
Here are some of the top reasons why Greta Thunberg is a pawn and a fraud, manufactured by PR firms and used by an army of Globalist climate change alarmists that seek to gain more financial and political control by claiming that an “irreversible chain reaction” will set off the end of civilization 10 years.

The weaponization of this autistic child is hard to watch. Swedish child protective services have been alerted to her case and are taking it very seriously but Greta has not returned to her country. Allegedly, this is because she refuses to fly on airplanes due to the carbon emissions and the million-dollar yacht that ferried her to New York has already set sail for France.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The girl looks demonic! Just look at some of the company she keeps- that alone should be enough to explain which side of the population she serves! Also not a bad idea to look into her father as well, after all what parent would allow their ‘child’ to navigate a huge ocean alone on a yacht, not to mention the whole thing has now been exposed as a fraud! My personal view is there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye.

  • Something is rotten in Denmark.
    > October 17 at 9:12 PM
    > Having stumbled across an interview with Greta Thunberg’s captain of the sailing vessel that brought her across to New York, I was very surprised at what he said. He was flying back to Europe from New York and 3 others were flying from Europe to New York to sail the vessel back. So that is four flights to save her one flight. Obviously a PR stunt. But it got me curious as to who the heck was paying for these flights? This is a quick synopsis of what I found out.
    > 1. She is backed by a number of Swedish/Swiss venture/vulture capital funds focused to investing in green technologies which are struggling to find companies to invest in. Most of these companies require initial government funding. The funds are owned by executives from a Swiss/Swedish industrial corporation with annual revenues of 27 billion dollars. You see their offices around Calgary as they are suppliers to the oilfield service industry as well as many others. Clearly this is a ploy to get government grants/ funding for these entities so that the venture capital funds can then invest and make a bunch of money.
    > 2. She was chosen from a number of young Swedish girls to represent their interests, trained and given information to start espousing because of course she has no scientific expertise herself. They wanted a female child as their symbol. She was the perfect spokesperson.
    > 3. A powerhouse marketing firm out of Germany was hired to design and implement a marketing strategy for her to gain worldwide attention. They did and it worked. She gained worldwide attention and addressed the UN. The 500 scientists, from around the world, who sent a letter to the UN did not gain an audience.
    > 4. She slammed my generation and generations previously. We stole her childhood. A script written for her by the German marketing firm. Her childhood is like it is because of the sacrifice of a previous generation, many of whom lie buried in fields in Europe.
    > 5. She then gets used again by Canadian political leaders for photo op’s. Shame on our political leaders. The fact that she got face to face time with Trudeau should be abhorrent to Canadians.
    > 6. She leads a school protest march in Canada, where again photo op greedy politicians, take part. Her ability to protest rests solely with the sacrifice of othergenerations, including Edith Cavell, whom she chastises. If you don’t know who Edith Cavell is – then shame on what a lark our Canadian school system has become.
    > This is what I found out. If anyone finds facts disputing this I am all ears.”
    > Bob

  • This is more child abuse by the left. If we don’t push back on this nonsense, they will continue until we are back in the dark in the name of saving the planet. The climate has always changed and always will. The ice glaciers ground out the topography of our continent. Those glaciers disappeared long before people were here to make ANY pollution. But they’ll fix it, just give them your money and power over you.

    • Looking at his parents they are a reverso couple. Her mother is an MTF and her father an FTM. Greta was born a male. They are a generational satanist family of actors who trans their kids and give them hormones which is child abuse. We are subjected to weather warfare 24/7 and sell out actwhores (compliant slave cult members) feeding us bullshit. Trannies are used in fake events, the majority of CEOs are trannies. They are everywhere, destroying life on earth.

  • Imagine those rocky mountains as waterfront property. Beautiful! If we get rid of both coasts, will there be many donkeyotes left? Let’s get warmer!

  • There may or not be global warming, but huge container ships burning Bunker C fuel contributes mightily to air pollution and perhaps is behind the acidification of the oceans. The amount of bombs, bullets, rocket, jets, tanks APC.s etc deployed in the past 30 years, mainly by amerika, has a huge impact on pollution and if there is global warming must contribute a sizeable amount of heat. It isn’t me in my Prius or you in your Maybach; so can this carbon tax theft across the board.

    • Are you serious about the Prius? Most Prius owners charge their dirty cars with the same power as everything else. Your batteries are a hazmat nightmare. Congratulations.

  • This fear of carbon dioxide that has overtaken almost all environmental organizations is very frustrating. These organizations are wasting energy that could be used to focus on re-greening and de-polluting the planet. The most concerning aspect is that they are digging their heels in and not willing to notice that there is a grand plan in action here.
    Every time there is a storm it is used as evidence of climate change. It is very easy to brainwash young people as they have not lived long enough to notice the climate cycles. At 62 years old I can already see the climate pattern here in Australia and it has not changed since I was a child.

  • Well…well…well…Mark Twain said that ” History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes “…Do you remember Nayirah ‘ testimony ‘ before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on Oct. 10, ’90…?! In her ‘ emotional testimony ‘ Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait she had ‘ witnessed ‘ Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital and leave them to die …What the very young liar ( 15 years at that time ) ‘ forgot ‘ to say was that her real name was Al-Sabah, like her father Saud Al-Sabah…the Kuwaiti AMBASADOR to the USA !!! Now another ‘ poster child ‘ for the sheeple…courtesy of the psychopaths-money-power-junkies…an autistic girl promoted as a new Messiah…If this is not child abuse, I don’t know what is !?

    • she isnt autistic she exhibits no autistic traits. And please her becoming depressed over the state of the world resulted in her becoming autistic crap from the parents.This is using a specific neurological evolutionary offshoot to excuse certain behaviour by a bunch of radicals .

  • If you tell a lie long enough, and loud enough, the sheep will believe it.
    One question, who will collect the carbon tax? Al Gore and friends?
    Be careful, the water is rising so fast. Better tell Obama to move his new house.
    Something they always leave out is that without CO2, there will be no plants, without them,
    everything will be dead.
    But of course, that, and collecting big bucks is on the agenda.
    Please, cry wolf, louder. Because, all I hear is a lie.

  • Dear Alexandra,

    I have just dowsed Greta Thunberg’s energy, and you will not be surprised to know that she is the epitome of sheer ‘Evil’!

    Hence, she is the perfect pawn for ‘Evil’ such as Soros to manipulate!

    • There is the saying, “There are none so blind as as those who will not see”. It is a pity that you too have your blinkers on. In the same breath you are you saying that Sir David Attenborough doesn’t know what he’s talking about? We have to do something now Are you any relation to the former president of the USA, he mocked her.
      We have wild fires in Australia, yes they have before, but not on this scale. Floods in this country and worse in Asia. So, you are telling me it has nothing to do with climate change. Crops are failing and thus people will starve. If you have noticed the polar ice caps are melting and if the sea should heat up by one degree, it doesn’t sound much, but one degree would see places like the Maldives would be under water. So, if you are planning to have holiday there, you won’t be able to as would not be there. Just something to cheer you up.

  • Not one mention in this video about the geoengineering and climate modification being carried out 24/7 by governments, their militaries, and corporations. Let’s get one thing straight. They will not stop what they’re doing. In fact, the weaponization of weather will increase dramatically and extinctions will rise exponentially.

  • Cold reality is that an exam of all life on the entire planet finds bubblin’ crude and it’s refined and converted derivatives at the core of exterminating all life on Earth. That introspection is what this climate change hysteria is deflectig.

    • Wholeheartedly agree.

      Air, ground and water pollution, environmental toxicity, carcinogenic estrogen-mimicking compounds, plastic garbage islands, plastic-choked waterways in the Third World: these are real concerns, not carbon emissions, as claimed by Al Gore, the Green New Deal, UN Agenda 2030 and their PR stuntgirl, Greta Thunberg.

      • Yes,…AB you are correct. e live in a petroleum matrix. Everything is connected to petroleum,….everything. You cannot name one thing that is not directly or indirectly related to petroleum. This is mainly because of corporations that now have more power than the citizens of the world. Is this a result of capitalism run amok.? Seem that way. Greta is just another one of many “useful idiots” that are being used to further the globalists agenda.

        • Not capitalism run amok but morality run amok.

          No system will run if morality is absent and today’s left politics is bereft of any morality it is simply baffling!

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