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    Alexandra Bruce
    June 21, 2015

    In November 2001, Graham Hancock set about to film a documentary that may tie the mythologies found in virtually every ancient culture,. of a Great Flood, which Hancock suspects refer to the era at the end of the Ice Age, when melting glaciers cause sea levels, worldwide to rise four hundred feet (122m).

    A maverick of an emerging discipline called Geomythology, author-filmmaker, Graham Hancock has created a vast body of compelling work, over the course of his successful career, indefatiguably showing us the links between ancient flood legends and their corresponding archeological remains.

    He has long championed the idea that there were highly developed civilizations prior to the end of the Ice Age. Moreover, that these may have been global in scope, much like ours today.

    In this episode of ‘Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age,’ Hancock travels to Southern India, on the heels of the discovery, in July 2001, of two cities off the coast of Gujarat, whose layouts resembled those of the ancient Indus Valley cities, like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

    The difference was that these enormous cities were discovered 120 feet (37m) deep in the Arabian Sea, each roughly the the size of Manhattan, in an area which Ice Age science demonstrates were last seen above land 6,000 to 7,000 years ago.

    A sample of wood excavated from a structure built there has been carbon dated to 9,500 Before Present. That’s 4,500 years *before* any of the ancient cities of Mesopotamia and Egypt were built. Samples of the artwork found there indicate that they pre-Harappan, leading Hancock and NIOT’s Dr. Badrinarayanan to suspect that history will have to be re-written. Human remains include a jawbone and some vertebra.

    Hancock asks, how long would it have taken a civilization, which was already here, 9,500 years ago to have developed, to the degree that they could even build cities of such sophistication, with running water and sewers, etc.?

    Hancock suspects that we could be looking at the remains of cities, which may have their origins in a civilization that goes as far back as 12,000 years ago.

    He states finally, that if we take the ancient legends and don’t write them off, as so many archeologists do, then they can take us towards new discoveries, which can re-write history.

    Sadly, these amazing discoveries (and the process of shoot, itself) have been overshadowed in the Western press, not just by 9/11 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but also by the orthodox views of academe and religion.

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    Alexandra Bruce

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