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They Admitted Social Media Is Programming Us

We’re all totally sick and tired of talking about Facebook but Melissa Dykes has done such a splendid job of taking Facebook out to the woodshed and I’ve shaved off the first nine minutes of soundbites that many of us have already seen with former Facebook top executives, Sean Parker and Chamath Palihapitiya.

The presentation begins to get very creepy when Melissa describes how her own newsfeed on Facebook seemed to attempt to coerce her into correcting her opinions. Then it gets even worse: Facebook coerced her to correct her thinking by using a dopamine-driven, social validation feedback loop!

When one considers that 2 billion people per month use Facebook and that the average person spends 6 hours per week using it, the implications for this degree of mass control are horrifying.

And it gets creepier. Facebook is currently working on a mind-reading device so that users can make posts directly from their own thoughts. We shouldn’t be surprised, as this is the panopticon-like direction that things have been going for quite some time.

To head up this effort, Facebook hired former Google and DARPA agent Regina Dugan, who proudly announced, “In a few years’ time, we expect to demonstrate a real-time silent speech system capable of delivering a hundred words per minute.”

Dugan was careful to defuse any incipient paranoia by adding, “To be clear, we are not talking about decoding your random thoughts! That might be more than any of us care to know. We’re talking about decoding those words; the ones you’ve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.” Right! Perish the thought that they would ever care to datamine your thought process – even if that’s exactly what keystroke-logging software has already been doing for over 20 years.

Meatspace has become a big data 24/7/365 lab for the tech giant minions of the Globalists. It should come as no surprise that politicians are availing themselves of these tools by hiring companies like Cambridge Analytica on the one hand, while on the other hand making a big stink about Facebook running ads allegedly bought by a pro-Kremlin Internet Research Agency.

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