This clip featuring William Keyte was uploaded to TikTok by @awakenedbeinguk2023, who has a lot of very informative videos about the unusual nature of the British Union and about English Common Law.
William Keyte is an expert on Common Law, who has been appearing on The Neil Oliver Show on GBNews, talking about the concepts within English Common Law that provide for self-governance and sovereignty and how these mechanisms have been deeply-concealed from the Citizens of the United Kingdom.
The UK, itself does not have a Constitution. The Acts of Union 1707 politically joined the Kingdoms of England and of Scotland, which each have their own Constitutions, each with different legal systems. The English Constitution is based on English Common Law and the Scottish Constitution is based on Roman Law.
The political “UK Union” State, with the Parliament of Great Britain based at the Palace of Westminster is supposed to uphold and to enforce the Constitutions of both nations.
We’ve been living in a time when states have been unlawfully weaponized against their people, during which the British Sovereign just called for the abolition of sovereignty in his annual December 25th Christmas Message and for it to be replaced with Global Governance via the World Economic Forum.
In my opinion, this was a violation of his Coronation Oath and tantamount to Abdication.
In this eye-opening interview, William Keyte reveals how a mass awakening to English Common Law could change the destiny of the Globalists’ bid to destroy all the nations of the British Isles and Eire – and indeed, to destroy every nation on this Earth.
Keyte explains how, according to Common Law, that stretches back to even before the Magna Carta, back to Ancient Athens. He says, “The real meaning of ‘democracy’ is, specifically, the emplacement of a mechanism into your Constitution that allows the People, through the Jury, to be the Final Arbiter of Law.”
@awakenedbeinguk2023: Watch this.
(Roll video from The Neil Oliver Show)
Neil Oliver: And this is something that goes to the fundamental power that each of us has. Why have we all forgotten it or never been told it?
William Keyte: I think largely that’s because we’ve been – had it educated out of us. And so, we were just talking about that before and “Why is that the case?”
And I think there’s been some fun and games going on behind the scenes, because it’s not good for a political power to have a citizenry that is properly aware of its Consitutional powers, so –
Neil Oliver: But it is true, is it not, that it is the People – never Parliament – that’s sovereign?
William Keyte: Correct.
Neil Oliver: It’s always – and always not meant to be Parliament?
William Keyte: Yes. As long as your Constitution is based on Common Law, that would be described as a proper democratic constitution – not because of voting in elections – and we’ll come on about that later, because that’s actually “Adult Suffrage”.
But the term, “Democracy” actually means something else.
So, there’s another concealed, hidden mechanism within the Constitution, that’s sort of been airbrushed out of our consciousness over a long period of time.
Neil Oliver: As I mentioned and touched on at the top of the show, is the Jury. People just think, they go in there, 12 obedient people, the Judge more or less tells [them] what to do, there’s a verdict and that’s the end of it.
William Keyte: Yes.
Neil Oliver: What is the function of the Jury, really?
William Keyte: So, the Jury – we all know that the first function of the Jury, which is essentially to judge the Accused Person before the Court – but the hidden, concealed second purpose of the Jury – that’s the key – and what that is, to judge the Justice of the Piece of Legislation that brought that Defendant into Court.
So, to put that another way, you’re actually, as a Jury, judging two things. When the Defendant comes into Court, you’re judging the Defendant but you’re kind of weighing that and balancing it against the Piece of Legislation; the Statute that actually brought them into Court.
And the Jury has the right – the Independent Right – to judge the Justice of the Piece of Legislation, as well.
Neil Oliver: So, the Jury is not bound by the legislation, in any sense?
William Keyte: No. Not at all. Absolutely not. So, this is called “Jury Independence”. Now, they’re a bit coy about this and that’s why we’re not being told. It’s a very concealed concept and generally speaking, Juries are not told of their power and their right to judge the Justice of the Law. But they are absolutely, they have the right to judge on that, independently of the legislation.
Neil Oliver: So, in the last couple of years, when legislation was coming down and there were Emergency Powers and all the rest of it and we were invited to think that was an “Emergency” and “You’ll just have to do what you’re told.” That wasn’t the case, in terms of the Independence of the People.
William Keyte: Yes. Well, OK, it’s a little more complicated than that, simply because, they shouldn’t be passing legislation through Parliament, through the Legislature and there are a number of checks and balances in place, to make sure that legislation, Acts of Parliament, that are proposed through Bills of Parliament are meant to be checked first, in the Upper House and then, of course, through the Royal Prerogative.
And a lot of people get a bit fussy about the Royal Prerogative but they don’t actually realize that’s a Protection Mechanism for legislation that would be contrary to the Constitution; contrary to the liberties of the People.
Neil Oliver: We are invited, aren’t we, to think that the Crown, the Monarch is just the Figurehead –
William Keyte: No!
Neil Oliver: But that’s not – and cannot – be true!
William Keyte: No, they’re the highest-ranking public servant in the land. They’re the First Among Equals.
Neil Oliver: And whose side are they meant to be on?
William Keyte: Well, they’re meant to be protecting the People; the People’s Liberties. Yeah, absolutely, that’s the point of the Constitution – and they are The Sovereign – but they cede sovereignty to the People through that power of Jury Independence: Trial by Jury. That’s how it’s meant to work, not how it’s working now.
Neil Oliver: So, in terms of what happened, while we were within the European Union, how lawful was that; that the national final decision-making power, the sovereignty, was ceded to Brussels?
William Keyte: Completely unlawful, yeah. Absolutely contrary to the Constitution.
Neil Oliver: Do we live in – are we – is this a functioning democracy or not?
William Keyte: OK, so it depends on what you mean by the term “democracy”, because there’s been a bit of a twist in that word. And of course, we’re taught – conditioned, if you like – into thinking that the term “democracy” actually is all about voting in elections, it’s about the majority vote. And it’s not, actually. That is “Adult Suffrage”.
The real meaning of democracy is, specifically, the emplacement of a mechanism into your Constitution that allows the People, through the jury, to be the final arbiter of law.
And that tradition goes all the way back through early England, the English Constitutional Common Law, prior to 1215 Magna Carta, the late Saxon kings – into Europe, as well. Most of the European nations were functioning on Common Law, as well. And then even back to the Ancients – the Athenian Constitution in Greece.
This is something of a can of worms and I am not one to comment much on it, but William Blackstone published in the 18th century a four volume commentary on the laws of England which then became the standard.
Blackstone had defined English law as it then existed which was the culmination of centuries of experience in Christian culture that obviously shaped peoples thinking and behavior. England had led the way out of the autocracy of the Papacy which had ruled Europe since the death of Charlemagne, and had attempted to establish laws on the principles of Moses and Christ uncontaminated by either the Papacy or the Talmud. That was their intent anyway, it didn’t always work out that way.
Fast forward to the founding of America, it was against this background that our nations founders attempted to perfect Blackstone’s ambitions in a constitution, which Talmudists and scoffers in political positions have since sabotaged with secularism. Early in the 20th century American law schools threw Blacksones commentaries out of the university. Keep in mind here that American lawyering had been a kind of vocational trade, often learned at the arm of practicing local lawyers until later in the 19th century. Harvard, the greatest law school has had it’s Christian roots sanitized by Talmudic principles which check both Mosaic and Christian principles thus paving the way for secularism as a modern totem.
This is the supreme battle ground today and so many are oblivious to it. If one wishes to understand what is wrong with King Charles, this is it. He has rejected his nations roots and has ostensibly embraced the new secular world order gods, because behind every rule there is some kind of god or another who rules.