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Utah Man Knows Where Local Giants Are Buried

This interview of lifelong Utah resident, Robert Shrewsbury was posted just two days ago and it was sent to me by a new subscriber. Shrewsbury describes finding giant mummies in his youth and how he learned about the peculiarities of their tombs, which led him to the discovery of more remains and the knowledge of where still more remain buried. He doesn’t reveal the complete details, in order to preserve them but he describes the equipment he had to build to locate the caverns and burials, which took decades of research and testing.

Legends about man-eating giants are almost universal. One comes down to us in the English fairytale, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’

The Paiute tribes of Utah and Nevada have long had legends red-haired giants who lived in their region and they claim to have been at war with them for centuries. In 1883, Paiute Indian princess, Sarah Winnemucca, wrote the book, ‘Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and their Claims.’ In the book, she relayed the oral tradition of how her tribe had finally rid themselves of these cannibalistic giants by stoking and setting large bonfire at the entrance to a cave in which they lived – the same cave, which white ranchers mined for bat guano to sell as fertilizer in 1912.

These ranchers were shocked to find 7-foot tall mummies – some, reportedly wrapped-up, similarly to the mummies of Ancient Egypt. Many had shoulder-length red hair. Author/Publisher, David Hatcher Childress claims that the ranchers’ discovery led to the removal of 60 giant skeletons from the same cave of Winnemucca’s legend. The whereabouts of these remains today are not publicly known. Childress wonders, “Is there something like an archeological cover-up that has occurred here?”

Well-known author, Jim Marrs has also done some digging into the topic of giants and his research has led him to what he believes is credible information that human skeletons, up to 12 feet tall have been found virtually everywhere around the globe. In other words, there is no particular place, from where it could be said that these mysterious giants originate on this planet.

Apart from their size, these skeletons are said to appear to be human in every way. However, some are anomalous; possessing 6 fingers and six toes, or having double rows of teeth, as also noted by Robert Shrewsbury, in this video.

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