The transgender movement has conquered America life. In a new short film, Christopher Rufo explains how this Maoist movement gained power and connects the dots between its key intellectuals, billionaire benefactor and large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto.

Rufo is brilliant. Here are some of his key quotes:

“There’s something important to understand, here. The transgender movement is inherently political, using the construction of personal identity to advance a collective political vision.

“Some trans activists even believe their movement represents the future of Marxism…’Our challenge is transsexualizing our Marxism. We should think of the project to communism in our time…as including the transition to new communist selves, new ways of being and relating to one another.’

“This is the great project of the transgender movement: to abolish the distinctions of man and woman, to transcend the limitations established by Creation, to hitch the personal struggle of trans individuals to the political struggle of Revolution. All of society must be reorganized to affirm their identities and more importantly, their politics.

“But the most revealing surgery performed by Dr Peters and his colleague is known as ‘nullification’. In this procedure, doctors perform a castration or a vaginectomy on the patient, then create a smooth, continuous skin covering, from the abdomen to the groin, reducing the genitalia to nothing.

“This barbaric procedure is the perfect symbol for the ideology, itself. Nullification is the pursuit of the Latin, nullum, meaning ‘nothing’ and that is exactly where trans ideology ends: a profound nihilism that denies nature and enables barbarism in the name of ‘progress’.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Well, Well, Well!!!

    I had deduced on my own that the transgender movement was a hate movement, and now this character Susan Stryker tells me it is by its theoretical nature.

    This is not the vindication I expected but I will accept it.

  • I think it goes further back than the 1980’s. Read Daniel Paul Schreber “Memoirs of My Nervous Illness”. This is set in 1884, a true story of one mans life. Freud, Jung, Canetti established this book as a key text for students of psychology…read this book! It is great ammunition for those who wish to fight this mental illness (transgenderism) that plagues America!

  • Vax installs mac address. There is indestructible synthetic biology hydrogel and quantum dots in everyone- the abomination of desolation that can only be destroyed by fire- lest no flesh be saved. It grows with/ from frequencies. Quantum dots computers form 3rd strand DNA and can be targeted with frequencies for mind/ body control. There will likely be another vax to get mac addresses in all and finally a MOTB CHIP ROUTER IMPLANT. The quantum dots also known as luciferase can be programmed to go there where you become lucifers race. No repentance no free will. A mind controlled zombie cyborg slave G host in S hell in the satanic AI beast system. In the demonic quantum realm.

    • That mac address thing does not have scientific sufficient evidence.
      You can’t just refer to 1 or 2 stream videos or papers and assume that it’s actually happening to general population.

  • The other day I was thinking of the word NEUTER but nullification is better. And dissociation of Identity. transautogynephilia is pleasure changing ones sex. so its like loving your altered split self. sounds like word nephilim

  • The greatest victory of the transgender movement, in the eyes of the parasites that possess these tortured bodies, is that they have succeeded in convincing Humans to kill THEMSELVES, and to do so in the most barbaric way, while still keeping thoses bodies at their disposal for further use.
    The parasites see this result as a testimony of their total might on Man kind.

    They certainly intend to weaponize these dead walking bodies against natural Humains in all possible ways.

  • Of course Marxism is all about the destruction of natural order for the purpose of establishing their un-natural artificial order.

    All this tinkering with nature in its many forms will in the end, end nature and natural mankind. That is the obvious end game. That’s why we are being challenged by new world order specialists who want us to consume their artificiality in its many manifestations. “Trust the science” is their mantra and…. god!

    Its most powerful artificiality has already succeeded in subduing masses of humans. Today it’s their manifestation of artificial visual reality known as the visual electronic media. Nothing new there, many previous generations have been mesmerized and subjugated by artificial religious visual representations that modern clergy call art and ceremony.

    Unless humans refuse to submit to artificial visuality, they will be seduced by it! That you can take to the bank!

    You can also take history to the bank. As soon as these new world order missionaries get the upper hand, they must of necessity exterminate all true historians and intellectuals who expose these despisers of nature as created and nature’s Creator with reason and records.

    • Yes and No. To your question: Are we the last living souls ?
      The Clock is ticking closer.
      They say by 2030 a Pledge will be Required to Enter new world order.
      They say this law and that law takes away our rights depending where ya live.
      Robert Steiner mentioned in 1909 about 1 day it will happen about the Soul. With assiantance from a Jab.

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