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The Sleeping Enemies

Some argue that the construct of defining humans in terms of generations is artificial and meaningless but as someone who has been living at the effect of Baby Boomers (who invented these definitions) as long as I can remember, it makes sense to me.

My parents were exponents of the Silent Generation and I am an early GenX. We are the sad sacks renowned for being the first to have a lesser quality of life than the generation that preceded us. In numbers, the Boomers engulfed GenX and the Silents. Their children, the Millennials are the biggest cohort in the history of the US, notorious for taking Boomeritis to unchartered levels.

My earliest memories as a toddler are of the bare feet of hippies on the sidewalks of Greenwich Village where we lived on West 12th Street near New York University. This was when a 3rd story walk-up that today costs several millions of dollars to buy cost $75 per month to rent (!) That figure alone says a lot about the inflation of the dollar and the financialization of everything since I’ve roamed the Earth.

Today’s video is a brilliant screed by Devon Stack about the engineering of “A culture in ruins, a culture built on coping mechanisms, escapism and endless pharmaceuticals,” in the wake of 9/11.

Starting at 1:43, the video of the second plane impacting WTC #1 was taken by my neighbor from the roof of my building, one story above my top floor apartment and it’s virtually the same view that I had for 8 years.

I have had an unusual life, with a front row seat to many mass consciousness events. I always knew it was an inside job. I’d been jokingly calling my neighborhood “Ground Zero” since 1993, when I moved into what was then a cheap apartment after the first WTC bombing.

Looking at that explosion, I see the Seven Deadly Sins writ large. I see a greed for power that is unfathomable and a lust for blood that is incomprehensible. I see the wrath of an elite that hates humanity. I see the envy of those who would deprive us of our God-given rights. I see the gluttony of those who stole everything that wasn’t nailed down. I see the pride of those who think they can get away with this – and I see the sloth of all of us who allow this perverse chicanery to persist.

We are living under our fourth and final Boomer President and the third one to be born in 1946 (!) As Devon says, “The torch is being wrestled from the grip of the Baby Boomers. The summer of love that exists only in their increasingly senile minds has been exposed for the reckless naïveté and hedonism it really was. The lack of discipline and the drug-fueled devouring and bastardization of our culture at the hands of these people may finally come to an end, their power threatened by those that have resisted the programming.”

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