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The NSA and the 9/11 Deception

This piece, by my idol, James Corbett, discusses a bold new citizen-led initiative to nullify the NSA, which is now gaining momentum around the United States:

The Plan

From archives of NSA activities, themselves, it would appear that, as far as this department was concerned, the “Enemies of the State” were less the so-called terrorists from poverty-stricken nations, half-way around the world.

The “enemies” were primarily a US public that was informed about its rights – and of NSA’s criminality.

As former NSA Executive Thomas Drake is quoted as saying, here: there were those in his office, who referred to 9/11 as “a gift”. Literally: a gift, which would give them more justification to expand their already-illegal activities, which had nothing, whatsoever to do with their mandate, which US Taxpayer dollars were supposed to be subsidizing.

Two US Congressmen, Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) are now lobbying Congress to de-classify the 28 redacted pages of the Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11.

If these redacted pages do reveal, as alleged by Veterans Today Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, that 9/11 was perpetrated by at least two foreign intelligence agencies, in collusion with the Bush (43) Administration and NOT by 19 hijackers wielding plastic box-cutters (puh-LEEZE!).

This crime was instantly blamed on Osama Bin Laden and almost immediately, a miraculously-apparitional “terrorist passport” was discovered by Bernard Kerik’s NYPD.

[Kerik now finds himself in Federal Prison, on 16 counts of Fraud, among many others – but it looks as if he will be released this coming March, after serving his 4-year sentence. But I digress…]

When we really take a look at just *who* the NSA is *really* spying on – it would not appear that they care much less concerned about monitoring disgruntled an underemployed men in the Middle East than they are about high-level, First World industrial secrets and the personal, possibly blackmail-worthy private information of the leaders of the US’ purported allies.

***But by far, the most vulnerable quarry within the NSA’s crosshairs seem to be the US populace, itself: Every godforsaken activity of every individual who has a a cell phone, computer or even the soon-to-be extinct, non-cable-provided landline – although cable-provided phones are also accepted by NSA, as well – these communications are the subjects of (some say) eternal storage in a digital “cloud”, to be accessible by some corrupt politician of the future who decides s/he doesn’t like you and proceeds to use and distort these records for his/her purposes – and if so desired, have you hauled away without due process – and even killed – as was decreed in the last NDAA by our Dear Leader, on December, 2012.***


9/11 was enabled by perverted individuals who held high positions of power in the US Government, at that time – but these “people” (if you can call them that) were the mere minions of yet more powerful entities, who would bring America crashing down, just like the WTC Towers, which were a grim illustration of a planned “Domino Effect”, which would ruin economies and Rule of Law, in countries worldwide, so that this handful of people could control everybody and everything.

(Already, the top 85 most-wealthy individuals on Earth control the equivalent wealth of the bottom 50% 3.5 billion of this planet’s current inhabitants).

SO: if we are to regain any possibility of Rule of Law, these 28 pages must be de-classified, in order that the proper entities be legally prosecuted, for their crimes against humanity.

P.S. It has been suggested by Max Keiser, the delightfully histrionic host of Russia Today’s ‘The Keiser Report’, is that the actual reason for this “dragnet”-style surveillance of the US population is less about spying on the public, in the classic, “Stasi” sense, than it is about aggregating data to input into the super-computers, which effect the High Frequency Trading within Wall Street firms, which move trades in and out of positions in seconds or fractions of a second – to be on the “right side of the trade,” literally, at every micro-moment.

In other words, in order for the US economy to show a profit, it has now been reduced to a country that can only wage war and spy on its own citizens, for the purpose of front-running the the stock market, since almost the entirety of its once-formidable industrial base has long been off-shored to China, India and elsewhere…

But, one has to admit, that the air and the rivers of the US are certainly a LOT cleaner than they were 50-100 years ago!

Americans can, at least be happy about that – and it is a good thing to be happy about, boasting some of the most beautiful nature on the planet…maybe the US will become the new Costa Rica, eco-resort dominator!

Highly preferable to waging war with oil-producing Middle Eastern (OPEC) countries, to enforce our toilet-paper-like Petrodollar, which nobody wants anymore, since we could never pay our $16 Trillion+ operational debt – from fighting with these guys…



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