Happy Voting to all Americans reading this, who plan to do so today.

I’ll let Sean from SGT Report do the talking.

I’ve said enough. In this polarized environment, it’s impossible to express my opinion and my urgent concerns over what’s unfolding in the US Presidential Election, without receiving a lot of hostile feedback. I’m not here to make people mad at me.

I do think everyone who’s contacted me, whether in anger or in support does have the best interest of this country and the world at heart. We’re all operating with different biases and different databases and we’re doing the best that we can.

I really hope that this will be the last political video that I run for a long time.

I, for one am ready to move on. I look toward the beautiful and the interesting, to advanced technologies and to fun.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • IMHO this election was just “internal maneuvering “of cabal fractions. Killary was incarnated “evil”, however, Trump is an inexperienced politician and will rely heavily on his advisors. So the question arises-just who will they be?
    Trump has been relying on his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, for virtually every facet of his presidential campaign. Kushner helped recruit the director of communications, oversaw the creation of an online fund-raising system, helped in drafting Trump’s few policy speeches, counseled Trump on the selection of a running mate and has been putting together Trump’s transition team.
    Kushner is a real-estate developer, investor, and newspaper publisher. He is also an Orthodox Jew.
    His Father, Charles Kushner was arrested in 2004 on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering. He served 14 months in prison
    Jared Kushner was also head of the Chabad House (Chabad is an Orthodox Jewish Hasidic movement) while attending Harvard University. Please note that the Chabad and Putin are VERY cozy to this day and came into power in Russia at the same time. (Chabad-Putin, Chabad-Trump…hmmm)
    Trump’s national fundraising chairman is Goldman Sachs alumni, Steve Mnuchin. This man runs his own hedge fund and spent 19 years as CIO at the investment bank (oh, and associated with Skull and Bones). This man is eying the position of Treasury Secretary….
    There is a Jewish Organization surrounding Trump in addition to Jared and Charles Kushner, and Mnuchin. This includes:
    Jason Greenblat (top campaign advisor),
    David Friedman ( Trumps’s bankruptcy attorney and Israel advisor),
    Michael Cohen (Trumo’s special counsel and executive Vice President, primary spokesperson and personal lawyer),
    Ivank Trump (daughter and driving force behind the removal of former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski),
    Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas Sands Casino owner).
    This is extremely well documented http://redefininggod.com/ (Globalist Agenda Watch-update 23 )

    Hopefully Trump will choose carefully and well. I’m not optimistic.

  • Your a pissant he a rich phukwit that want to boast his buissness do ya think he has cared before that what a goose,Dont ya remember all these people he fird he should have offered a job,Trump said wish she wasnt my daughter,so when she was younger trump was wanking over his duaghter you phukwit.YOUR A LOSER,WHAT A GOOSE

  • I wonder if anyone would be surprised by this. If they are they need to simply look at history. I wonder how much of history is never told. The world has been ruled far longer than English has existed by the few, powerful and horribly perverted scum there is.

    If anyone thinks that this will change I got this Bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.

  • Plan B is already in place.
    After trump wins he will be assassinated within 6 months by Deep State operatives and then their real guy, Pence (Cheyney’s clone) will take over & it’s back to (war) business as usual.

  • The Clinton’s seem to have blackmail on everyone….what is going around the internet is the oligarchs are in a massive power play…each wants their horse to win…the social engineering of America is pretty much complete….Trump may win the popular vote…but it is the electoral college which will decide the winner of this horse race…and Clinton is in…the madness, absurdity, and welcome to the American horror show…time to stand for truth and sanity in an insane age!

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