This dramatic, affecting video was created by the very talented @JasonCoursey on and it combines some of the most illustrative video clips of the disturbing drama that we have lived through, in recent years.

Over the course of this time, I have posted many of the source videos of the scenes seen here, which very effectively express the nature of our national predicament.

Jason’s heart and mind are in the right place but there are flaws, particularly in the use of AI-generated computer animation, some of which jumps out as tacky – like, when the visage of Donald Trump is transformed into that of the Incredible Hulk.

That scene is silly and it detracts from this otherwise-great video, such that it may undermine the video’s ultimate impact, for some people.

Although this piece is technically well done, a seasoned sounding board on the editorial end was missing, to preclude this directorial decision, that in my opinion, prevented this video from being completely knocked out of the park – something that it almost achieved.

Regardless, I am very, very grateful that Jason made this and I do think that this piece is important enough, that it’s worth viewing and sharing – which is why I’m doing so, on USA’s 2024 Election Day!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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