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Treason. Documented. – Dr Jan Halper-Hayes

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes joins Sean at the SGT Report to discuss “The Plan” and the vaunted “White Hats” – where are they?

Sean, like everybody else wants to know. He says he thinks we’re running out of time but Dr Jan insists that we’re not and that we need to let go of our expectations.

She explains that much of our bitter disappointment stems from a post-2020 Election information operation about “mass arrests” that never happened. She refers to this as a “false flag” intended for the bad guys, who needed to believe that mass arrests were imminent, in order to smoke them out – and that all that we got of it was Hopium and demoralization!

Sean says that anyone paying attention knows that the 2020 Election was stolen and that a coup took place – and it continues to take place, with the attempted C-19 genocide, the mass invasion of millions of illegals, hundreds of billions being laundered in Ukraine, $80 million of “cash shipments” being sent to Afghanistan every 10 to 14 days, ever since Taliban takeover (according to new SIGAR report), massive inflation, a ravaged the economy and the start of World War III.

Sean asks her, “Can you update the script for us, now? What is the script now? At what point are these traitors brought to justice?”

“Well,” she replies, “That’s a big question. No one knows except for the military that are read-in to the PEADS, the Presidential Emergency Action Documents. There are 7 that are non-military within that inner circle, who have specific roles that also know what’s going on.”

Once again, Dr Jan recommends that we read ‘Double Crossfire’ by AJ Tata, saying that it gives many clues as to what was going on behind the scenes. Brigadier General Tata (Ret) was the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for Chris Miller while the latter was serving as Acting Secretary of Defense during the final three months of the Trump administration, after Trump fired Mark Esper.

Dr Jan has repeatedly said that Tata is probably one of only 7 people not currently enlisted in the military who is “in the know”.

She says, “If you want to understand the machinations that go on behind the scenes and you want to see an incredible outcome that has similarities to what we’re hoping for – and his antagonist is a woman who becomes a senator. We’re not quite sure if he likened her to Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton but she was running for president and is determined to kill the President, the Vice President and the Speaker of the House so she can move into the presidency.

“So, that’s the most I’m going to tell you about the book. But what happened, in my recommending it was I got a text from General Tata and he said, ‘Thank you, someone passed your interview on to me,’ and I responded, ‘How are your worldwide sales going?’ and he said, ‘You’ve broken the supply chain, they’re having to go into a second printing!’ And three days ago, I got a text from him saying that it’s now going into a third printing. Even he has said there is a non-fiction story within the story.”

Sean then asks her if there will be an election in 2024?

She replies, “We’re all worried about that. We have generals giving interviews, saying they don’t think there will be an election. I don’t have credible information to say anything definitive but what I do know is that there have to be more truths that need to come out before we get to any election in the future – and I do know that the truth will be coming out.”

Exasperated, Sean asks her, “When in the world is that going to happen? Is it going to happen before the 2024 Election?”

“Well,” she replies, “it has to happen before the 2024 Election and if it doesn’t, then my guess is we will not go to a 2024 election. I think there are a couple of things that need to happen. I had thought that Sidney Powell was going to bring the Kraken in her lawsuit in Georgia.”

The Kraken, according to Jeff Prather, is “A counterintelligence, counterinsurgency tool that is able to track the vote-switching. It’s not recorded, you have to get it in realtime…the Kraken is actually the algorithm that does that.”

“But,” Dr Jan continues, “I always have to say to myself that there’s a reason that that is part of the strategy. But if you think Donald Trump will not allow this to come out – just keep in mind, we’re a by-product of 1871 and losing our sovereignty.

“Without going into all of that, the main reason we lost our sovereignty was because of the Treaty of Washington of 1871, which put us under the control of the City of London and the Vatican Bank.

“The agreement that we had to make was that the US would be the military arm, the City of London the financial arm and the Vatican, the banking arm. Because, all three: the District of Columbia, the City of London and the Vatican City are states unto themselves. They are sovereign entities unto themselves.

“Now, what happened was that within that Treaty of 1871, the fact was that, although Britain said that they had been neutral during our Civil War, they weren’t neutral, so it then had to be litigated in an international court. And that meant we had no sovereignty but it also meant that every other nation – if it was a problem between two nations – would be resolved in the international court. And that part is very important to keep in mind.

“It has taken them all of these centuries, decades, decades, decades, leading to centuries to cast their net far and wide. If they have been able to be this patient to implement every bit of turning us into debtors, stealing our soul, taking our sovereignty away – then, just because we became more aware of all of this in a very short amount of time – if Trump can be patient and play those chess moves, we have to find that patience within ourselves.”

Sean then asks her about the war in Gaza that’s spreading to the entire Middle East and how we’re being forced to pick sides. Sean says that in his opinion, even if the official version of what happened on October 7th is 100% true, it does not warrant the unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people.

Dr Jan reminds us that in the 1993, then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat signed the peace treaty known as Oslo Accords. Shortly after, Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli “right-wing extremist” and she says that neither Benjamin Netanyahu or Ehud Barak who served as Prime Minister afterwards has ever wanted peace.

Dr Jan says, “Given Netanyahu, how obviously crooked that he is – that’s been exposed so many times – how does he keep getting re-elected or dropped into that? When Netanyahu first took over as the Prime Minister of Israel, there was a meeting and it was: King Abdullah of Jordan, Arafat, Clinton, the four of them and Dennis Ross sitting at the table. And King Abdullah [she means his father, King Hussein] turned to Netanyahu – and I don’t have it verbatim – he basically said, you are a pompous, young, little ass who does not know what he’s doing and shouldn’t be in that position. Clinton, at one point, as negotiations continued at Camp David had to tell Netanyahu off, as well.

“So, this has been going on for a very, very long time and I keep asking, ‘Who is the puppeteer – or puppeteers – of Netanyahu? Why have they brought this, at this time?’ Because they’ve brought religion into it. And when you bring religion into something, it’s not firecrackers, it’s dynamite.

“They are trying to keep us divided. If you’ve read the Rockefeller Technology Report of 2010 – and Kissinger’s been part of that and I could go on with all the other names of these horrible, crooked eugenicists – they said specifically in there, if we’re going to have a New World Order and we’re going to get people to succumb, we need either a pandemic or a world war – and they have been working towards that.

“The pandemic failed, Ukraine-Russia did not get us to a third world war – I mean, we’ve been in a kind of cyberwar for quite some time. And now, what they did was they knew they could blow up the Middle East. And that’s what they’re trying to do – and Netanyahu is not going to pull back – and I actually think that aspects of the Cabal have always been controlling him.

“They need a war. It’s the Military/Industrial Complex. That is the way they maintain their power and control. Between greed and power, that’s all they care about. They were born without a heart.”

Sean says that when he thinks of Israel, he thinks of the Rothschilds and a December 2012 cover of the family’s publication, The Economist, entitled a “Rough Guide to Hell”, outlining the Seven Deadly Sins and all of these captured politicians – featuring the Devil, himself, in charge of the Climate Change.

“And right up here,” he says, pointing just below the headline, “we see Hamas on a paraglider, with Netanyahu on a paraglider! I mean, you can’t make this stuff up, Doc!”

“You can’t!” she nods in agreement. “And that’s why it’s so important to not just respond to what is happening in the moment. But to have things like that! That came out January 2013. That’s 10 years ago and it’s not that this information hasn’t been shared with us. It’s just a question of the minute people get an inkling – then, that Mainstream Media comes in and suppresses it.

“I mean, David Rockefeller has literally said, ‘We have had the media under our control, to do and say what we want them to say. So, between the CIA and the Mockingbird Media and the Cabal – the people that have the money and pull the strings – they haven’t minded that something leeched through but then, what do we have that the CIA did? Oh, it’s a ‘Conspiracy Theory’.

She says the CIA has succeeded in brainwashing people into automatically negating anything labeled by them to be a “Conspiracy Theory” – although their minions claim that this is yet another “Conspiracy Theory”!

If we do not have a word for a crime, it is very difficult to discuss it, especially if we are discredited and ostracized as “conspiracy theorists”, thereby preventing rational discourse and rational thinking. Australian professor, James Rankin suggests that we implement the term, “state crimes against democracy” to avoid this pejorative label.

Sean says that it’s since come out that the the CIA was involved and the Mossad was involved in the JFK Assassination, and that there was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. He notes other state crimes against democracy that are currently labeled “Conspiracy Theories”, which include:

• The theft of the 2020 Election
• “Climate Change”
• The 7-hour stand-down on October 7th that allowed the Hamas attack on Israel
• 9/11
• The 1910 meeting on Jekyll Island to form the Federal Reserve, which passed in 1913
• The eugenics conspiracy to create a bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine

“The conspiracies are all around us,” Sean says, “And those of us with the ability to see and think are calling them out. We’re damned sick of all of it, Dr Jan.”

“We are!” she replies, “How about the inauguration?…I was on BBC Radio, even before the inauguration was supposed to start and I, on my computer had Fox geared-up, because I was going to watch it, because I don’t have a TV…so, it started in the UK and I said, ‘You know what? It hasn’t started in the US but go ahead, play it, I can hear it.’ 

“Five minutes later, in the US, the inauguration started! I had been told days before that it had been pre-taped – and then, of course, there are different filmmakers that have analyzed it very well and if it had been a very good producer with a good team, they would have made sure, after every cut that the right people were still in the right place. Jill Biden changed her shoes, I’ve got pictures of that. Then, if you take it back, you know there were hardly any people there.

“Why else do you think Donald Trump called out the National Guard? People thought it was Nancy Pelosi that had them put up that fence around, because they thought that people were going to do something awful to Joe Biden. No. That wasn’t it.”

As for Joe Biden, she says, “I don’t know if it’s really him, because even when he went over to Israel, did you see that mask coming off?”

Sean asks her to elaborate on how Biden – or his rubber-masked effigy – is only the President of the bankrupt 1871 USA Corporation.

She says, “He continues to renew all of President Trump’s Executive Orders. Can you imagine, when that sinks in to the liberals? That all Biden has done is reinforce, by renewing Donald Trump’s Executive Orders?

“We know, with that pile he was signing, it was all blank pages. [Debunked by Snopes, natch]. Oh! First day in office, 18 Executive Orders, yeah, huh. Right, because they have to keep the façade up.”

Sean can’t contain himself and practically explodes, “How much longer are they going to be able to keep the façade up?…As this great awakening takes hold, and Americans lose faith in their Federal Government – I mean, complete and total loss of faith – in this government, whose only job, Thomas Jefferson said is to protect our liberties. This Federal Government is doing absolutely everything to destroy our liberties and our security. How much longer can this charade go on?”

He continues, “Sometimes, I point to Ceaucescu in Romania, that dictator who was still in power with his wretched witch of a wife – they were in power 6 hours before there was a coup, a military coup and they were executed for their crimes.

“How much longer can this charade go on? Because, this administration is literally destroying this country, every single day and red-blooded Americans are damned well fed up. We are a peaceful people but we are fed-up.”

“Well,” she responds, “we’re fed-up because we’re finally opening our eyes to it and that’s important to consider but there are a lot of people who haven’t opened up their eyes and until they’re personally impacted – and I can’t take credit for this thought, I have to give it to Ann Vandersteel. She told me, ‘Jan, it’s going to be financial. When it hits them in their pocketbook, that is when the sleepers will open up their eyes.

“I kept thinking, as I said earlier that it was going to be Sidney Powell bringing the Kraken or it was going to be the Georgia cases. No. For the Sleepers – often referred to as the ‘Normies’ – more and more are going to wake up when it hits them in the pocketbook.”

And this is starting to happen, as Zoomers realize that the American Dream of owning a home and providing for a family are no longer in reach in America.

“When you think about what is being stolen from the young people – and, ‘don’t worry, you won’t own anything and you’ll be happy!’

“Excuse me? Klaus Schwab, where are you coming from? Living in your mansions with all of your money controlling the Davos crowd?

“It’s an assault on our sanity and our soul and the fact that we have been able to hold onto our sanity and to cut through it – anyone who sees through it, they need to do more than give themselves a pat on the back, they need to appreciate the fact that they’re seeing reality.”

Dr Jan rails against the educational system that has ruined critical thinking, causing liberals to believe that things are self-evident, simply because they feel it.

She says, “When all of those Safe Spaces started opening up, it infuriated me, because I had a child who was that age and was going to be going to those universities and how they could deprive these young people of having an ability to deal with adversity and to develop a resilience in dealing with conflicts that come every single day in life.

“These people in our universities and other educational systems that are absolutely destroying the soul, the character. They’re not giving them the right skills to survive.”

She tells young people to read the first sentence of the book, ‘The Road Less Traveled’. They don’t even have to read the whole book. The first sentence reads, “Life is difficult”. She says, “Once you get that, then you’ll stop with your idealized thinking…We have deprived young people of those skills.”

Sean then gives her the floor to address her detractors and any advice she may have for those who would like to get active and help take our country back.

She says she doesn’t like to give hope, because she doesn’t know any more about the “who”, the “when” and the “how” that anyone else knows. “But what I do know is that the most important thing is that my interview going viral on GBNews, what it did was give hope – it actually wasn’t hope, it gave them validation that they were seeing things correctly. And if you have that and hold onto that, that is one of the most important things.

“The way that I try to give a metaphor to people is that our intuition and our physical reactions to things are always right and always with us and that we can either use our brains to mind-F ourselves or challenge ourselves or doubt ourselves.

“But if you think that our intuition and our physical reactions to things are like the car: the car is put-together, it’s solid, it knows how to run and the driver gets in and the driver has to decide, ‘Am I going to start the car? Am I going to wash the car? Am I going to turn right? Am I going to turn left? Do I have to put it in gear. What do I have to do?

“We have rational capability – but use that rational capability to gather the information. When I would train executives in how to understand their feelings, I would end up saying to them – especially the financial ones – that it’s like working capital. You know working capital’s on the balance sheet but it’s an intangible. You know it’s there and you know you can use it. You have to trust yourself.

“Now, do I believe we’re going to have a 2024 election? I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t. I know that some things need to happen. I know that I have incredible faith in Donald Trump – and the reason I have faith in him is because if you go back over his interviews, go back to 1980, when Rona Barrett asked him if he would ever consider giving up his life to run for president and he said he didn’t think people were ready to hear the truth. Instead, they needed a brainless idiot who would have a smile on his face and tell them what they wanted to hear.

“And then, if you go to his Russert [interview] in 1999, when he defected from the Republican Party and was joining the Reform Party and he was asked if he was going to run and he said, ‘Only if I know I can win.’

“But also, within that, it’s a 25-minute interview and his analysis of what was going on in the world shows you his thinking and that he [Trump] sees things before other people see them.

“Anyone who wants to criticize him for how he behaves or what – you know what? I don’t care. He doesn’t care. He’s not asking you to a diner party, all he’s doing is try to save the country, so get over your personal judgments and everything else, because it’s ridiculous and it’s waste of your emotion and your judgment, because why are you needing to be judgmental and not look at what he has accomplished and can accomplish going forward?…

“Let me say it as explicitly as I can: This whole 1871 thing – it started way before then. It started back in 1066, when William the Conqueror gave the City of London their own charter – and power of those bankers.

“If they were working on it that long and Donald Trump only came in in 2016 and the military finally had the right fighter, let’s cut out the impatience and let’s look for the signs of progress, because we’re going to get there.

“And the last thing I will say is that I know we’ve thrown around ‘Let go and let God’, but this whole experience has made me even more appreciative of what that means, because I can’t control things but I have an incredible faith. People that don’t have a faith, there’s the Alpha Course, that my church here started, that’s in a 120 countries,, I highly recommend that you look it up, because it will help you get to faith. We have to believe that something bigger than ourselves is also going to make things right.”

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