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    By Mike LaChance
    Published January 30, 2023

    As Gateway Pundit readers know, food processing plants across the United States have been targeted repeatedly over the last two years.

    Just this past weekend, there was a massive fire at an egg farm in Connecticut.

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    Alexandra Bruce

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    • A competent administration that was not involved would have all its investigative agencies all over this. Really, all it would take is video or CCTV showing just one freaking perp doing this, which SHOULD lead to a bunch more, and eventually some entity ordering this. You’ll notice it’s always some organization and never an individual person. There IS an individual person hiding behind that organization, but how to get to him / her?

    • It’s Happening that’s For Sure.
      Was it Henry Kissinger who said: Control Oil and You can control the economy,
      Control Food
      You Can Control The World.
      Henry Kissinger said That in the early 1970s, at least that’s what articles say when researching stuff.
      It’s probably also a distraction from the Covid-19 Pandemic ,
      A war in Ukraine with Russia , which is Suspicious,
      Food shortages first by a big ship stuck in a canal for days , then the destruction of food processing plants,
      Add in either sleeper Cells controlled by
      Mk-Ultra or just false flags that are explainable and unexplainable shootings,
      They say Europe has given the go ahead green light for bugs and insects to be mixed in with certain foods, a sort of blended in technique like so ya don’t know you’re eating bugs and insects.
      High inflation, 1 article I read said: The Tech industry is having massive layoffs cause the Elites the high rollers who were investing in self-control cars and trucks Realized that’s Never Going To Be Feasible / Doable.
      So those shareholders Pulled Tons of money out of The Tech industry.
      Either way it’s A Messed Up World.
      Jimmy Jukebox,

    • Easily misled, zombified, homogenized Americans will tolerate anything, especially abuse of power as long as their bellies are full of artificial make believe food and they are entertained with artificial make believe reality!

      Fiat d’compli!

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