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This is the same Secret Service detail implicated by Darren Beattie in the fake “Pipebomber” plot on January 6th:

Recall that Kamala Harris curiously hid the fact that she was in the DNC building on January 6th, and it was only an entire year after the so-called insurrection that the press reported that the Vice President-elect was in the building the morning of the 6th while the pipe bomb was on the premises. Of course, as Vice President elect Kamala Harris enjoyed the protection of the Secret Service, this means that the Secret Service must have conducted a sweep of the DNC building before she entered.

According to Senator Ron Johnson, the Secret Service definitively affirmed that they swept the outside areas of the DNC building adjacent to the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking deck…

The notion that the Secret Service, the most elite protection detail in the world, swept the DNC building and managed to miss the pipe bomb is impossible to believe—either that or what transpired was such an act of such gross negligence that it is tantamount to deliberate malfeasance. Indeed, as the Google Earth satellite photo reveals, the pipe bomb was mere feet from both the entry and exit doors, as well as the parking garage, where the Secret Service claims it conducted a sweep.


From @SGTnewsNetwork (Telegram)

Kamala Harris’ Secret Service team forced to issue an apology after they broke into a salon in Massachusetts while Harris was at a fundraiser nearby.

A female agent was seen duct-taping a camera outside the business while agents picked the lock.

Once inside, the agents reportedly used the bathroom over a two hour period.

“They didn’t even have the audacity to ask for permission. They just helped themselves,” the shop owner said.

“[USSS] admitted that everything was done wrong. They were not supposed to tape my camera without permission, nor were they supposed to enter the building without permission.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • VIVA FREI GETS DOWN! From his “private office” on wheels, David reports the truth, as he sees it. I hope he continues to focus on the WEF and digs deeper to find more dirt and expose everything he finds. What a great addition it would be to FKTV to receive regular reports from him. I like his style. Good pick, AB!

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