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Ultimate Crisis Actor

There’s a vast YouTube genre of cynical “crisis acting” compilations made from the spate of mass-shootings over the past decade.

This video is a bit different and it’s particularly well done. It shows a degree of sophistication to the growing disaffection of a discerning public in regards to some Fake News propagated by the Mainstream Media.

It purports to be an audition tape posted by a professional actor, offering his crisis acting services to the “Globalist Elite”. He starts out:

“Are you an elite (sic)? Are your staged attacks not going as planned? Are your globalist agendas failing because you’re using sub-par crisis actors? Well, then look no further! Hi, I’m Harrison Hanks, the Ultimate Crisis Actor.”

What’s quite jaw-dropping, here is how right he is about the incredibly poor quality of “acting” that we see in actual CNN broadcasts. Harrison Hanks’ acting is FAR more believable than that of the official actors (or victims, depending on who and what you believe).

“Tired of green screen mishaps and disappearing noses?” He asks, “Me too! I’m green screen-ready, bonded and insured. I can morph into a thousand different faces. I offer reasonable rates – and I have no conscience!

“From homeless to police officer, from doctor to witness to your ace card: the grieving father, you can count on Harrison Hanks to push through your agenda.

“Regain their trust. Call Harrison Hanks for all your crisis needs.”

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