Cancer researcher, Ty Bollinger speaks with Sayer Ji, lecturer and author about what cancer is and the “intelligence” of cancer cells in this teaser of their interview, which is part of Ty Bollinger’s “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” docu-series.

Sayer explains how the predominating view of cancer for the past 50 years has been the “Mutational Theory”, whereby something randomly goes “wrong” in a cell and makes it go rogue, replicating rapidly and invading tissue.

He says this has been disproven; that cancer cells appears to be “intelligent”, capable of evading the immune system by altering their surface, they can create their own enzyme to dissolve and penetrate tissue, they produce their own blood supply, they produce a hierarchical order of cells, each with its own function, including cancer stem cells, which are often not destroyed by chemotherapy or radiation.

The “Mutational Theory” model of a rogue terrorist in our body is the product of a military mindset, requiring a military-style plan of attack. Early chemotherapy protocols actually used weapons grade material, like mustard gas. The use of radiation continues, which Sayer says, “Might as well be nuclear munitions”. As in warfare, these tactics have failed to account for the collateral damage to the overall body. He says that if people understood that this approach is based on 20th century warfare, they may consider alternatives with much more interest.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I percieve two lines.
    Out of a point, into duality and into diversity, fractioning.
    Free radicals are fractions.

    Out of fractioning, into duality and into singularity.
    Now illensses, as fractions, become defracted and a process of fusion helps to become healthy.
    This finally is a process for finding eternal life.
    A breathing process is needed for supporting this proces biochemically.

  • Wrong: these “intelligent” actions are the mutations which must occur before such a cell can survive against the body’s own defence systems. One of the mutations is to regress back to an earlier stage where division is encouraged AND stem cells are generated. After all these mutations have occurred, then the cell can replicate out of control until it generates enough cells to form a detectable tumor mass or sufficient damage to a necessary life process.
    Yes, current methods of attacks on the cancer cells are bad and do NOT kill the daughter stem cells that also carry the bad mutations to cycle again. At best, they reduce the tumor size.
    Yes, natural approaches are most likely to be effective but will NOT be researched by the bottom-line medical model in use today, especially by the patent-obsessed pharma companies that cannot patent anything ‘natural’.

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