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God Bless Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, a True American Hero!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Meritocracy may have its shortcomings, the lack of meritocracy is far worse.

    Where are all the Real Leaders……surely some must exist.

    Dems and Reps…..have No Real Leaders…….

    Fictional and Comic Book Characters, appear to be the choices given to the sheep, by their shepherds.

  • I have some positivity lined up for you Alexandria, have a blessid day….
    The assassination attempt on Trump happened @ 6:11pm on 7/13/24 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump stood up with blood from his ear chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

    Trump’s Twitter cover photo is from a rally held on the pagan holiday know as Halloween on 10/31/2020. This rally is also in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Trump tweeted after the 10/31/2024 Halloween Rally:
    For the last 4 years you have seen me fight for you – and now I am relying on YOU to deliver another historic victory for our Country. A vote for me and the Republican Party is a vote for the American Dream! Get out and VOTE!
    #Election2020 #MAGA🇺🇸

    See it for yourself:


    Now lets break this down, shall we?
    Taking 6:11 and 7/13/24…
    6 + 11 = 17
    7 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 17

    When Trump had his mugshot taken, it was recorded that Trump is 6’3″ and weight 215lbs. Everyone knows this is not true.

    6 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 17

    Trump recieved a #17 instead of a #45 jersey as a gift from Alabama when they won the championship and visited the White House.

    It was reported that on July 4th Chicago had 109 people shot and 19 killed. When Trump brings up July 4th shootings in Chicago he states that 117 has been shot and 17 killed.

    During the Russia Collusion Trump stated it is 17 Angry Democrats pushing the false theory.

    There is a claim that 17 tape recordings of Biden’s bribery scheme.

    Trump’s first video on Tik Tok is 17 seconds longs. Trump’s interview with Tim Pool is 17 minutes long.

    During his 17 minute interview with Tim Pool, Trump stated that before becoming President he visited Washington 17 times.

    On May 9th, Trump was speaking about how bright his son Baron is. Baron’s age at the time is 18, but instead Trump states that Baron is 17.

    JD Vance, Trump’s pick for Vice President, served as a Senator from Ohio, the 17th state founded of the United States.

    Recently Trump has been bringing up how Kamala Harris kept saying Thank You so many times in the beginning of her DNC speech. Is it because she actually said Thank You 17 times?


    What is up with all the 17 symbolism?
    – The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q.

    Now, look at the aerial view of John F Kennedy’s memorial, what does it look like?

    During a PBS live stream on Twitter, a interesting glitch happened around the 17 minute mark:
    The above video cuts out too early, when it comes back the speaker states: nominated chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff Charles “Q”” Brown.

    Rumor has it that the Q movement is a decades long, secret counter operation against the Deep State ran by Patriots who were close to John F Kennedy and who did not believe the official narrative.

    When Trump says he is surrounded with the smartest people he is NOT speaking of the people he surrounds himself when in the White House, he is talking about the Patriots that have prepared him in the years before he became the President, the public facing spokesman for their movement.

    Another proof that this movement is many years in the making is Trump’s truth social domain was registered many years in advance back in 2011.

    17 also carries very interesting blibical meaning, symbolizing a new beginning and victory, perfection and completion, overcoming the enemy and restoring God’s perfect order:

    • Mind blowing!

      So Trump altered July 4th weekend Chicago crime statistics for 17s, strange.

      Regarding his son, it could of been an honest mistake, he wasn’t off by much about his son’s age.

      It is strange Trump gave those numbers for height and weight when being booked. No way is he that tall. He would be towering over all those world leaders and he looks heavier than 215 lbs.

      The jersey thing is also strange. Presidents always get a custom jersey with their President number on it. That one really sticks out for me.

      Very interesting post, I am going to screenshot this for now.

  • That is an amazing pic to see on the front page of Forbidden News TV! I am a big fan of Robert Kennedy Jr and Nicole Shanahan. Great people who for a very long time questioned so many things in regards to Health and look to create positive change. So many people are sick, so many people are chronically ill, so many people are needlessly suffering and go through endless doctor visits until the day they die. It is sad how the biggest profits are from those suffering the most and the solutions offered do not work.

    I am excited about this. I am also very concerned because 2024 is shaping up to be an “All Or Nothing” election and that is why RFK dropped out. The whole DNC convention was a big Project 2025 sham as if that is really Trump’s policies. I can’t believe how disingenuous the Democrats that I can’t take any promise they make, even good ones, seriously.

    Reading the comments some believe this election is a massive psy-op. Maybe it is. But I go back to 2016 and with what the original plan was I would think the Deep State would have loved to execute that one more than what Trump did during his 4 years, basically threw wrenches all over theirs.

    I am in agreement everything with Covid, warp speed, vaccines, bragging about the vaccines was not good. They, the Deep State, pushed hard and was able to shut down society and fooled so many into getting a bunk vaccine over and over. Trump questioned vaccines effectiveness and safety like RFK did before he ran for President. Covid was a big win for the Deep State, it also helped them steal the 2020 election.

    Anyways, I hope everything with Trump and RFK is not a psy-op. If it was fake I don’t think Trump would be as motivated traveling and doing so many large rallies in a day. Joe/Kamala is definitely scripted and they don’t have that type of drive, especially with the fake news covering for them.

    We as people, as a large group are not very organized. We don’t know or talk to our neighbors. We don’t work in our community and get to know local business owners. We spend too much time on screens instead of reaching out. Because of this it is easy for the powers to be to instill their will on us. If the majority obey them then it is easier for them to punish those who don’t. I urge everyone to have conversations with people around you, even if they are on the other side politically.

    You can plant seeds. Like I saw on another article someone was sharing interesting information on the benefits of Nicotine for all kinds of conditions. Now when I see someone suffering from a chronic condition I have links and resources ready to share, say, hey I watched this video, I think you should check it out, it’s very interesting. That way I am not lecturing them, but leaving it up to them.

    Knowledge is power, especially the forbidden kind! God Bless.

    • Thank you, Sweetheart! I’m so beat-up today, by all the Black-Pilling and Satanic DNC bots over at Substack that I just decided to give people what they seem to want and I lined up a bunch of depressing videos to make my readers happy, again.

      Don’t change. I am damaged. Don’t be like me.

      • Hahahahaha.

        I have found you Alexandria.

        Now I will tell you tales of “Doom & Gloom”.

        There is no use.

        Why bother?

        Just take this big fat blunt and join the rest of us.

      • Don’t focus too much on the negative Alex. Your work is loved by many. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight!

  • 2024 Election (Seletion) is One of the Biggest Psyops, in American as well as, Global History…..It is for All The Marbles on the Planet.

    It is A Shame that most People, never learned from Past Events.

    Both sides are One Entity……Agenda21.

    Following the Yellow Brick Road; Not Good.

      • I was not being critical of you so stop being touchy and irritable. I was simply telling you what I thought happened because I thought you ought to know. This has happened on your site more than once or twice recently. Now in this instance, I was mistaken and I thank you for identifying my error. We are friends, not opponents! You of all people ought to know by now that old geezers sometimes get confused by these new fangled contraptions. Sorry I got under your skin. If you don’t publish my response I understand or if you do I understand and am grateful for all you do selflessly for us all.

          • Don’t get mad – get even! I think you are getting even quite nicely. You’ve been wronged, but you are not alone. Let righteous indignation be your motivation, anger is self destructive. Nevertheless all this will pass. God bless you.

          • 🙏 I’m sorry I snapped at you but you accuse me of censoring you at least once a week and I NEVER HAVE!!!

    • As WAS my comment. Humble and honest, I’m an AMERICAN looking to speak somewhere, thought provoking and honest and stating something obvious for people who either watch TV or for people suffering from cognative disonance / mind control. My comment was not offensive either

  • this is how one BUYS more ‘voters’, useless eaters who are dumb enough to believe all pol-I-tic-I-an-S…
    Just read the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ and you will know who are they who go and bend in front of the stone wall, who protect Israel by ALL MEANS, who do what ‘they say’, even if it means ERASING the entire HUMAN GENOME, originally GOD created, and now no more, JD Vence labs created….. What an infinite collection of evil.

    • Weren’t you on here a few weeks ago, screaming that RFK Jr was the only choice?

      This is the Black Pill line, coming out of Communist garbage rags, like VeteransToday and also spewing relentlessly from other Satanic Fellow Travellers.

    • Being an Ignorant Hater, is something that you were taught.
      If you can think for yourself, look around and wake up.

      Protocals of Elders of Sion……Sion is a Swiss Canton, were the Templars wrote these pages For and About Themselves….Russia then counterfeited them to Zion.
      Learn about Reality then pull your head out of, where the Sun don’t shine.

      Everything in your life is about an Ignorant Hate… are a Fool.

      You are voting, so how good can voting really be, when politicians are supposedly put in office, by people like you?

        • You are the Tin Man, Looking for a Brain; you missed your turnoff; Dummy.
          Go back on the highway, to the day that you were hatched.

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