)? If you find even the tiniest bit of value in any one or more of these following concepts, you have identified as being an individual viewpoint in the matrix. The concepts: good/bad, right/wrong, win/lose, free/enslaved, love/ fear, and alive/dead.

    How does one get out of the matrix? It cannot be done without help. To get out of the matrix everyone needs a “Morpheus” to guide them every step of the way, for the matrix is booby-trapped beyond one’s comprehension. Those concepts cited above are a sampling of matrix booby-traps. Fortunately, there is not one person that does not have a Morpheus. However, if the person seeks for their Morpheus in what seems to be an outside world, their seeking will be endless for Morpheus is not outward but inward. Morpheus can only be found within.

    A person’s Morpheus, their guide out of the matrix, is invisible and it’s not recognized for being what it is. Indeed, it is often times completely disregarded by the person. It is known and referred to, though, by many names; e.g., intuition, gut, sixth sense, spirit guide, Holy Spirit, Higher Self, Jesus, Buddha, Ganesh and myriad other symbols. For one to ever hope to get free from the matrix it is critical that they develop a trusting relationship with their “Morpheus.” That noted, what is even more critical that a person has in place, in order to begin leaving the matrix, is the sincere desire and willingness to leave the matrix.

    If I could recommend a teaching for Naomi to read right now it would be two lessons from the 365 lessons included in the ACIM (A Course in Miracles) workbook; lessons #189 &190.

    Excerpt from #189: “Simply do this: Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself. Empty your mind of everything it thinks is either true or false, or good or bad, of every thought it judges worthy, and all the ideas of which it is ashamed. Hold onto nothing. Do not bring with you one thought the past has taught, nor one belief you ever learned before from anything. Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God.”

    Excerpt from #190: ” Pain is a sign illusions reign in place of truth. It demonstrates God is denied, confused with fear, perceived as mad, and seen as traitor to Himself. If God is real, there is no pain. If pain is real, there is no God. For vengeance is not part of love. And fear, denying love and using pain to prove that God is dead, has shown that death is victor over life. The body is the Son of God, corruptible in death, as mortal as the Father he has slain.”

  • You nailed it dead on! Past few years i had dreams and utterances of thus very thing! The endgame is the transformation and terraforming all things into the image of lucifer! Its the ‘times of Noah’ revisited re matt 24, luke 21….and the tie in is gen 6! The battle is spiritual in nature but bleeds and then manifests into the physical….aka dark demonic entities is very high spiritual places!..rulers, dominions, principalities,powers…words here..put on the full armour of G_d and seek out jesus/yehoshuah is the answer cos this is not a human made problem! Think revs 13 and the 1st beastvfrom the sea of natiins/tribes/tongues ..a composite beast/empire/govt… read 2 esdras 11 and 2 esdras 12 and daniel 7 to connect the dots! In regards to rev 13 there are 10 kings/heads/leaders who for 1 hour work with the beast/dragon/lucifer.. the dragon/beast gives them authority for 1 hour…..those are your puppet masters of the globe at present who take orders from lucifer/the red dragon on the world scene at present. They are also called ‘the kings of the earth’ in the book of revelations…this is playing out now in 3d physicality aka on the present world stage. As one who ‘sees and hears’ ive seen everything thats been playing out on the world scene since dec 2018! I was called by G_d and jesus to be a watchman…this is what i do…thats my job in essence. .i warn others, i warn peoples whats soon coming. I dont do it for recognition, fanfare,riches or fame…its just what G_d enquires of me to do humbly and be low key. Its G_d gift..not mine…so my ego/pride or glory of man need not apply!…and im no saint either! Just a broken earthen clay vessel thats genuine and brutally honest…i hold nothing back. What G_d, jesus and the Spirit of G_d tell me i speak…period!. im just a conjuant only! Ive been posting in cyberspace certain sites since early 2019 but only to certain places and peoples. I wont divulge where i post freely online the site i speak on…we dont need trolls and onslaught of attacks etc. Alexandra i will send the link via my email just email me. ..then discern for yourself… enquire from G_d and jesus if true..not via human fallen carnal intellect/logic tho..if true with it. Post what you feel is of value to share with others freely…just keep me anonymous tho…we are at war in essence but our battle is not with humans but with dark fallen entities in very high aetheric places. Ive seen everything…even the endgame etc. Trust G_d, trust jesus..for they alone are the answers you seek…thru the Spirit of G_d they will reveal and confirm! Dont buy into the games of the Dark Overlord/lucifer or the schemes of the Dark Kingdom via the puppet masters/kings of the earth cos their time is almost up literally …and now they have gone completrly overt and ‘in your face’ and will destroy earth and all humans just so G_d and jesus dont win and jesus don’t inherit the kingdom rulership on the earth! May explain the georgia guidstones explosion..aka ‘mission complete’ in the fallen ones eyes…and the booting up of cern. Cern was not to be back online till 2024! So why is cern online now?! The dark fallen ones trying to make more time for themselves cos they are presently out of time aka their time is completely up now?! Words i heard in Spirit in late 2021…we have entered the 7th day and the 7th seal…and in ‘the end of the end of days’ aka ‘the last hour’ timeframe! Im expecting jesus to tread the winepress aka 7 trumpets anytime/anyday now! In 2020 i heard in Spirit…’entering the 6th seal now and the commencement of the beginning of the Day of the Lord’s’ timeframe….so time is very very short now…but im just a lowly seer…a messenger only…take these things up with G_d and jesus for confirmation and if of Truth… ‘run with it!’ Shalom.

  • It’s nice to see you finally get it!!what your saying is what conservatives have been saying for 20 years,,the liberals have been pushing this for all these years,,you call yourself a critical thinker??? All this evil stuff has been in our schools,government, banking,judges,all the democratic leadership for ever,,Trump warned about all of this and all you did was climb on the disgusting wagon that TRIED EVERYTHING under the sun to take him come you haven’t seen this coming,,critical thinker??? Seem more like sheeple following darkness off a cliff

  • I must beg to differ with Dr Wolf.

    We have not entered the last stage of tyranny.

    And why?

    The Antichrist is not here. There is no one world leader who the entire world salutes as God . This man has not declared himself God in the rebuit Jerusalem Temple. And he cannot do so until the Temple is rebuilt. I reject the idea that the temple spoken of here is the human body for though that has some usage in christian terms it would have been meaningless to Daniel the Prophet who predicted the Abomination of Desolation in his book.

    indeed there is so much that does not fit endtime prophecy,

    As the Beast is not here. Neither is the False Prophet who is the one who sees to it that the mark of the beast is administered to all. and who also can call fire from heaven to kill any opponents (Revelation 13)

    Therefore the vaxx or vaxx passports are not the mark of the beast

    And it is not only Jews and Christians who are resisting the vaxx – something essentially impossible were this the Great Tribulation

    there is too much hysteria going on from those who cry, “the beast! the beast!” at the slightest similarity between him and any occurence today.

    and this is totally irrational. One similarity does not make for complete identity

    And this is my hope: as the Beast is not here Satan has made a premature run at taking over. Were this the appointed time we would be all either dead or marked fordeath (making war on the saints to over come them, also in Rev 13) and as God will also at that time wipe out the majority of humanity (Isaiah 13:12) very very few will survive and the only hope of the righteous is not being spared death but the First Resurrection

    So as the Disloyal Opposition has made a run for it when not allowed to by God he will be smacked down hard

    too many people talk of “the antichrist system,” but the antichrist is not a system he is a man.

    As regards tyranny, as the antichrist is not yet here WE AINT SEEN NOTHING YET.

    and if i am correct on my view of prophecy, we may not see it in our lifetimes for in my considered opinion things have not progressed (degenerated) far enough for that scenario to work

    • Dear “once a musician,”

      Would that you
      extrapolate from
      this fact :

      Satan – “the beast” – is a projection of the
      Reptilian Brain within each one of us.

      Quoting from the avant-garde set of books,
      “A Course in Miracles” :

      “There is nothing outside of you.”

      All conflict is an external projection of two
      internal kingdoms/brains within us :

      1) The pre-frontal lobes [ the logic-driven part ] and

      2) Old brain [ the emotion-driven part ], both of
      which parts battle for control of our thoughts and
      resulting behaviors—GOOD or EVIL.

      Study my report, “The Underlying Cause of Political
      Affiliation”—also entitled, “My Organic Psychology.”



      The “last stage of tyranny” is BRUTALITARIANISM
      ( my term ).

      Study the ( brutal ) history of the Bolsheviks in
      Soviet Russia.

      • P.P.S.

        “The body is a limit imposed on the universal communication that is an eternal property of mind. But the communication is internal. Mind reaches to itself. It does not go out. Within itself it has no limits, and there is nothing outside it. It encompasses you entirely; you within it and it within you. There is nothing else, anywhere or ever.”
        —ACIM Textbook, page 360, 3rd paragraph

        • Interesting…mind is logic…heart is the seat of the emotions…gut/belly is the pkace of decision and intuition.
          In jesus via the Spirit of G_d… all becomes whole, balanced and in harmony with each other equating to being made whole within….last thing to change is the outter body aka meat suit of flesh…

          The thought is birthed in the mind…felt in the heart..then acted out or upon via the gut/belly…decision/actions…
          Thoughts also comes from several sources too…G_d via conscience and the Spirit of G_d, jesus’s still small voice, our own Selves talk too aka selftalk…and the enemy ha satan and his minions of very unmerry men who implant… put their nasty and negative thoughts too/injected as it were…dropping seeds of nasty thoughts, doubt, rebellion, unbelief etc.
          The enemy attacks the mind and once that thought or thoughts is/are pondered..a chain reaction starts. Gotta nip it in the bud… at the birthing of the thought in the brain/mind! The battle is within…and also within the mind…liken to javob wrestling that angel all night long. The angel cheated and put jacob’s hip out of joint or jacob could have won and that angel knew it! In romans psul also talked about the inner battle..and the wrestling of thoughts within…paul gives the solution to the problem as well in the book of romans.

          There is ‘the spirit of antichrist aka
          lawlessness re 2 thess 2…read book of jasher too ..if i recall rihht chapter 29 or 30 or was it 90??? Chapters regarding sodom and gamorreah …the region was full of lawlessness, weird sex rituals snd very unequal measures. ..kinda like today’s world infact!
          …in the past there have been many antichrists as well…in the one of the letters written it speaks this very thing. It also says..’in the last hour many antichrists will come..this you will know you are in the last hour!’
          Its here baby literally…just look at human world history…and presently via the puppet masters/global leaders aka ‘the kings of the earth’! Anyhoos…lots i can say but my spine is right now killing me..joys of terminal bone cancer all over my body at present. Life is 3d physucality is but a vapour only. .thrn your gone…so cherish the time one has left making good memories..not bad ones. Dont let the Enemy steal your joy or happiness…dont be innbonage to the fear eithet cos thatcsucks the lufe rightnoutta you and can make you physically sick or kill ya vua hesrtattack/stroke or suicide. Shalom.

          • Just a messenger,

            Lots to contemplate there.

            Thanks !

            There’s a line in ACIM :

            “Deny the denial of perfection.”


            In My Prayers, re your pain !


    • Musical man, your taking the Scriptures out of context. There is No “Antichrist” there is No “Beast” there is No “Tribulation” So can your Evangelical Christian belief system, they are harmful to the Soul. Catholicism is as close as you will get to what’s going on if you were to pay attention to Symbolism. They are the “Keepers of Time.” & We entered the Cusp of the “New Age” June Solstice 2020 that Jesus spoke of “Follow the Water Bearer” (sign of Aquarius).
      Christianity is a continuation of Paganism. The gospels are not a biography of an historical messiah, it is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of dying and resurrection Godman, Osirus & Dionysus had been popular for centuries.
      The Bible was never intended to be an historical document. It is a work of Theology, Law, Ethics & Literature.

    • Word..the AC has been playing behind the world scene for quite a while now…. liken to the hidden guy behind the curtain in the wizard of oz…he’s hidding behind the curtain of the global leaders and pulling the strings! Darkness had gone totally overt and in your face since 2019! The body is definity the Temple of G_d btw…jesus stated that very thing…the defilement is from ‘within’. You are taking all things literal..some things are symbolic in interpretation. Everything is NOT all face value in regards to the scriptures…gotta dig deeper! The Bible is multilevel and multifacited …its the Spirit of G_d alone that brings the true interpretation and understanding to bible context…and aspects and principles even… human logic is carnal, fallen and very limited!
      The building of the temple with the outter courts being given to the gentiles/the unclean as it were is symbolic of everything outside of the body belongs to the world aka ha satan who is the prince of the power of the air/aethers…and ruler of this 3d world babylonian world system!
      There us a passage in romans where paul my mind i honour G_d but in my body sin reigns..oh how wretched a man i am. Who will save me from this dilemna?…heed the Spirit and live. There is no condemnation to those who heed the Spirit of G_d who resides within the body. Also jesus and Father G_d also live in the heart of those who believe/trust in jesus! Read up on the chat of nicodemus and jesus…you must be born of Spirit/born of Heaven/rebreathed of G_d…. add in inner man, new creation…put on new clothes,new name aka the new nature from G_d ….breathed within via the gift of the Spirit of G_d aka the Comforter via crucifixion/resurrection of jesus…jesus left mankind with a very special gift…the Spirit of G_d that was blown on the people on Shavout/Pentacost! Acts 2…to all who believe on jesus and follow after jesus! Quit thinking carnally!..that’s fallen human logic which is way inferior to G_d’s eternal wisdom! You still on baby food only?…time to grow up and mature…time for meat and potatoes dude! Cant stay a child and naive forever…grow and put on some granny panties and get wisdom from G_d via the Spirit of G_d from within! Again read the chat of nicodemus and john i think ?! There is a way that seems right to man but leads to destruction. So just because it seems right and sounds good..may not be the right choice overall in G_d’s eyes…for human logic is fallen, carnal/fleshy in nature/unregenerated and way way inferior!!! Seek counsel from G_d and jesus via the Spirit of G_d within instead!The highway to hell/sheol/the grave is paved with very good intentions..but the end result is still spiritual and physical death! Btw..prayer basically means to speak to G_d aka communication..liken to G_d and adam and eve in the Garden…repour…friendship… chatting with G_d about everything..the good, the bad, the ugly aka conversation/conversing with G_d and no need for mantras or long winded religious sounding and high terminology dialogue either like the pharisees do! Aka all outward show, upmanship and full of darkness and death within!
      Why the need for it to be all mystical and mysterious and very religious sounding?…trying to impress G_d Almighty with religious overtones snd terminology?…. get genuine…get real before G_d!!!be your real self!…heck He knows you totally and completely anyways already…so off with the mask of comformity and rituals etc…get naked before G_d aka nothing hidden. Jesus should be your covering for your nakedness and shame after all! Hm..i get an image of jesus covering my naked body with his jewish prayer shawl before the throne of G_d Almighty!its a very long prayer shawl btw…i have lots to hide/cover…lol G_d already knows the good, the bad and the ugly…so why hide it with a outward mask/living a double life…or are you just playing religion/playing church only? drawing a blank now…so back to my corner….

  • “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
    Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
    by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits
    who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.”

    • Amen.
      & We know Naomi “prowls about the world” by her works, hence defends LGBTQ group who goes against Natural Law.

  • This is the first time I have tuned in to Sarah’s show. I love Naomi, and tuned in the hear her speak.
    Just a word of advice from a first time listener to this show.
    Please let the guest talk, without interrupting.

  • You must homeschooling your children. Best if they learn a trade. If degree seeking only, you Phd’s with the abulility to teach need to gather and open an alternative school. Kids are being indoctrinated my the hundreds of thousands in our colleges and universities. To save our Nation we must save our children.

  • Power to the people and David E Martin in UT today and beyond. We’ll see if any justice can even find its way through the court system.

  • When Ms. Wolfe speaks of “evil” and metaphysical influences, the first thing that comes to my mind is that there is at least as much positive, loving entities from the discarnate realm as there is darkness. We must just seek that influence, and empower it.
    Be the difference.

  • Wolf is an example of how insane the world long has been.

    She loyally served the criminal psychopathic totalitarians for over 30 years as a feminist, “lifelong democrat” and liberal intellectual who just happens to “wake up” to reality since 2020 and falsely presents the situation as if people got brainwashed just since 2020.

    As usually influencers of the whitewashing SELECTIVE truth movement are about as DISHONEST as the utterly repulsive people and culture they’ve been, and are, serving with their “everyone’s just a victim” propaganda everyone welcomes in the world of crazies —

    It shows we live in a global mental asylum with criminal and/or delusional mainstream psychologists, scientists, docs, feminists, liberal intellectuals as the guards, “teachers” and “therapists” … The blind/criminal/mad leading the blind/criminal/mad; the blind/criminal/mad adhere to the blind/criminal/mad = the human madhouse.

    Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?

    • She didn’t suddenly wake up. In 2007, she wrote ‘The End of America’ about how the Dubya administration was doing things that paralleled the rise of totalitarian regimes of the past. She wasn’t thrown under the bus back then because Dubya was a Republican.

      • As a “lifelong democrat” she DEFINITELY has not woken up at all but STILL serves the long existing totalitarian US dictatorship power structure with their endless fake dichotomies of ‘Dems’ and ‘Reps’ or ‘China’ vs ‘US’ etc etc … with their “divide and conquer” game to hoodwink the sheep class. YOU apparently have not woken up either based on your silly comment…

        • Boris, I seriously doubt she’s still an indoctrinated Democrat. She married her bodyguard in 2018, who’s an Army vet and intelligence contractor. These guys are usually not Democrats and it’s apparent to me, having followed her for nearly 30 years that he has informed her quite a bit.

          She was never the kind of America-hating newfangled Democrat typified by AOC and the Squad. She’s always been a patriot and a lover of the Constitution and of the fundamental Western precepts of open inquiry, reason, etc.

          This is why her Democrat programming finally broke, despite it having rewarded her so richly throughout her career.

          I’ll ignore your barb towards me, because it seems you’re unfamiliar with my work.

      • I saw the state trouble in the dreamtime starting around early 2019 withbthe convergence of cosmic and earthly cycles, economic, social political, generational etc…also the 4 horsemen now riding together. Its been a declining factor ever since too. I was told via the Spirit of G_d that america was dying but the peoples were not really aware of that fact of reality…only a chosen few were. Then after a time it became global for implacations in America’s slow death knell. See the fall of america is the fall of all the Western nations in essence…when the states fall..we all fall aka the Western nations. Now this rus/ukraine event is the start of my month long dream sequence…it intitially starts with rus and europian nations and therevus muchbturmoil there but i was given no knowledge to what that turmoil was. .just thatbpresentlynit is now definitely in play literally. The war goes global btw.
        Next i see a rus/china invasion of the usa…very very nasty…rus on east coast. ..china and nk on west coast..planes, warships, subs…the go over canada and into tgevstates. Canada was bought off a few years ago via backroom deals with china. ….and canada goes red as well thanks to stupid trudo! In the invadion of the usa dream with rus/china alliance…add in the nukes across wmeric dream where i saw around 12 nukes drtinated in mega usa cities. Add in 3 intense white flash dreams…a new type of nuke…burns everything but the buildings. Its detonated mid air and i saw one detonated over ny city on a clear cloudless day.
        Right now im getting recently a scene from the planet of the apes…of lady liberty sinking in the golf of mexico.. she stumbles at first but eventually falls in water to her head in the gulf of mexico…its a slow painful death…canada has lots of troubles too but not as severe as the usa…donno why either..but canuckastan is now controlled by china. The the scene in the planet of the apes where the one girl ape smells a human and says…’humans smell funny..yuck’! So what are we dealing with and what do the apes symbolise? China…other nations…or the fallen angels/aliens?. ..again i donno. The beginning of this long dream sequence is very much in play now tho! Htw the liberty drowning in the Gulf scene..if i remember right its at the beginning of that movie. .so many things still to play out here. So a heads up… seek G_d and jesys and enquire. All i do know if that this war becomes global…hm..ww3…and is very very nasty in scope.
        Next dream i got is of a celestial alignment in 2024..4 bog jovial planet in a square eiyh earyh and sun in its center and 2 donut elecromagnetic spheres intolocking….its a big marker event too. So bad… the fallen ones leave earth for another planet so they can continue their shit elsewhere. The remnant of people still alive on the earth at that time..think deagel report btw..,this remnant of people will be left on a dead/fatally dying earth on life support/icu….david dubyne of adapt 2030 channel on youtube did the homework and world history on that alignment so thwt info wad vrry hsndy fir me to get an understanding why G_d said it was very important! !!. So check out david dubynes channel about that upcoming alignment.


    • As one who was a left leaner and post experience at the state party level ’06-13 ‘discovered’ my worst suspicions regarding the glass ceiling there and the delusional celebrity worshipping as enforcement to the delusion, I give Mz. Wolf at least credit for her current efforts.
      Your indictment is more emotional sneer and snivel than it is an observation sporting a modicum of empathy and Heart meant to stimulate a more insightful view. Citique, well presented, is definitely the path to improvement though.

    • It’s nice to see you finally get it!!what your saying is what conservatives have been saying for 20 years,,the liberals have been pushing this for all these years,,you call yourself a critical thinker??? All this evil stuff has been in our schools,government, banking,judges,all the democratic leadership for ever,,Trump warned about all of this and all you did was climb on the disgusting wagon that TRIED EVERYTHING under the sun to take him come you haven’t seen this coming,,critical thinker??? Seem more like sheeple following darkness off a cliff.

    • Cognative dissesance aka the strong drlusion sent by G_d. Late last yearmi had a string of dreams since last summer…a quick summary…’the Dark Nite’ aka operation dark winter…’Global insane asylum’ aka global clown show..retards and psychos in charge…’the Great Dying’has now commensed…re 1 article on the Permian traaic period. ..before the dinos roamed the earth…95% of all life died. .2nd article… the great dying of england state region..the native indians of that region mysteriously died from an unknown virus/disease..95 % of the native indians died there and only the buildings remained when the european showed up there via sea/ship
      2022..the great ‘unraveling’ of glibal civilization..and ‘resource wars’. .it will happen very quickly and will be very very severe…economy is a biggy factor as well…. destruction of the infastructure aka buildings, way of life etc. Nothing ever goes back to normal ever again!
      Theres alot more via the dreamtime but im just postingva very basic summary tho…

  • Mainstream success such as Wolf’s leaves her unable to imagine reality. Being a celebrity is like being a heroin addict; it is a closed world of people and words. How can the world be bad if millions of faceless strangers love you? Those of us who live in reality have known this is a bad place since our youth. It’s not being a woman, or black or brown that makes it bad; it’s being Human. We are all factory farmed slaves and that’s been clear for hundreds, even thousands of of years. Johnny-come-lately Wolf gets a spotlight after a lifetime of supporting the puppeteers. Boorah.

  • As you do to the least of these, YOU DO TO ME! Everybody is least in some way (even if least likeable or least innocent).
    Ergo, everybody is Jesus.

    Everybody makes at every moment what seems to them the best choice, given what they have been given to work with (and over which “gifts” they had no choice). This story was written at the instant of creation.
    Ergo, free will is an illusion.

    Any plan that includes the phrase “people should” is a nonstarter; people are how they are. According to QIP (Quality Improvement Process) the problem is NEVER the people, it’s ALWAYS the SYSTEM. Like the Athenians of Ancient Greece, when we find we can’t trust anyone but ourselves with our well-being, WE must become the King. Here’s my suggestion: we replace representative government with direct democracy and we start getting there by creating a new style of political party that is based on making consensus (=>87.5%) decisions about candidates and legislation, employing sortition and rescission when consensus can not be reached, assembling a political juggernaut so massive that its candidates and consensus decisions are unassailable.

    Simple majority rule has led us to where we are now: taking turns enforcing left or right wing Sharia-style laws on all the infidels. Stop the madness:
    email alanforcongress@yahoo if you would like to help get the party started.

    • Though I appreciate your efforts to unravel the human self-governing dilemma, calling for such high percentages of agreement is as much hopeium as is the use of psychotropic drugs for solving internal confusions.
      The true human ‘foible’ to overcome is the psychological and emotional root cause of general social and political confusions, that of greed, avarice and fear of death.
      In the context of human interactions, free will can be defined as the choice to do that which is solely selfish or that which contributes to the general uplifting of our fellow humans…

  • no fan of Judasism [ refer to John 8:44 | 2Sa 24:1 | 1Chr 21:1 and as to why that might be – hint: Jehova isn’t GodTheFather, quite the opposite ] and no fan of LiberalWorldOrder whack jobs. No fan of the HebrewRootsMovement [ Jesus wasn’t Jewish – even the demons correctly called him Nazarene ] as TheLaw is a fabrication of Jehova ( whom Jesus explicitly called ‘TheDevil” ) & Christ consistently DEFIES the commandments & calls those condemning him for it “hypocrite”. All that said, signs of the end times include “Christians” apostatizing & Jews accepting Christ and we see here Libtard Wolf and the WONDERFULLY EXQUISITE DrZ being shining examples of the latter. Brother Nathanel – whom I affectionately call ‘BroNate’ is yet another example of a Jew who accepted Christ and is now more “Christian” than NPE lazy-ass zombies making up the bulk of the body of “Christians”. Its a sad state of affairs when I can acknowledge I’m likely not even a good person, yet rarely find folks that I feel I can look up to.

  • This seems to be a Propaganda piece against China.
    Bottom line is that We are Responsible for ourselves.
    America is full of Complacency!

  • Thank you to Naomi Wolf for her tireless effort to organize the paper work/documents that reveal the Pfizer/FDA fraud.

    I’m totally confused by evil, the devil, etc. myself, especially with the death of Dr. Zev Zelenko who has written a book on cutting off the head of the snake. Has my minimizing evil as a force been responsible for my own inability to see the full scope of what is going on?

    We do need to push for action that might not turn back evil as much as threaten it. 1. We need to push to end the 1986 Vaccine Compensation Act so that the vaccine injured can directly sue the vaccine manufacturers, the doctors, the hospitals, and the drug stores that give vaccines. This should be immediate. 2. We need to strip the CDC and FDA down to the bare minimum, and make it a criminal offense for any member to get money from drug patents, or big pharma kickbacks. 3. We need to pursue criminal charges against anyone in the government who has lied to people about the vaccine efficacy and safety. People took this vaccine with the understanding that it prevented covid. PBS should not be off the hook, it should be off the air for chronically lying to people.

    Maybe pie in the sky. These people are doing these things because they are getting away with it. They are money motivated….make them pay.

    • I’m on board with much of what you say and would suggest that you look into the Flexner Report for clarity on how the world moved into the 3 prong allopathic cure scene, cut, irradiate and administer crude oil based pharmaceuticals.
      Then find the presently robust debate happening online with regard to Terrain vs germ theories.
      The medical ‘industry’ lost Heart in the name of Golden Calf worship and in the lifetime of the boomer generation will see that all go up in some hellfire generated smoke and flames.

  • I’m a conservative but I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Naomi Wolf that this is indeed a metaphysical battle between Good and Evil and not just a partisan controversy. It has shocked me how much these evil enemies have taken over. Once we do battle, it will probably the Battle of the Ages as the evil we see (and don’t see) is so deeply embedded almost everywhere. It would take first a huge amount of repentance on our part to stop our cooperation with evil ideas and forces that allowed all this to invade us. We must not give in to fear, because that’s how they control us. We must seriously pray to God to intervene because this infiltration of evil has gone way beyond our feeble understanding and resistance. Meanwhile, we must come together to fight off this horrible evil coming upon the world for ourselves and for the sake of the younger generations coming up. It’s our duty before God to take a stand against this anti-human, anti-life Evil cabal now. The Time is now. Count me in as a soldier in this war!

  • People think with a language that was designed to govern souls. The language builders program the golem to interfere the feeling.
    The golem has three bases that make up three perceptions of truth and reality, they are ego, judgment and consciousness with three degrees of freedom and forms of night sleep that allow the imprisonment of language.
    The constant and common denominator is unity. It is the feeling that unifies the reason and logic of the word. The fear transmitted from official or alternative media conforms a Negative to be processed during sleep. At dawn the Positive is revealed that confirms and establishes the scenario and its story as true to start from there.
    Thus, they force to think from the problem instead of from the solution. They force us to defend the deception in order to maintain the sadness and suffering. Thus, they force to think in 2d from an alphanumeric network directed by an A.I. making predictable all the movements on the game board.

    The celebration begins when the funeral of the deception ends. You cry and say goodbye to the lie, to the fiction of the word. Thus the new man is born.

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