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UK Helped Obama Wiretap Trump? Insider Explains ObamaGate Sedition


I’ve been sitting on this explosive story for days, waiting for another shoe to drop but the legal consequences are so immense that it could take some time for this matter to either be made into a massive legal case or else be made to disappear, as so many Deep State crimes do.

This much is known: In June 2016, the Obama Administration filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several of his advisers. The request was denied.

In October 2016, the Obama Administration submitted a narrower request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. Although no evidence was found, the wiretaps continued.

That the Obama Administration monitored an opposition party’s Presidential campaign, using the surveillance powers of the Federal intelligence services is kinda Banana Republic, but it’s not illegal. However, if Obama or his surrogates shared this information with members of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, that would be a violation of many laws and the grounds for a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) case, which would result in life-sentences for those convicted.

I had a lot of choices as to which clip I’d run, to best crystallize this story. I could have run the RT interview of Larry Johnson, retired CIA and State Department official and his authoritative views on this subject. Instead, I chose the funnier one, which includes the full RT interview. YouTuber, Barry Soetoro’s humor may not work for everyone but I’ve decided to take a lighter tone about the dark dealings in which we find ourselves mired.

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