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Universe or Multiverse

I was sorry to receive so many feedback emails from all over the world, that the great documentary on parallel universes that I’d found is not streaming from the YouTube sites outside of the US!

For this reason, I’ve chosen the best alternative that I can see and hopefully, it will play in your country.

The theory of parallel universes has been formally called the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (MWI) but as the other film emphasized, there are now astronomers, like Max Tegmark, who have their own parallel universe theories, which they seek to prove, not through scaling-up subatomic observations but through astronomical observations.

This alternative show was produced around a decade ago by NOVA and is based on the work of Columbia University physics professor, Brian Greene.

This is a topic that has been near and dear to my heart and was the subject of my first book, published in 2001, The Philadelphia Experiment Murder

Fingers crossed that this will play in your region! It covers much of the same terrain.

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