It’s been revealed that at least 3 of the 5 coupist regiments of the failed coup attempt in Turkey are part of NATO’s Rapid Deployable Corps, according to a detailed report by Christiaan Triebert posted to the open-source, citizen journalist website

One of the groups of plotters used a WhatsApp group chat to coordinate its efforts, naming the chat group after the NATO corps’ slogan, “Peace at Home, Peace in the World”. All of this is now a matter of record and it’s been translated into English. In addition, the posts have been cross-referenced with photos posted to social media sites, confirming the exact Turkish Army brigades involved in this part of the failed operation.

According to Newsbud’s Sibel Edmonds, the intercepted communications expose the infiltration of the CIA-Gülen network within Turkey’s police force and show that the coup was staged by the CIA, in partnership with NATO. Edmonds estimates that over the past 20 years, 20% of the military has been infiltrated by the Gülen Movement and a whopping 70% of Turkey’s police forces. Edmonds doubts that any of these discoveries will be reported by the Western Mainstream Media.

Instead, following the lead of NBC during the night of the coup, several of the most important news outlets in the US and in the UK falsely reported that President Erdogan had fled Turkey and was seeking asylum in Germany, in what Edmonds calls a classic PsyOp to demoralize the Turkish people. Edmonds says that this implicates NBC as a co-conspirator in the failed coup.

Edmonds is leading a call for NBC to come clean about their collusion with the CIA and NATO in propagating this psychological operation, organizing an Occupy NBC gathering in front of their New York City headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Plaza this coming Thursday, July 28, at 9:00 AM. If anyone reading this is planning to attend, she asks to please confirm by emailing: and to join Newsbud’s #ConfrontNBC Campaign on Twitter.

Iran-born Edmonds, a former FBI translator who is fluent in Turkish, Azerbaijani, Farsi and English is half-Turkish and lived there prior to coming to the US as a student at George Mason University. Although she is not particularly pro-Erdogan, she is very bothered by this covert assault on Turkish sovereignty by the West. She notes that Turkey would have been another Libya had this coup succeeded.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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