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TOTAL IMMUNITY: Here’s How They Get Away with All Their Crimes — Corey Lynn Interview

Since 2020, we’ve all been wondering how the perpetrators of the COVID genocide pulled it off and how do they remain above the law and not be brought to justice?

Investigative journalist, Corey Lynn of joins Seth Holehouse of Man in America to tell him about the legal loophole that has been allowing this, namely, the International Organizations Immunities Act, which was signed into law in 1945, just as several of these Globalist institutions were being set up in the first half of the 20th century (the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the UN, etc).

The International Organizations Immunities Act confers diplomatic immunity to these international organizations, their property and assets and they enjoy immunity from lawsuits and “every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments.”

The International Organizations Immunities Act grants these Globalist organizations immunity from search and seizure of assets, examination of finances and exemption from all taxes.

Their officers are exempt from legal suits or any other legal action in regards to their work activities and furthermore, this diplomatic immunity extends to all of their employees and family members.

This is the mechanism by which the Clinton Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society foundation and the International Organization for Migration and hundreds of other NGOs are able to commit crimes against America with impunity.

This is same legal architecture, a century in the making, that gave us the worldwide Lockstep COVID Hoax and that indemnifies the genocidal perpetrators from prosecution.

The US Secretary of State has the authority to rescind these privileges and immunities but we know that Tony Blinken is not going to do that, so Corey Lynn would like to see Congress repeal the International Organizations Immunities Act, because this law is only being used for corrupt practices and to launder money. She advises us to call our Congressional representatives and tell them to repeal it.

Corey Lynn lays out how in the early 20th century, the Cabal began to construct the most elaborate enslavement system this world has ever known; a system that would enable them to own the world, hold all of the power, create and hoard all of the money and keep everyone disinformed with propaganda – while, at the same time giving themselves full immunity, allowing themselves to operate entirely outside the law – and to do all of this by stealth, so that their victims (you and I) would not know that any of this was happening until it was too late.

She begins:

“Going back to 1913, we have the creation of the Federal Reserve and then, in 1930, the Bank for International Settlements [BIS] was founded…and then, in 1944, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is the World Bank, that was founded.

“So, if we look at October 29, 1945, you have Rep Robert Doughton, who was friends with Truman, he introduced the International Organizations Immunities Act to Congress. Coincidentally, that’s the same day the UN officially began operating. And then, two months, later, December 27, 1945, eleven European countries signed the…articles of agreement [to form the World Bank]. Two days later, December 29, the US signed the International Organizations Immunities Act into law.

“So basically, they formed the UN – this is all under the guise of ‘peacekeeping’ after World War II and now, we have to immediately implement these privileges and immunities…and so this passed through Congress and what happens is the President, by Executive Order can designate an international organization with these privileges and immunities.

“So, of course Truman kicked this off on February 19th, 1946. He began dishing out immunities which…the first ones to get it were the UN, World Bank and the OAS [Organization of American States]

“So, September 1994 is when the BIS board the first BIS board meeting happened after the Federal Reserve finally purchased shares into the BIS system – this is what kicked off the central bank system on a global scale.

“So, we have multiple things going on, here. We have the Bank for International Settlements, which has 63 banks and they also have the insurers underneath them. They have immunities and privileges and when banks are operating and doing functions with BIS that extends. Based on the language on their own site and their own documents, those immunities would extend to them.

“So, keeping that in mind, now you take the treaties – there’s multiple layers to this – so, now, you take the treaties, because BIS, the UN and OAS are your three Top Dogs, as far as the level, the amount of privileges and immunities that they have through treaties.

“So, you’ve got treaties, you’ve got headquarters agreements and it’s layers and layers of protection. So, with the International Organizations Immunities Act, whereas that was passed in 1945 in the US, everyone needs to look up in their countries…you’re going to find in dozens and dozens of countries, they have an overlap of many of these organizations.

“So, we gave out 76 organizations, 22 of which are the UN and then there’s…5 or 6 arms of the OAS and then, the rest is a mixture and we could list some of those off…but all of these were given these immunities and privileges throughout time through various presidents all the way until you got to President Trump. So, President Trump and President Biden – if we want to call him President – have not given out and designated this to any other organization…

“They built this massive network, this global web where these people are walking around with total immunity and privileges…

“The WEF, the World Economic Forum, I look at them more as the strategists and the marketing. They’re the ones who get together and they strategize and they come up with the budgets and they come up with the plan and they tell everyone how to move money and move stuff and then, you’ve got the UN arm and they’re moving money through these central banks…

“As an example, just all the money that’s gone to Ukraine, when the Republicans are saying, ‘Well, we’re demanding that we want a breakdown, we want proof of where this money’s gone and where it’s been spent. Well, so I’m looking into this and half of this is being funneled through the World Bank, who has privileges and immunities – so you’re never going to get it out of them – and the other half has gone through the DoD and everything’s redacted and they won’t even show – under Foreign Aid, when you look that up, everything’s just redacted and they won’t even show where it’s going.

“We see this time and time again and what’s really concerning is, with the UN and the Organizations of American States, they have, in their treaties…immunities can extend to those that are working with them and through them.

“So, now, you start looking at the hundreds of NGOs – like the Clinton Foundation, for example – and you look at the work they’ve done, which is always in conjunction with the UN – an arm of the UN; they’ve got like 22 arms – and there you go.

“Under the organization of American States, they’ve done work with Facebook, they’ve gotten involved with elections, Microsoft – they get involved with all of them – and then, they have these NDAs.

“So, the documents are all inviolable. The finances are inviolable. And with their headquarters agreements, let me just read you – this applies to both the UN and the OAS…’No Federal Officer of the United States, with administrative or judicial, military or police may enter UN headquarters, except with the consent of and under conditions agreed to by the Secretary General of the Organization.’…

“‘The international organizations, their property and assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy the same immunity from suit and every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments, unless the organization waives their own immunity’ – which they don’t do…

“So, we have immunity from search and seizure of assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, all archives are inviolable, they have exemption from property taxes, Internal Revenue taxes, communications, taxes, taxes on transportation on persons or property, Customs duties, admission of officers’ employees and their family members without checks from Customs.

“‘Officers and employees are exempt from legal suits or any other legal action in regards to activities related to work. Officers and employees are exempt from income tax if they are not US citizens or are both a US citizen and a citizen of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. Officers and employees and members of their immediate families, other than nationals of the United States require no alien registration or fingerprinting or registration of foreign assets.”

Seth says that Part Two of this interview will be published in a couple of days.

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